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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Welcome aboard. Kelly's said numerous times that he's not interested in coaching. And that might be a good thing - I'm not so sure his temperment would lend itself well to being a coach.
  2. Pfft... He hasn't even won a game for us yet. He sucks.
  3. Yup, what Darin said. I'll add that it's not a "thing" really. If an NFL team fails to score a rushing TD all year, that's a "thing." An NHL team going a season without getting a SO isn't the norm, but it's not totally unheard of either.
  4. Glad to help. After reading his bio, it looks like we could do worse, but you do have to wonder how much of his success was due more to the talent he had. I don't know the answer to that. I honestly can't name a DC candidate that's available that I'd like to see come to Bflo. I think that I'd prefer an experienced guy as well. I also wouldn't mind Jauron looking over Gray's shoulder for a year either if there are no solid candidates.
  5. Here ya' go: http://www.baltimoreravens.com/includes/bi...87&personType=0 To make a link, click the http:// button above the text-entry field and enter the url into the pop up, click OK, then enter the name you want people to see. In the above, I just pasted the URL again.
  6. Well, I guess I'd agree with that, if they were our LBs. Otherwise, it's pretty much irrelevant. Besides, isn't Jauron 4 or 5 years younger than Marv was when he first came to Bflo?
  7. Based on your comment about their draft history, I wouldn't be surprised that Kollar had troubles making those guys productive. Can't make chicken soup out of chicken poop as they say. I don't follow the NFC very much at all, but since you live out there: In addition to Bryce Fisher's emergence, didn't Leonard Little emerge as a force under Kollar's tutledge in St Louis?
  8. You're right, that one never does get old, their best episode by a mile.
  9. Could have been. If thats the case, wasn't Gilbride out there?
  10. Nice one! Obviously we all hope it never happens, but San Antonio would love to get a team. I'm not so sure about LA, as much as the league would love it if LA were to become a hardcore NFL market, I just don't think they are too excited about the NFL. Maybe one of the LA/So.Cal posters could be more insightful on LA. Other than those two, I don't know who else could, would, or should be a serious candidate for a team.
  11. She said you were still a bargain at twice the price.
  12. Help me out here Adam, to what (or whom) are you referring?
  13. Just a guess, but I suppose it would depend on whether the DL coach is going to report to the DC or to the HC, wouldn't it? Or maybe they plan on keeping Jerry Gray around? I dunno'
  14. Ah, trick questions, I love them. The answer is: Ralph's funeral?
  15. Frankly speaking, if an extra dollar or two per game, or an extra $20-50 for season tix, will keep a person away from the Ralph, the budget must be pretty tight. That person might want to re-evaluate how they're spending their money in the first place, and decide whether spending their last 45 dollars on a Bills ticket is the wisest of moves. But I don't feel sorry for them. There's likely a bunch of other areas where they squander their money, putting them in that position in the first place.
  16. That's just dumb. Everyone knows they're both Freemasons.
  17. If those draft picks play better than the vets, then let 'em play. I not opposed to draft picks sitting while a player who is performing better gets more game action. I'm not suggesting we trade JP, nor am I suggesting we trade away the draft picks. If playing the inferior producer would somehow guarantee future success, I'm all for it. But it doesn't, so I'm not. As was mentioned above, I agree with Marv: Players should develop on the practice field. The need to produce on Sundays.
  18. I'm not too terribly concerned about what Holcomb did his rookie year. Nor is anyone arguing that JP doesn't have the potential to be twice the QB Holcomb is/was. I just hate see our players go through the motions. Last year he was beyond atrocious, save for one or two games. IMO, each game is too precious to while away so JP can "develop." I really do hope that he displays marked improvement. I'll be his biggest fan if that's the case. But if he doesn't, I'd want Holcomb to get the nod. Based upon last season's performance, Holcomb is the better QB right now, and frankly, that's all I care about. Like I've said many times here and offline, hopefully JP will come into camp and blow all of us all away - that'd be a best-case scenario, but I'm not holding my breath.
  19. His cap is a concern, but I hadn't heard anyone with the team say that Moulds was going to get cut or traded.
  20. I'd imagine that beating out KH would do wonders for his teammates' faith and confidence in him.
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