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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Like I said, it was "just my opinion."
  2. Yup. Give me some twangy ol' bluegrass hillbilly who actually feels the song's story over 99.9% of what passes for 'new' country any day of the week.
  3. I know who he is from his days with The Pogues, but I've never seen him in concert. Good show?
  4. I'm not particularly fond of Rove, but I know America will sleep better tonight knowing that the holy grail that is "A rather large wood crate marked "FRAGILE" and painted with arrows indicating which way is up" is no longer in his possession.
  5. I believe that's the first time a man has ever told me that. When I was younger my dad tried to get me into it, but beyond wearing a kilt and going to Highland Games, I wanted nothing to do with it. Now that I'm a bit older, I wish I would have shared some of his enthusiasm at the time. I have a friend who knows a little Gaelic. She's tried to teach me some of the basics but I just can't seem to retain it. Through repetition and osmosis I can follow the Scots' English in a traditional Burns Night Dinner (Ode to a Haggis), but that's as close to Gaelic as I get.
  6. Good deal, I'm glad it's what you were looking for. If you ever find yourself down this way (Va Bch) on a game day, let me know (via PM or email from the "Contact Us" page on our website) and I'll make sure we take care of ya
  7. I didn't hear about that! Too funny. How long ago did that happen?
  8. Ozzy would be a riot, but I think he'd lose interest at about week 2.
  9. Country isn't too much unlike a type of music I love - Irish and Celtic folk. But that ain't country music. It's really bad pop in a cowboy hat. But that's just my opinion.
  10. Aside from the overly simplistic melody and lame lyrics, I really dig that haltime song. Bills over Jets, it's a New York state of mind? Oh my. That's real talent there ladies and gents.
  11. I've had business dealings with the ol' bat herself, Ingrid Newkirk. She's a real piece of work (ie, beeyatch). Peta funnels money to the Animal Liberation Front - the group of whackos that break into R&D labs to let cage-raised lab animals out into the wild to fend for themselves, because that's the "humane" thing to do. At one point in time, ALF was listed as a domestic terrorist organization. I was hoping that if any good could come from 9/11, part of it would be the government closing those chumps down. It didn't happen, priorities were (rightfully) elsewhere, but I'm still holding out hope. And as an aside to these loons, my chemo uses rat antibodies to get the cancer to turn on itself. If a few rats have to die in the process of me fighting cancer, then I'm more than a little cool with that. But then again, I am a slightly biased and slightly selfish human who places more value on human life than that of a lab rat. But that's just me... [/rant]
  12. Talking to a buddy today about Peyton, ELi, JP, and the whole baptism by fire versus letting a young QB mature on the bench and I mentioned that this was Peyton's 5th or 6th year. He said he just heard on the radio that it was his 8th, and I told him he was full of BS! And he agreed - he thought he misunderstood the announcer - DOH!
  13. That's why we all root for 3-and-outs. We're charitable like that.
  14. I couldn't imagine paying $27-42 for a square one, much less a round one. I guess the Japanese are really into watermelons?
  15. Walter? Or do you mean Peyton?
  16. Should somebody tell Indy the game started?
  17. Fortunately for all of us, nobody has accused Holcomb of being the second coming of Johhny U. I really haven't seen anyone kidding themselves in regards to KH. He's not great, but he's efficient. Most importantly, he is also the most productive QB on the roster right now.
  18. ajzepp has obviously mastered the subtle art of diplomacy.
  19. I agree. How dare they let us down again. After all of the blood sweat and work throughout camp logging on the internet to see how things are going in Pitsford, and THIS is how they thank us. Why don't they think about the future? Oh, I know. It's because Ralph will die and the team will move. It's a joke and they're out to screw us real fans. Why don't they care what happens to this team? It's like TD and MM and the rest of them don't even want to win. Why do we fans have to always go through this crap? I'm sick of it, and I'm not going to take it anymore! [/sarcasm]
  20. One of the few things as tiring as the Bad Bush rants are the Bush Bad replies. I guess if that's all ya' got, you go with it.
  21. ...or Southeast or Southwest or Northwest or Midwest. Regardless of the political affiliation of the driver, drunk driving fatalities back then were "accidents," not manslaughter, weren't they?. Wasn't it the early eighties or so before DUI/DWI stopped being anything more than a slap on the wrist? Not that it's relevant to the thread per se, but I'm just curious...
  22. Ah, thanks. I guess you actually read the whole thesis then?
  23. He may or may not be more excited with KH at QB, but I didn't see where he let up when JP was in there. IMO, he's making more plays now because the QB is getting him the ball now. I like JP a lot, and I think he'll be a good QB for us. I've also been critical of Eric for, amongst other things, dropping too many easy ones. But even I can't blame him for not catching balls thrown 20 feet over his head.
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