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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Yup. The Dems are the Commanders-in-Chief who ordered an under-manned and underequipped invasion. That was Bush? Bush should not be held responsible for what he said or did. It's not his fault. It's the Dems fault. Somehow.
  2. Call me an idealist if you'd like, but I guess I'm the only one who thought that throughout history only the "bad guys" tortured prisoners, like only the "bad guys" use chemicals as weapons. What does that make the US in this situation? By justifying torture our country's leadership joins some pretty nasty company, including that of Saddam Hussein's Baathist regime. When will the American military be given orders to depose the despot leading our own country? I mean, isn't that the justification of "Bush War" since the whole WMD thingy turned out to be myth?
  3. From the guy who, just a few posts above, said, "But I wholly understand your point of view...when overgeneralization suits you, use it" I guess there's something to be said for practicing what you preach afterall.
  4. A lot of people seem to believe that. A lot of people seem to believe that too. Hypotheticals and what-ifs don't really change the reality we face today though, do they?
  5. And there we go again from the Bushites... But, but, your guy... Too funny. Or sad. Maybe a little bit of both. I do know we didn't lose 2000 Americans in the process. You want to explain to me again why we invaded Iraq?
  6. NEWSFLASH: It is killing our people. And that's generally accomplished by sending an undersized force ill-equipped for the mission? I think not. No. it isn't. Sending an undersized and ill-equipped force to complete the mission of a larger and better-equipped force is beyond my comprehension. Perhaps you can share with us why doing so is a good idea since that's the position you (are failing to) defend. Clinton didn't invade Iraq. Either that's beyond your comprehension, or it's just easier to say "But the other guy...." In any event, it does not justify the cluster!@#$ that is "Bush War."
  7. And people who just want to throw bodies at the problem disgust me. But OK. What has it really solved? Instead of Hussein torturing people, the "Iraqi democracy" is doing it. Nice. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10049773/ Those bodies are sons, daughters, husbands, wives, moms, and dads. I'm glad you're so cavalier about putting them in harm's way. It seems to work for you. It doesn't for me. The "Clinton War," eh? You're right, I concede. It's soooo much better to send in a force that's too small and under equipped. Eh, the body-count goes up a bit, but it's OK, it's "Bush War."
  8. Know so. I didn't mean to touch a nerve there. I know you've been conditioned to tow the company line, but the reality is that Bush gambled and lost (hence the e-dog reference). I don't have access to classified information, but if these non-existent WMDs actually existed W the chimp would be telling the world "I told you so." Fox News would be shouting it from the rooftops. I'm listening, but I don't hear it. Whatever. Sorry for pointing out the obvious and being critical of your real American hero.
  9. Please give the monkey back his username. The monkey is smart enough to know that there's never been a war that hasn't killed people. The key is to keep your guys alive, not send them home in body bags.
  10. The difference is 2000 body bags. It may not be a big deal to the CLINTON BAD crowd, but I guaran-damn-tee it's a big deal to 2000 American families.
  11. Touch a nerve did I? I'm afraid I'm not nearly corrupt enough for the job.
  12. Remember, you just posted that to a message board clamoring for Moorman to run fake punts and gadget plays.
  13. Yup. Cut 'em. He's had enough time to show us something and he hasn't. He's got to go. We can always draft more WRs next year.
  14. Their is something fundamentally wrong with that statement.
  15. And interestingly enough, none of them post at TSW.
  16. When I first started posting on PPP I used to get really pissed off at comments like that. Now I agree with them.
  17. Two words: Nixon Laos But on the other hand, you may hold our president in higher esteem than I do.
  18. You mean before he had a cast on his wrist? Relax people. He's seing his first action in 2 months.
  19. I might be wrong, but I think the budget was gutted after it had been passed. And trying to justify the that GOP's involvement is "better" than that of the Dems won't work on me. I'm a fan of neither.
  20. Or more than likely it's because it didn't show up on your GOP talking points until today. I don't recall Clinton invading Iraq. Murderer? He was Reagan and Rummy's best friend in the 80's. I wonder what happened? And again, leaning on a country's government through diplomacy by showing them a resolution to demonstrate we mean business doesn't bring over 2000 Americans home in body bags.
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