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Everything posted by Campy

  1. I'll take "Sensationalism Sells" for $800 Alex.
  2. About the last thing I need is some troll admonishing me to "support the troops." Just curious, how many friends of your family did you lose while they served in the Marine Corps? Did those friends of your family also fight alongside of your brother? Ever buried a loved one in a full military honors funeral? Don't even think about lecturing me about sacrifice.
  3. Got it. I was blown away thinking that you, nevermind, you were doing the opposite of what I thought you were doing - sorry 'bout that. And I agree that it seems odd that all of the media outlets consider 2,000 some kind of milestone. It's a lot of young men and women for sure, but losing even one was one too many IMO. Afghanistan is a different issue, but I'm none too happy with losing that many people in Iraq (in fact I personally knew 2 that came home in body bags) in a conflict the US intitiated, and IMO, did so illegally.
  4. Oh? What makes you say that? I'm under the impression that the coaching staff and management could care less what a bunch of fans whining like dateless teenage girls on prom night would have to say. Especially when said whiners' sole understanding of the challenges they face is from playing a video game in franchise mode.
  5. I think that he's no more qualified to evaluate whether this team has "it" than anyone here. In fact, I'd argue that many people here are better qualified to discuss the Bills than he is. If he was a Bill last year, I wouldn't question his credibility. But his playing 8 years ago (or however long ago it was) in Cleveland has no relevance in assessing the '05 Bills. Note that I'm not saying he's right or wrong. Nor am i saying that he and Greenie don't have an entertaining show. It's just that I'm not so sure he knows more about the Bills than three-quarters of TSW posters. Last season many media pundits (and fans) were quick to write them off. There's a lot of football to play. Stranger things have happened, and as last season should have proven, anything can happen. Personally, I'm going to enjoy football season by taking as it comes - one game at a time, win or lose. I'll let the "experts" worry about the rest of that crap. Afterall, teams that have "it" get it by winning one game at a time. I'm not making any promises one way or the other, I'm just hoping they come out and play hard on Sunday.
  6. It'll be a moot point after the Bills win in Foxboro
  7. Depending on which side of the link you're on, tiny url is either a curse or a blessing.
  8. Now don't go and break out the multiple angry emoticoms - I'm just busting your chops.
  9. I didn't mean to diss you. Your thread starting prowess is actually recognized in another thread.
  10. So that must have been the rationale behind Bill Walsh's offense - it was because Montana had a real cannon, eh? But using your numbers, if they complete 70% of the passes for 5 yard gains, that means that we'll get first downs a little better than every 3 passes. I'd take it.
  11. Don't forget, he's also 32 with a bum arm, and won't sign a 1-year deal. IMO, if he really wanted to play, and by that I mean not worry about his gameday checks but just play, he would be on someone's roster by now.
  12. Truly. Some half-wit writer mentions Buffalo and suddenly we're all billsfanon... er doomed.
  13. What's the alternative? Have a QB throw a ball into double coverage and get picked off? And the short passing game has won more than one Super Bowl. I think that speaks louder than one of our resident pundits' opinion, but that's just me...
  14. No argument there, but why are people unable to limit it to 4 or 5 threads? Doesn't matter if I agree or don't agree on a given topic, but seeing the same thing regurgitated in thread after thread over and over and over and over and over again can get a little old. Just my opinion... EDIT: I don't specifically mean this thread per se, because it does introduce the blog, but at the same time, it wouldn't have been totally out of place posted within one of the 12 "TD BAD" threads already here either.
  15. No argument there, but my point is that there's not a helluva lot they can do about it now. Like I said, the guy wouldn't sign a 1 year deal for just over $1 Million, so I still don't see why he'd come to Bflo for a pittance. He seems to hold his abilities in higher esteem than 32 NFL GMs do. Sure, we could bring him in - but at what cost? You wanna' commit to paying him 2.5 Million per year for 3 years? Me neither.
  16. I'm sure they would, but I hadn't seen anyone say he was the "SOLE" reason.
  17. It would be great if everyone who is so hung up on TD would go over there and have themselves a little mutal admiration society. Maybe that would reduce the redundant "It's All TD's Fault!!" threads to just 4 or 5 a day here on TSW... But then again, that's probably asking for too much.
  18. If he'd rather sit out than sign a 1-year deal for just over $1 Million, what makes you sure he'd agree to that? With his crappy attitude, what makes you think he wouldn't do more harm than good?
  19. From the same KFFL page I linked above: They decided to go another direction for a reason. Since we weren't privy to their meetings, it may very well be that Verba didn't want to come to Buffalo - maybe it's too far from Iowa for him. Who knows?
  20. Sarcasm comes across so well on internet message boards, how could I have not picked up on it? [/sarcasm]
  21. We "need" another lineman to put on the Practice Squad?
  22. Hey, that's great. But forgive me for not seeing the sky falling down on top of all of us because they dropped a couple of games we thought they should have won. They're a 1/2 game out, unbeaten in the division, and only one loss in the conference. The state of your optimism is what you make it, but I'm just looking at what it is. If someone told me that we'd be a 1/2 game out in week 7, I can't say I'd be running around like a chicken with my head cut off. But to each his own.
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