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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Until you get inside of Holcomb's helmet, we're just going to have to go by what he said happened. He checked down and found an open receiver and tried to let him make a play. It didn't work. Your life isn't over. The Bills aren't moving to LA. It's one play in one game, it didn't work. It's over and done with. Get over it.
  2. I guess that's one way of looking at it. The opposing viewpoint may be that it's a little too early to start cryin' in yer Cheerios when we haven't even played the next game yet. The Bills are 3-5, 2-1 in the division, and aren't out of it. One only has to look to last season to see that anything's possible. But if the majority here are more concerned with doom and gloom, that's cool. Just don't expect me to buy into it, that's all. Maybe it's my cancer talking, but football season's just too darn short to not make the best of it and to not find a way to enjoy it. To each his own...
  3. Yes. I won't apologize for liking the idea of spreading the ball around - it keep defenses honest - and it forces them to respect your weapons. What's the point of having players like Evans and Roscoe on the roster if you aren't going to give them opportunities to make plays? Why does trying to relay Holcomb's interpretation of that play (from his post game press conference here) make you sling what I imagine is your most creative insult in years? The play wasn't called to go to Moulds. People are criticizing the play call when they don't even know what it was! Holcomb didn't want to throw it to a wide open Patriot safety so he checked down in hopes that Moulds could make a play for him. It didn't work out -big deal.
  4. Considering you thought they'd lose to the Pats by 40, I'll take it.
  5. http://www.buffalobills.com/player/ivideo....b.rm&proto=rtsp
  6. I'm not arguing that. But they did make a step in the right direction. Anyone who claims otherwise simply hasn't being paying attention.
  7. Too bad you missed the game. The Bills dominated them for 3 quarters of football. Up until a couple of costly turnovers late in the game, they played their arses off, not just hanging with New England, but snotting them for a better part of the game. That's a step in the right direction, isn't it? I mean, it's better than getting man-handled in Tampa or Oakland, right?
  8. Actually the play's primary receiver was Roscoe but they doubled him with deep safety help. Holcomb wanted to go to him, but said that they had his route well-defended and instead tried to put the ball in the hands of one of the offense's play makers who was wide open. Moulds has a habit of making the first guy miss, so I don't see where protecting the ball (by not getting INT'd) and putting the ball in Moulds' hands to make a play is necessarily a bad thing... Granted, it doesn't jive with the incessant "noodle-arm" cracks, but that's what happened.
  9. IMO it was much more effective when used by Reagan in Iran-Contra.
  10. Seems a little harsh to me too.
  11. During an investigation, people who lie and mislead, obstruct justice and perjer themselves while under oath are most certainly committing crimes, regardless of the outcome of the rest of the investigation. Nobody is saying all GOP is bad, corrupt, or rife with liars (at least not any more than the Dems). But if a guy blocks a criminal investigation as Libby did, those are felonies. If it's not too late, try not to let your loyalty to all things GOP taint your ability to observe fact.
  12. Copying and pasting the talking points these days? Next time delete the bullets.
  13. Yeah that's it. It's a vast left-wing conspiracy. PC could just be a tool used to censor oneself, lest they something that might irritate, annoy, or insult another person. Or make themselves out to look like an arse. Are we too PC? Perhaps. But I just don't see the harm that can come from trying to be considerate of others. But that's just me.
  14. Glad you're OK, even if your stuff isn't. Whereabouts are you?
  15. Our pass defense has played pretty well this season, no?
  16. Am I the only person who's a bit more worried about our run defense than our pass defense?
  17. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...ndpost&p=487921
  18. A (black) guy I know said he isn't as bothered by the remarks that blacks are better athletes - he takes that as a compliment - but he said the inference that blacks should attend the Air Force Academy to help their football team, is something of a slight. He said he feels that way because of the percentage of blacks in the military versus the percentage of black officers "isn't even close." He's two years away from retiring from the Navy (Master Chief), so I imagine he's seen it firsthand.
  19. Isn't Wyoming the town with the gaslights? Very pretty at night.
  20. That's the best route IMHO. There's something about driving out of the flatlands and toward the rolling hills on that drive that is cool. There's no way I'd take the Thruway all the way out to 390. Simple, but boring. If you go 63, you can stop at some really good farmers markets (farm fresh is the way to go) and there's a little country store that makes their own fudge out that way - it's awesome stuff. Beautiful country too - especially with the leaves changing. So you can take 390, but you're missing a lot of the special rural ambience that WNY has to offer your visitor.
  21. http://homepage.mac.com/jdmajaris/.Movies/...0-%20attack.mov Classic! Rome sucks.
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