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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Agreed. We had less talent back when he was Bflo's DC, but you'd never know it. At least the D was able to get off the field on 3rd downs. He may not be perfect, but he'd be an improvement over what we've had IMHO.
  2. On the field, it would be a pretty strong corp of WRs - Evans, TO, and Parrish. That'd be a fast unit. Off the field, I don't see TO meeting Marv's "character player" mantra. Shoot, the Eagles essentially threw their season away rather than have TO on their team. If that doesn't speak volumes about him, I don't know what does...
  3. It's not the showboating, it's the community service and jail time that would hurt his team. Oh yeah, and the 15 yard unsportsmanlike penalties for stomping on defenders legs probably wouldn't be too terribly helpful either. He has a quarter of the talent of his brother. Add to that his huge crappy attitude, and you have a guy that Marv had better pass up.
  4. Oh no, he gets antsy because he can't "hang with his boys"? Oh, the terror... There's nothing going on with that little punk that a kick in the arse won't fix. If there's a father around, have him lay the wood to his backside. Literally. While not politically correct, fear is a very effective tool to modify inappropriate behavior in children. If that's too harsh sounding for you, buy him some soap on a rope. He'll need it in juvie.
  5. The cynic in me can't help but think that Marv's hiring is nothing more than playing off the past, but I hope he can bring a similar mindset to the current team.
  6. You may be a lunatic, but it annoys me too.
  7. Thomas and Woodson, eh? It sounds like you had a great time in our little 'burgh. Thanks for the post, but now we're 3-2 with you at the games. You need to work on that.
  8. I did find in one of text books that the US did ratify Chapter 1, Article II, the text of the relevant passages follow: While it may not speak to the specifics regarding resolutions, it does seem to indicate that the virtually unilateral actions of the US in invading Iraq were illegal. All in all, a moot point, since we are there. I guess the bigger concern right now should be what we do while we're there, and making sure that it's done before we leave, my posts of the other day notwithstanding.
  9. I was waiting for her to give herself whiplash with the incessant head nodding she was doing...
  10. I understand the rationale you're using, but playing a whole game out of the nickel against LT? That has the potential to be pretty scary too.
  11. That's some good analysis in your post dave. I was under the impression that the changes were ratified. I may not be looking in the right spot (ie, the right web pages) - I'm not able to confirm one way or the other. FWIW, I'm not intentionally blowing you (or Ken) off, but as you know, we're just a couple minutes away from the Boston game, so I probably won't be on TSW the rest of the evening. Depending on Mrs Campy's plans for us before the Bills game (don't get me wrong, I wear the pants in the family... when she lets me. ), I'll see if I can come up with an answer to the ratification question in the AM - provided no one else has been able to confirm or deny before then. I'd like to know the answer to that too.
  12. Ah see, but you could. Whether you would might be a different story, and therein lies the difference.
  13. RJ's better than most. Yeah, they talk more about the Sabres than they do their opponent, but saying "That was a well-played period from Buffalo's perspective" is different than "We got the better of them in that period," which is what I hear most of the other announcers doing when I watch games on Centr Ice. Boston is one of the worst, followed closely by either Atlanta or Nashville, I can't recall the rest, but they're pretty bad. CBC's coverage of Leafs games is just as bad, but they're a national network, not a local one. You'd never know it by their love-affair though.
  14. Fair enough. I didn't catch Mouse McNally's comments. The "cut or re-do the deal" thing is fair IMO. They took a chance on a guy that, as you said in your first post above, was supposed to be a franchise-calibre OT. He's had some tough luck with injuries, rolling his truck before a game, and the death of a close family member. Even so, he's been somewhat underwhelming. I can better justify giving a franchise OT big money, especially if he was on the left side, but he's been "solid" at his best, and certainly not worth 10 million. I hope he agrees to a new deal and sticks around, but I seem to think a little more highly of him than many of my fellow Bills fans do.
  15. More of an outline then, eh? That's what I get for believing a politician might be truthful in a House debate. Sadly enough, I can't say I'm too terribly surprised...
  16. Not arguing that it is or isn't, but watching this debate and vote on C-SPAN last night (I remember when I actually had a life), it was stated (although I forget by whom) and went unchallenged that the top US military leaders in Iraq either just have, or are about to, submit a plan to pull out. I know you said "specific timeline," and we have no idea what their plan may (or may not) consist of, but it looks like Murtha's statement definitely shook someone up.
  17. And that puts me even farther away from having an anwer! I still believe (not know, only believe) that your specific example would be considered an essentially domestic issue (I'll paste the relevant verbage at the bottom), but I'm not going to pretend to know the answer to what your basic argument is. Hell, I can't even fake it. I'm a fan of the IDEALS of the UN, and I think most other people are too. Things like conflict resolution, curbing aggression, protecting basic human rights, etc, are important after all. As far as the UN's actions to try to achieve those ideals, I'm not so much of a fan. Here's Chapter 1, Article II, No. 7 - the "domestic issue" verbage:
  18. I follow what you're saying, but I think Big Mike still has a hurt ankle. If that's the case, then I can see why they wouldn't want to put him out in space as a tackle, and I follow why they might think that moving him to guard would be a good idea. I guess all I'm saying is that I'm thinking he's hurt, and they're not sure what to do with him. I could be wrong but that's how I've read the past couple of weeks.
  19. If this is too basic it's only because I'm not sure what you know and what you don't. The safeties, especially the free safety are DBs that, depending on the scheme, are allowed to play a center field type of game. They're oftentimes responsible for an area, a zone on the field. Earlier in the year, JP was just staring down the WRs waiting for them to make their break, or get seperation, or whatever. The safeties tend to read the QBs eyes and drift toward where he's looking. "Looking off" involves faking the safeties out by looking in a direction other than the one in which he intends to throw the ball. It's a huge part of what makes an NFL QB good, given the speed of NFL safeties. I hope that helps.
  20. 507019[/snapback] I stand corrected. He'd have my vote!
  21. It's no use, I've just returned from the Magazine. Governor Dunmore's marines have siezed the colony's powder.
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