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Everything posted by Campy

  1. I guess any NFL player who is unable to master their position within 240 minutes of game time is a "disaster," eh? There are a lot of adjectives that could describe JP's play as the starter. Disaster, IMHO, ain't one of 'em.
  2. The Raiders offensive numbers are very similar to that of the Jets. They're 31st in passing, 6th in rushing. With or without Moss, they haven't been getting it done in the air all season, and their running game has been moving the chains. Hopefully Collins doesn't catch on fire this week because I like our chances if we don't have to respect their passing game. Another thread made reference to the run-stopping ability of their D. Their D has been nothing more than speedbump for many teams - they're ranked 22nd against the run, 28th against the pass. Somewhat backwards for a D on a losing team IMO. Generally a 1-4 team will give up more yards on the ground because opponents try to burn clock, but the Raiders D is something of an enigma in that respect.
  3. They're liberals because they voted for Clinton during his re-election bid? What liberal ideals do you suppose attracted them to Clinton? Was it the booming economic growth, the record low unemployment rates, the balanced budget, or the federal government being the smallest it'd been since before WWII? Or maybe they didn't vote for Clinton after all. Maybe they just voted against Dole...
  4. So that's why the right-wing mouthpieces never talked about BJs in the oval office!
  5. Actually Chuang Tzu said way more than mouthful about 300 BCE, but it doesn't make it any less relevant. I knew that Religions of the World class would pay off one day.
  6. I think liberals, like most people in general, like their surveys current and relevant.
  7. That makes sense. Because this country hasn't had a wholsale shift to the right over the past five years or anything.
  8. Perhaps some people (like most of the righties on PPP) actually believed that we'd topple Saddam, set them up with a brand new shiny democracy, and then get out dodge , just like our fearless leader told them. I remember being thoroughly roasted for bringing up similar ops in the Philipines, which we occupied for 60 some odd years, and having the "nerve" to say that this would be similar.
  9. Since when has asking a question equated to being emotional? Sorry, you're right. No more questions. We wouldn't want anyone to question anything, would we?
  10. Based on your newsroom experience, no doubt.
  11. Sensationalizing the negative is hardly a liberal trait. It sells, and media is in the business of earning a profit.
  12. No, we got ripped off. An ounce should be this big.
  13. Why is it that right-wingers can't just say "media," or "the press"? Instead it's always "liberal media." It's like some people are desperate for scapegoats or something.
  14. Actually, there's obstruction of justice, but don't let that get in the way of your DEMS BAD rant.
  15. Cookie was also a loon. Go with Sestak.
  16. From what I've seen, yet what no one is talking about, is that Holcomb has very good pocket presence. He seems to have pretty decent feel for where the pressure's coming from and for how much time he has back there. An underrated part of his game IMO.
  17. It seems as though she wasn't, but isn't it more complex than that? My understanding is that, by outing Plame, they also outed a business that was a CIA front (Brewster-Jennings and Assoc). Wouldn't that also lead to other covert ops being outed, even if by no other means than by foreign intel agencies who we know are watching this thing closely. In fact, isn't it possible that outing her in this manner could jeopardize the safety of her contacts, who are covert? I know if I'm a foreign gov't, I'm re-creating her activities in my country to determine who she interacted with because I wanna' nail me some spies. That is, IMO, outing covert operatives. Whether it's against the law as the law is written, I dunno'. On a related note, I hear Fitzgerald isn't going to issue a final report on his investigation. I guess that means one of two things, either we'll never know any of the results of his findings, or indictments are on the way...
  18. So far that's all it seems to be, but where there's smoke, there's fire. There's also a reason people attempt to obstruct justice - They have something to lose.
  19. I'll bite. My comment is: It's in no way connected to the topic of the thread.
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