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Everything posted by Campy

  1. The income he receives from that can be intercepted. A court order can require the promoter to send his money (or at least a percentage of it) to the victims' families. For whatever reason, the families haven't pursued it.
  2. Florida's state laws protect certain incomes streams, and they do have fairly strong homestead protections, especially in the enforcement of foreign (out of state) judgments (you learn a lot about this stuff when your customers stiff you). He doesn't pay anything because it's up to the Judgment Creditors (Nichole's family) to collect and thus far, they haven't. He hasn't voluntarily paid anything because he maintains his innocence.
  3. He didn't haphazardly flip the ball out there though. He looked, and tried to get the ball away, but his arm was tied up. Once his arm was free, he saw that Willis still there and flipped it to him. Yeah, it was a loss of 3 instead of 8, but Willis slips a tackle or two and it's a long gainer. He protected the ball and made a heads-up play. If you have the opportunity, watch that play again.
  4. I'm glad you and the fam are OK Nick. Scary stuff. FWIW, you're the only person I've ever heard refer to it as a "guide" rail - I've always heard (and said) "guard" rail.
  5. And if I'm not mistaken, this was the first time all year that all 5 starters were in there. 143 yards for Willis, another what, 35-40 for Shaud, and they only gave up one sack? Perhaps the reports of our OL's demise were a bit premature.
  6. Yup, it was as bad as the flip to McGahee while being sacked was good. But I don't think anyone is expecting too much from Holcomb, or at least I'm not. But he did a great job with audibles when NYJ showed 5 down linemen, and he consistently beat their D with quick, accurate throws. Now that we're able to move the ball via the pass, we're seeing running lanes open for Willis, and that helped our O much, much more than his errant pass hurt.
  7. We post highlights and post game press conferences for every game on the Bills Backers of Virginia website (BillsBackersofVirginia.com). Click here to access our Bills/Saints Coverage page, and then click on "Game Highlights." McGee's return is about 1/3 of the way through.
  8. No argument there, but outside of those 2 runs for 90 yards, Martin didn't run roughshod all over us.
  9. Neither the team nor us fans ever said we wanted to throw a season out the window while JP developed. I think it has more to do with the unexpectedly poor play of JP than a wholesale mentality shift. Holcomb is playing fairly efficiently, we're getting the production out of him that we expected to get out of JP. That's all it is. Nothing more, nothing less.
  10. Is re-watching the games, rewinding and watching specific plays, or never missing a program you wanted to watch worth $100 to you?
  11. I didn't check the by-line, but with that closing sentence, the author must be a dude.
  12. The only time a Sabres game hasn't been shown over the past several years was OLN's fowl-up earlier this week, and that was only for a part of the country. With one or two exceptions perhaps, virtually every game from every team is carried.
  13. Yeah, she had it bass ackwards, didn't she?
  14. I know this wasn't directed at me, but I'll be the first one to debate something with anyone here if I disagree with them. I've met both Fez and GoB, and I think they're both good people. But just because some of us know a person doesn't mean that we won't disagree with them if we, well, diagree. I think a pat down might be an effective deterrent. Given the possibility that it might save my life, or more importantly, my wife's life, in the event of an idiot doing something idiotic, I'm all for it. It's an inconvenience, but I just don't see where it encroaches upon rights. Rights that I believe I surrender upon entering upon another's property. Kinda' like cursing. Drop the F-bomb all over your own house if you want, but don't sit at RWS and expect to be welcome with open arms using such language. Freedom of speech was surrendered when you entered the gate.
  15. You're welcome, but don't sue me if it turns out he has a compound fracture! A kid on my team (when I was a kid) had a big bruise on his shin. The coach took some foam rubber and put it on his shin and covered it with a soccer shin guard and wrapped it in an Ace bandage to help portect it. It still got hit, and I know it bothered him some, but he had no difficulty in making it through the game. Like your son, he was an OLB on D and an RB (tailback) on O. The foam and shin guard diffused contact and kept the tacklers grabbing at his legs from directly hitting the bruise. Just a suggestion, take it for what it's worth (see the free advice comment above! ).
  16. I'm going to guess that you're in the neighborhood of 25-28 years old. Am I close? I know you know this, but there was a team loooooooong before Kelly-Smith-Thomas.
  17. In all seriousness, I'm no doc (just certified in CPR and First Aid), but if there are no other symptoms (numbness is spreading or persistent for more than a couple of days, he experiences loss of circulation presented by blue toe nails, etc), he'll be fine. Getting nailed in the shin sucks, it hurts like a mofo. But I'd guess the numbness is due to the subdermal hematoma (ie, bruise), and that he'll be OK in a day or two, provided he's able to keep the area from being struck again - it'll be sensitive and would likely hurt like a beeyatch if he got hit right on the bruise again. I'm assuming he has little to no discomfort when he walks on it. If you immobilize his upper shin and work his lower shin and ankle and there's no acute pain, I would probably rule out the need for a trip to the docs for x-ray.
  18. We have a member of our Backers club who's coming home tomorrow, Sunday will be the first game he's watched all year. The Tailgate Party we're having is the cover we're using to throw him a welcome home party.
  19. Encroachment upon civil liberties is the topic. Answer the question.
  20. A subdermal hematoma. It'll be touch-and-go for a while, but I think he'll be fine in the long run, especially given he presented as a fit and active young person. That'll be $225.
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