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Everything posted by Campy

  1. I could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure that starting fights, taking penalties, etc, won't help you much. After the penalties are sorted out and the ball is placed, the play clock and the game clock start going again. The offense could/should let it run to 1 or 2 ticks before snapping the ball, thereby gaining no real advantage for the defense.
  2. Since when has the US had the "most stringent environmental rules"?
  3. It was '81. Our "offensive weapons" that you seem to be longing for included the likes of Joe Cribbs at RB and Jerry Butler, Ron Franklin, an old Frank Lewis, and Ron Jessie at WR. Sorry, but I'll take Willis, Moulds, Evans, Parrish and Reed anytime.
  4. I don't recall people blaming everything on JP. But when your QB throws for 70 yards (especially when only 8 plays are runs as you say), completing ~48%, there is a problem there. As I said in a previous post, we all want him to do well, very well in fact. But his performance was just the opposite. And let's be clear about one thing - He wasn't the only player not getting the job done, nor (from what I saw) did anyone claim differently. Going forward, I just hope that he makes the most of his opportunities and becomes the QB we're all hoping he can be.
  5. Funny, isn't it. When the players execute, the coaches are geniuses. When the players don't, the coaches are idiots. 4th and 1, they hand it to Willis and get stuffed, the play calling is too predicatable. 4th and 1, they try a pass that falls incomplete, take a sack, or throw an INT, and they should have run it. Try a FG, it's missed, and they should have gone for it. Yeah, second-guessing never gets old.
  6. Patsie trolls learning something? Now that's just crazy-talk.
  7. Now you're just being silly. There was an interesting article in Bills Digest a couple weeks back about the lightbulb going on for young QBs, sounds like you missed that too. I respect you for having an opinion, I just couldn't disagree with it more.
  8. Truthfully, I wouldn't be too terribly surprised if KH started (provided he has no lingering symptoms). It could throw SD for a loop. But I wouldn't be too terribly surpised to see a quick hook either. Nor would I be too surprised to see JP start. Frankly, I don't care what the name plate on the back of the jersey says, I just want them to do whatever it is they think that gives them the best chance of winning the ballgame.
  9. I gather you weren't able to catch espn's Mort before the game. He was on (at about noon, give or take) and said something along the lines of JP was throwing the ball very accurately, that he had wowed the coaches and his teammates during practice the previous week. Mort said that the Bills were expect to use JP in the Chiefs' game and phase him back in as "the guy." I know the coaches didn't foresee the injury to KH, but it sure sounded like JP's lightbulb was switched on during the bye, and that he was going to see some action.
  10. Johnny, my Bills brother, take a deep breath and count to ten. JP was playing some pretty crappy football. People can go on about play-calling, the personnel, the offensive line, the coaches, etc, and they might have some legit beefs, but it doesn't change the fact that save for the Texans game, Losman was unable to deliver a pass within 10 yards of open receivers. He seems to have benefited by taking a step back, and that's a good thing. We're all Bills fans and we all want him to have a stellar career in Bflo, but let's not pretend that his play in the first quarter of the season was acceptable by any stretch of the imagination.
  11. Maybe they're hoping it will be Cosell-esque. People will tune in just to see what tripe falls from his mouth...
  12. Good call, they did set the bar pretty high with the Brewski-fest. I'm not sure they'll ever top that.
  13. From the context in which he said that I thought he had forgotten that he was in OP, not KC. But nimrod is too generous - the guy's a Grade-A putz. I can't stand when he calls a game, Bills or otherwise.
  14. Exactly. It looked to me like the benching helped him. As I said elsewhere, he actually looked like a legit NFL QB and not a happy-footed poor man's Vick yesterday.
  15. From the way I saw it, it looked like Willis didn't run the route he was expected to because the Chiefs read the play. KH looked, but didn't see Willis, only saw white jerseys. I'd take the sack over throwing it out there and having the ball go the other way for 6 on an INT. I would have preferred a QB sneak on that play, but obviously the coaches saw something from watching film and studying the Chiefs' tendencies that caused them to try to hit Willis in the flat. Trying to put the ball in the hands of one of your playmakers isn't such a bad idea IMO.
  16. Psst... There's no such thing as a "Losman-hater." Wanting the Bills to have a starting QB play better than JP did in the first 4 games doesn't mean that people hate Losman...
  17. I'm not saying JP should or shouldn't start next week, but it should be pretty obvious by his performance yesterday that his development hadn't been "stunted" by being the #2 QB. If anything, I think it aided in his development. His post game comments yesterday was the first time he sounded like a legit NFL QB to me.
  18. Willis was on the ground and a Chief was "giving him the business." I thought MW was going to get tossed when I saw him jump into the fray - I couldn't see what CV did, but I like the fact that they took up for each other - espirit de corps and all - as the game was essentially over and getting tossed from the game didn't hurt us.
  19. Pretty simple isn't it? I guess some people just enjoy whining.
  20. Haven't read the entire thread yet, but did anyone catch the equipment manager reference? EDIT: OK, nobody mentioned it. I don't even remember who it was, but a Bill was flipping the ball to a person in the stands after a big play (I assume it was his dad), and Cross was talking about how he was giving the ball to the equipment manager to keep. I guess Ralph is making the equipment managers buy tickets and sit amongst the fans?
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