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Everything posted by Campy

  1. No Child Left Behind was the result of a standards-and-testing movement that began with the release of A Nation at Risk by the Reagan administration in 1983. And it was co-authored by Kennedy, who then worked with Bush to see that it passed. It did, Bush signed it into law, and then he and the GOP Congress severely under-funded it thereby placing that the burden on individual states and school districts. But that's Kennedy's fault too, right?
  2. I don't pick on the Dems as much because 1- they're the minority party, and 2- there are more anti-Dem GOP lemmings posting regularly on PPP than there are anti-GOP Dem lemmings. (Most) Dems are scumbags who want to get their fingers into your wallets and (most of) the GOP are criminals. Take your pick... I wish that political parties were made unconstitutional.
  3. A little slow on the uptake today, are you? That news is 2 days old. I guess Americans must just be more concerned about a president who lied us into a war, money-laundering indictments, and White House staff indictments to get too worked up over a birthday party. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...5111300857.html
  4. It's beyond lefty-ism. It's just stoopid. I'm surprised that people whose primary interest is/should be the welfare of children (educators) thinks that this program is A-OK to begin with...
  5. That whole "yeah, but your guy" argument is beyond ridiculous. Way to shift the focus of the debate GOP. There's a reason the founding fathers despised political parties, and I'm begining to appreciate it more and more every day. The bottom line is that a precision tactical airstrike is a bit different than an under-manned, under-eqipped invasion. I do know that that the airstrike didn't directly cause the death of 2000 + US servicemen. It was a GOP president who sent them in there, and now that it's killing them politically,so they're trying to shift focus to the Dems. Bloody brilliant. Why doesn't the GOP majority in Congress restore some of the money to NYC that they just pulled out from underneath them? Why did the GOP fund a bridge to nowhere in Alaska? [EDIT: Despite the threats of resignation by the Alaskan Senator for "discriminating" against the state that received 1/24 of the country's transportation funding, I just read that funding for the bridge to nowhere was dropped. Wonder if the Senator will now resign now that his state has been discriminated against ] And why in God's name are non-profits being formed to foot the bill for medical treatments and prosthetic limbs for servicemen who return home injured or maimed? The least they could do is provide enough funding to take care of the brave men and women who volunteered to help defend this country! But yeah. Let's blame the Dems. Idiots.
  6. Is PETA really a left-wing group? I consider them nuts, and I've had the "pleasure" of doing business with Ingrid Newkirk (grade-A beeyatch), but I just thought they were loons, not leftist-loons per se.
  7. What's up with the vitriol? Does it really matter how and when he announces the starter? A big deal about nothing IMO.
  8. 'Bout time they caught up to the Patriot Act.
  9. No argument, but the extremist left isn't claiming that the US is a Christian nation and that Biblical parables should be tought in public schools, which is what this thread's about. The "yeah, but the other guys are worse" angle doesn't cut it in this debate.
  10. Oh no. It wasn't intentional. He was just preoccupied with splitting the Red Sea at the time. Praise be Brewski.
  11. It had been out for years by the time I went to college (the first time). This was in the mid-80's.
  12. Awesome. FWIW, when you're ready to go electric (the music you're playing would probably be much easier on an electric), check out the Fender G-DEC practice amp. I use it to fool around with a bunch of the tracks already installed on it. Also, it has midi support so you can plug in your computer and download music to jam along with - and with midi, you can easily change the tempo without effecting pitch. It's a bit on the pricey side for a practice amp (about $250 street), but I played around with it for about an hour at the guitar shop and ran home to trade im my Behringer practice amp - had to have it! You can check out the specs here, and see it in action here.
  13. No argument, but PETA certainly doesn't use religion to advance their cause. If they did, they'd put themselves out of business. Genesis 1:30 says that God gave us plants and animals to use as food.
  14. We're married and need to live vicariously through your sexscapades, so c'mon man - start hittin' the hotties already, will ya'?
  15. Hey man, AD's the programming director. Ask him.
  16. Unless ya' know she's not clean, you gotta' hit the hotties - baggage be damned!
  17. Sure, it's possible. Perhaps not likely, but still possible. Besides, it's more fun to BILLieve!
  18. (E) He has a cast on his wrist. A soft cast, but a cast all the same. I noticed after the punt in the KC game he walked off the field fiddling around with it - it looked like it was bothering him. I'm not sure if he lined up at WR after that play, but they put Aiken back there for punt returns afterwards.
  19. Break it out and start stretching those digits man! I started playing in February and I could kick myself for waiting so long. I'd say I'm pretty decent considering the short time I've been playing but nobody's going to be confusing me with Jimmy Paige anytime soon (although I can nail Gallow's Pole at tempo!).
  20. Buffalo will win. 'Course, I said that before the Pats game too.
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