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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Here's what I do when I'm outnumbered 65000 to 4: -When they insult Buffalo and/or the Bills, laugh it off and/or tell them it's true. Half the time, they're right anyway, so just roll with it. -Expect to hear "Doesn't Bills mean Boy I love losing Super Bowls?" Laugh like you've never heard it before. -Make friends with a few Raider fans sitting near you. Start off by telling them how it seems that the Raiders always seem to win out there. Impress them by saying that the Bills have only won twice since 1966 against the Raiders on the road (that's true). With any luck, a couple of nearby Raider fans will tell others that you're "alright." -You make a better target when standing. Remain seated, even if Bflo makes a huge play, unless fans around you are standing too. If that's the case, sit down before the people around you do. -Compliment the play of the Raiders when they make a good play. But don't go over the top -Don't drink too much. -Don't "rub it in" regardless of whether it's a huge play or the final score. -Remember to have fun. I've never had a real problem at any road game I've attended when doing the above.
  2. Gotta' love the occasional Volby reference! Governor Hugh Carey her upstairs and we'll have a ....
  3. That actually sounds more like Madden to me.
  4. We don't see it because we're inside The Ralph, but Hammer always keeps someone hanging around the lot to keep an eye on his customers' vehicles. FWIW, I had a friend from back home park at Hammer's a couple of years ago for a game. He goes to probably 3 or 4 a year, and now he always parks at Hammers. Things never get out of control like they can in the stadium lots, and my buddy's wife really likes that he has porta-potties just for the girls this year (he's been to games/parked there twice this year so far). You know how it goes, if the wife likes it, he's allowed to have fun. Whenever I've heard of a break-in or vandalism to a vehicle, it always seems to be in the stadium lots. Thanks, but no thanks, I'll be at Hammer's. Besides, I could always walk to Lot 1 Pole 5 to see the TSW gang (if I ever go to a game other than the opener, that is). Disclaimer: The preceding was offered voluntarily. No endorsers received compensation. Results may not be ordinary. We make no representations as to profit potential. You may make more or less using this system.
  5. I can confirm. My buddy who told me he heard that Moss was out (I relayed that in this thread) also said he heard them say Holcomb would be Bflo's #1 QB next year. He listens to espn radio all day at work and calls me when important or debatable Bills-related stuff is mentioned.
  6. I love the potty-cams you installed in those this year - great fun! Kidding, juuuuuust kidding...
  7. I'm not so sure I'd be bragging about picking Minnesota though
  8. I started thinking about that question, and this is as close to an answer as I could find: The quote's from http://www.nfl.com/news/story/8980247
  9. Believe you me Fez, of all the people on TSW that can get under my skin, you're way, way, way down on the list. Sorry if my post seemed harsh - I type the way I speak, but it doesn't always translate very well. That said, this is the the kind of thing that I view as an invasion of privacy. You might not agree, but that's far worse than a stadium pat down IMO. Orwell's looking more and more like a seer; big brother is coming.
  10. Since this is pure speculation and totally hypothetical: What if they miss out on the playoffs, say, after getting close like last year, and next summer Holcomb blows JP away in open competition in camp. Do the Bills say "screw it" and go with JP anyway, or do they put the best QB on the roster on the field for the upcoming season? I'd say put the best players on the field, but that's just me. What would you do?
  11. Good luck on the procedure bud. I hope it works out for you.
  12. I think you mean "Constitutional Republic," yes? The US Gov't is not a pure democracy in that all laws are put to a vote of the citizenry, but it is a representative democracy.
  13. I had never heard that before. Didn't all of the states have to ratify ammendments to the Articles of Confederation? If that's the case (and I'm 99% sure that it is), saying that the Constitution was an ammendment to the Articles can't be accurate if nine states voted yea. I think you might be getting the article in the Articles that says that nine states can conduct the business of Congress if it wasn't in session confused with the requirements to ammend it?
  14. Just a few thoughts to ponder while you're waiting... -I'm the first one to admit my errors. That wasn't one of them. -I saw it on the news, which makes linking pretty difficult, but it was what it was, a photo-op gone awry - busted by a live camera. -You don't have to wait for me. Try something new - think for yourself and take a look here.
  15. Someone has entirely too much time on their hands But I'll give you points for creativity
  16. Given that I've never been to a Bills game in Oakland (just NE, Wash, Cleveland, Balt, and Carolina), I wouldn't know what their fans are like, but according to the post above, it sounds like it's a lot like going to any stadium as a visitor. FWIW, I didn't offer an exception, only evidence that there are idiots everywhere. Including Buffalo.
  17. Got off the phone a bit ago with a buddy of mine who said that the talking heads on the ray-didio said Sir Randy wasn't going to suit up for the Bills game. Unless I'm mistaken, that leaves Joey Porter as their sole true receiving threat. Being #1 against the pass and #31 against the run, I guess we can expect to see LaMont Jordon carrying the rock A LOT for the Raiders. EDIT: They said he had bruised ribs and, get this, a bruised groin
  18. Some years ago a guy was hit in the head with a beer bottle after a Bills/Raider game for wearing the wrong color jersey. They never caught the culprit, but the poor guy's paralyzed. He was a Raiders' fan at Rich Stadium.
  19. Granted, it was against 3rd stringers, but Gates looked pretty good to me in preseason. I wouldn't know how to describe him other than a poor man's McGahee. He seemed to run very hard and has a very physical style. Looked like he had decent speed too. I hope he gets an opportunity in mop up duty this year. I think the kid might be pretty good and I'd like to see him in a regular season game.
  20. I don't know, but it's obvious why he didn't advertise it.
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