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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Sorry - I guess I could have read them, but I really don't care enough to do so. Here's another link from yesterday's Richmond Times-Dispatch that might help, courtesy of our friends at google: http://www.timesdispatch.com/servlet/Satel...s=1045855934950
  2. You blast a guy saying that his only source of football knowledge comes from web searches but fail to realize that those very same web searches can yield a lot of information... I found this insight in about 6 seconds: http://www.roanoke.com/sports/collegepreview/wb/xp-index What kind of insight are you looking for that you couldn't find via google?
  3. Truly. When he's healthy, he's done well - or at least he was acceptable. I believe it's as much luck as anything else, but MW just hasn't been able to shake the injury bug.
  4. Concussions suck - I've been there. That lost and cloudy feeling is no fun, but the the worst part is the after-effects. Headaches, tired, and even (in my concussions anyway) depression all seem to take forever to go away, it's frustrating. And from here on out he'll be much more succeptible to them. Those of you who've been concussed know what I mean.
  5. I think there probably won't be any word on him until tomorrow after practice, and even then, it won't be an official he can/can't go on Sunday.
  6. That'd be funnier if he was actually French and not Canadian.
  7. Lighten up Francis. Someone posted a definition of the word "rib" not too long ago. You should read it.
  8. 30 years ago a commercial vessel named Edmund Fitzgerald sank while traversing Lake Superior. All hands went down and a folk-hippy wrote a pretty cool song about it.
  9. No kidding - especially to fans of the team that ended up blowing us out of 2 Super Bowls...
  10. I think that it's easy to confuse patience with apprehension. Sure, there are times when I wish he'd be a little less patient and just slam into the hole, but keep your eyes on his legs after he makes contact on inside runs. He's pumping and fighting for 2 or 3 yards after first contact on a consistent basis and IMO you can't ask for too much more from your RB. There maybe a few spots on offense that are in need of an upgrade, but RB ain't one of 'em.
  11. How'd you know I had soup for dinner?
  12. No argument there. I never met Guerero. Hell, I never heard of him until this thread. While Cowherd (or whatever his name is) may have been overly harsh, I can honestly say that I'm not too terribly upset either. People die everyday, and the fact that a drug and alcohol addict died isn't really a shocker - it happens all the time. My heart goes out to the survivors of anyone who dies, but I'm not shedding any tears over this guy. EDIT: I hope the above isn't overly harsh, but it is honest.
  13. If you're worried about people kicking your beer over, why not take matters into your own hands? A good start might be to hold your beer in your hand as opposed to putting it on the ground where it can be kicked over to begin with.
  14. I agree with him in that I think pro wrestling is a joke, but it's sad that there is family out there who has lost their son/brother/husband/dad.
  15. I don't really understand the leap from Robertson's fear-mongering to people turning to God in times of need and/or crisis. Robertson's a false prophet, a liar, and a crook. According to the Bible, his earthly actions will not be received warmly upon his day of judgment.
  16. I expected 'Chicken Hawk" but "Wing Nut" will suffice I suppose...
  17. Easily? No way, but it's all opinion and hypotheticals, so we'll never really know. Moulds' career would probably be even better had he had the opportunity to play with one experienced vet QB during his tenure in Bflo like Butler and Lewis (after coming over from Pitt) did. Lewis was decent in Bflo, probably better than he was in Pitt. He had a few good years, '81 being his best, but he was barely an above-average receiver at best when you take a look at his career. Butler had 3 good seasons. The rest he averaged what, 15-20 catches per year? I wouldn't call that "terrific," but to each his own...
  18. Hey, take your optimism, albeit guarded optimism, elsewhere bub. We don't need that kind of crazy talk around here.
  19. I hope JP finishes the season as the starter and finishes strong. That said, until he puts it together week in and week out, it is kind of a fluke, isn't it? Either way, here's to hoping that the "fluke" turns into a trend!
  20. Kinda' like the team in '81 that was 20th out of 28 teams in scoring despite having an 8-year starter at QB in Fergy? I guess they really struck the fear of God into their opponents in your world, didn't they?
  21. I never said that they sucked, only that the current starting RB and WRs are better than the '81 team. Joe Cribbbs had a few good seasons, sure. But I guess you'd probably take Terry Miller over McGahee too, wouldn't you? '81 was Lewis' best year in Bflo if memory serves. But let's make sure I undertsnad, you're saying that if you had your choice you'd take an aged Lewis and a one-hit wonder like Jerry Butler over Moulds and Evans? Nice. Thank God you aren't calling the shots at OBD.
  22. 43 minutes after he posted and that's the best you could do? HLP - send a PM to Fan in San Diego here. He seems to be plugged in to the goings-ons out there and would probably let you know where to catch up with other Bills fans.
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