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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Are you referring to bulge in her shorts, or yours?
  2. That actually looks like it might be pretty good. Is it a repeat, and if so, have any of you seen it? EDIT: I just noticed the poll on the page you linked to, "Greatest QB to never win a Super Bowl." The options are Peyton, Marino, and Tarkenton. Really surprised Kelly isn't on that list if for no other reason than to round out the number of choices...
  3. Seeing that their banner has a guy holding an xbox controller and another guy holding a 20-sided die, I can only imagine that things get pretty rowdy on their boards. I think I'd rather avoid those hellions...
  4. I'll be watching the Sabres game (at NYR, 7 PM), but I just set the DVR to record it. Thanks for the heads up.
  5. I may be nuts, but I think we're close. We have an awful lot of talent in all 3 phases of the game. With a couple of upgrades (OL & DL especially) and some steady coaching, we could be a very difficult team to beat.
  6. He's getting paid by the Pack to sit on his duff next season. THAT beats the unemployment line.
  7. That'd be a pretty good analogy if it referenced the "new manager" coming in because the current one was hurt and unable to work. As it is, this analogy is something of a straw man.
  8. He actually left a few weeks ago to work with UB as a QB coach and Passing Assistant or some such title. I had heard he was being considered for a job as an NFL QB coach too, but I don't recall what, if anything, ever came of it.
  9. You might be... Shouldn't you be working right now?
  10. And I'd be all for it. May the best man (QB) win.
  11. "It's not all X's and O's. You have to have the Jims and the Joes."
  12. That's kind of tough to read, but there were very big differences in the offensive production with each QB. Remember, I don't dislike JP. I want him to do well. But anyone who watched the games saw Holcomb recognize blitzes, not only as they came, but audibilizing at the LoS. Our 3rd down efficiency was up with Holcomb, our scoring was up - everything IMO just seemed to work better on the offensive side of the ball. One thing, or two things I guess, that you didn't see with Holcomb is him putting the ball 15 yards over open receivers heads on a consistent basis. Nor did you see him bouncing the ball off the ground while he's running around pretending to be a damn rugby player.
  13. Nick in England wrote about his and his father's visit to WNY to take in a Bills game. Once it was discovered they had travelled so far to see the Bills, they were given first class treatment - tour of the facility and press box passes to view the game being among the perks. Nick sat next to Vann, and he shared a lot of comments about how gracious a "host" Vann was. After JP missed a wide open WR by 20 yards for like the 5th time, Vann yelled (and I'm paraphrasing here) "JP Losman is not good enough to be an NFL QB. He's erratic, can't hit broad side of a barn!" The whole room went silent, and somebody from the Bills was in their (John Guy maybe), and he just put his head down and walked out of the press box. No one guy is the be all end all, but I took some solace in knowing that I wasn't the only person that didn't like what I saw in his play.
  14. It'd be nice to see a trio of Spikes, Fletcher, and Crowell flying around and making plays behind a couple of wide-bodies like Adams and Big Ted, wouldn't it?
  15. I appreciate the tone of your post. Not speaking for anyone other than me, I thought Holcomb did a better job of managing the offense. I certainly didn't expect him to improve, but I still liked what he brought to the table last year. He played within himself, made many high percentage passes, and had our running game not taken a mis-season vacation, I think that Willis would have been the beneficiary of the efficient passing (like Dillon in NE). To my eyes, JP is another in a long list of happy-footed athletes that doesn't have the composure to play QB at a high level in the NFL. Jauron seems to favor a more conservative offense, and that seems to play more to Holcomb's strengths than JP's. Nobody wants him to succeed more than me, but I find myself agreeing with Van Miller in that he just doesn't have it. And if I'm correct, that will suck. Bigtime.
  16. The running around part reminds me of Flutie. In fact, I think JP makes better decisions when he's not over-thinking it, ie, when he's on the run and is just reacting.
  17. It's less a judgment and more of an observation. I just don't foresee him getting better than a typical journeyman. Subjectively, I see him being the next (insert QB great), but objectively, it's a different story. For the love of all things holy and right, please JP, prove me wrong!
  18. Well aren't you the bearer of good news and happy thoughts!
  19. I like the melody, it has a good beat and I can dance to it. I'm just having a tough time figuring out the lyrics.
  20. I'd like to believe that JP will be a better QB than Holcomb. Right now, that's not the case. And the 4 INT game you cited is a bit misleading, is it not? He had two balls bounce off receivers hands and get picked, another was a desperation toss at the end of the game. But since you're into stats, take a peak at JP's numbers. Then take a peak at Holcomb's. Same players, different results. Personally, I hope they are true to their word and open it up to competition this summer. I think that JP would perform better if he's being pushed. A better performance out of JP is something that all Bills fans should want to see. Whether JP's the real deal, I don't think so. I don't think he has "it." I'm hoping like hell that he proves me wrong.
  21. I think that's true, and while this may not be unique to Bills fans, there seems to be a few different mindsets. -There are those of us that just enjoy being Bills fans. Sure we want them to win, and sure, we're passionate. We get PO'd when the refs blow a call. We're a little cranky after a Bills loss. But mostly, we just enjoy it for what it is, and what it's supposed to be, which is "fun." -There are those of us that are cynics, and regardless of what they do, who they sign, or how they play, they're still the Buffalo Bills and they'll either implode or fall flat on their faces. -Then there those of us who believe that we're fans, but we expect, no, demand, that the Bills field a winner. There's black and white in pro sports; winning and losing. Those of us that feel that way still support the team and root for the team when they're not winning, but we're not happy about it. -Then there are those among us who are the more casual fans. We might not be able to name the offensive linemen from this year, much less three years ago. But we still want the Bills to win, and we really do care. Some might call us band-wagon fans, but the reality is that it's a helluva lot more fun to watch them win, and nobody would be happier than us casual fans if the Bills won it all, but it's not so important that we need structure our lives around press conferences and training camp. Personally, I think every fan is a combination of two or more of those. Depending on the mood and the topic, all of these fans with different perspectives collide on the message board, sometimes there's a near-unanimous consensus, but more often there a lot of fireworks. What's really interesting to me is to see how people who constantly butt heads while online get along at the annual TBD/TSW Tailgate Party. Everyone of us is a Bills fan, and regardless of who we wanted for coach or who we want to start at QB, or whatever elese the topic du jour may be, the passion we all have for a Bills win that day is bigger than what turn out to be mostly petty disagreements. That's just my take.
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