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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Gotta' love it when someone is able to work in a Ministry lyric.
  2. They gave up the fewest points of any team in the league that season. IMO, that's way more impressive than the oft-used yardage stat. It's hard to overrate a defense that doesn't let their opponents score don'tcha think?
  3. Supposedly he's back in Detroit (or so I gathered from an article from the News).
  4. If you don't want to open the Bills' media player thingy, here's a direct link to the press conference... http://www.buffalobills.com/player/ivideo....c.rm&proto=rtsp
  5. I think your analogy is clever, and I appreciate what you're saying. I guess what I'm thinking is that Charlie should take a moment and ask himself why he keeps charging at the ball. He is, time and time again, setting himself up to land on his arse. You know that old axiom, "One time, shame on you, two times, shame on me"?
  6. I beg to differ. Jauron led the Bears to the playoffs and posted a what, 13-3 record enroute to being named Coach of the Year? The rest of his tenure was not nearly as awe-inspiring. Same goes for Bellichek's time in Cleveland. They were both no-name coaches that had one good year. Labelling a comparison between the two as "ridiculous" is, well, ridiculous. Pats hired a re-tread, and even had to offer compensation to a division-rival to get him. Pats fans weren't happy then. 3 Lombardi's later, they're pretty dang happy. Jauron may not work out. Or he may prove to be an awesome coach. As I said, fretting over it now is mental masturbation. I'll tell you if and/or how much I like the move in about two years. It's a new begining, a new start. What harm can come from being hopeful and optimistic? Besides, pessimists are a real drag to be around. IMO, whining does not look good on grown-ups.
  7. Maybe those are the fans that need to be "disengaged." I would have preferred Sherman, but Ralph and Marv never asked for my input. That said, they were involved in the interviews, they have to work with him, and they know each candidate. We only have public news articles and former teams' stats to evaluate them. Would it be better to have a coach that experienced success elsewhere, or would it be better to have a coach whose tempermant and style mesh well with Marv, Modrak, et al? I dunno the answer to that as it applies to Bflo. The proof, as they say, will be in the pudding, ie, the W-L record over the long haul. I can only imagine that many posts similar to what I see here were being made on the Pats boards when they hired Bellicheck. If the Bills have half the success under Jauron that the Pats have had under Bellicheck, I'd say Ralph and Marv made the right call, wouldn't you? Of course, that'll take time and patience to determine - and while patience may not our forte, all of the hand-wringing in the meantime is akin to mental masturbation IMO. It is what it is and we fans have two simple choices: Support the new coach, or jump off the bandwagon. It's up to you (plural, all of you) to figure out what you want to do, but you'll find me wearing my Bills hat hoping for the best.
  8. Baltimore and Cleveland's teams were a bit more "storied" than Bflo's. But you asked "how." That's an easy one: $$$
  9. Did you ever interview for a job you didn't think you'd get? I have. I figured it was a learning experience, and it let my boss, my boss' peers, and my boss' bosses know that I was interested in advancing my career. Maybe the same thing goes here?
  10. I'd imagine that since the Bills are (head) coach-less, they can only benefit by keeping him around. If he gets hired by another team, that will let the Bills off the hook for his salary - or at least a good part of it. If he's not offered a position with another team, I imagine the new Bills coach will let him go, but there's really no hurry until then.
  11. I read it once earlier in the season. The name's different, but the "articles" scream Weiler. And that can't be a good thing. Why that site is getting links from TBD is beyond me. I prefer only legitimate media and team-originated articles getting links. What's next, fans' blogs will be featured?
  12. Working off of memory, but I think that was his last season as GM. I'm by no means 100% certain, he may have been relieved of his GM duties beforehand.
  13. I've been checking in TBD regularly but haven't really read TSW in quite some time - at least until last night. I only read a couple of threads then and hadn't seen it mentioned. Sorry for being redundantly redundant.
  14. Just thinking out loud... One thing that I hadn't seen anybody mention was that the Packers (Sherman making the call as a GM) were about to take JP before we snatched him up. Maybe the fact that he sees something in JP, and that he thought he could get JP to perform at a high level bodes well for not only his hiring, but for JP's play. Hmm...
  15. Chicken. The season's only 8 months away. It's certainly not too soon to start fretting!
  16. Good for him. I never met him, but he seems like one of the good guys. I hope it works out.
  17. Why Sherman? He's a proven winner (as coach and GM) who was canned after one bad season (his first losing season IIRC). I, for one, would've been cool with Haslett, but the possibility of Sherman being our coach excites me (moreso than Jauron anyway).
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