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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Hard to tell if you're being literal or facetious, but we didn't keep the "wrong" guy as much as the "right" guy just wanted to move back home.
  2. I don't think you'll find too much disagreement on that. So that's where you were going. Fair enough. But you could have just said that here -- nobody would have jumped all over you or anything. In fact, you'd be in the majority.
  3. Marino broke records in his 2nd and 3rd seasons. In his first season he only led the Dolphins to a 12-4 record. You ask a question. We answer, then you discount them. Is there a point to this?
  4. You're the one who asked the question. It's been answered.
  5. I think the reason that some people are down on him is not because he didn't kick butt from the get-go, but because he regressed and looked more and more absolutely dreadful with every game.
  6. 428 total rushing attempts, 26.75 plays per game average. 459 total passing attempts, 28.69 plays per game.
  7. Then you should be pleased that his play calling was 7th in the NFL in run frequency, but strangely, you're not. I don't understand what your beef is.
  8. It's the chicken and the egg theory. Does running the ball mean you'll win, or do you run when you're winning? Conversely, do you throw the ball to lose, or are you forced to throw when you're losing?
  9. My bad Slide over, I'm comin' aboard. We're DOOOOMED!
  10. Truly. Sadly, that is what it seems to have become.
  11. What are Jauron's, Kollar's, and Fairchild's salaries? I haven't seen that information.
  12. Good info and right on time Kzoo!
  13. I'll have to see it happen consistently before I'll change my opinion of him. Let's hope I'm wrong -- that'd be the best things for the Bills -- but I'm not holding my breath...
  14. You mean the game where we hung a whole 9 points on the Panthers? No, I didn't see it in Charlotte, I watched it with our local Backers group. I appreciate what you're saying, but the fact that you cite a game in which we failed to score a TD as a glowing endorsement of JP's pocket passing abilities kinda' speaks volumes, doesn't it?
  15. He retired yesterday. He was released by the Steelers last Feb and was having serious problems rehabbing the achilles tear. Link
  16. Good post Kelso. I really don't care about throwing mechanics. There are all sorts of people who succeed in their task with poor technique, be it guitar players, pitchers, or QBs. What I care about is the result. Consistenty zipping balls on a rope that sail 10 feet over a receiver's head - despite him being wide open and square to the QB, pretty much tells me all I need to know. I read a post yesterday in which a poster praised him for his deep ball accuracy. And yes, on balls where he throws it up and lets WRs run under it, he looked pretty good. But you'll die a quick death if your offense is incapable of consistently completing short and intermediate high-percentage passes. I've also read that the OL is JP's biggest hurdle. I'm generally the first one to agree with that line of thinking, but I just can't buy it in this case. He's at his worst when he's in the pocket. You can literally see him bounce higher and higher as his happy feet get the better of him the more time he has. It's rather obvious to me that he's too dang squirrelly in the pocket. In fairness to him, it may be conditioning from his days in Tulane. He seems to be his best when he's on the run on rollouts, naked bootlegs, or just when he's running for his life on a broken play. IMHO, you have to be able to throw from the pocket to be successful. The rest is a bonus. JP is unable to throw consistently accurate passes from the pocket, and he won't be a consistently good QB until/if he does. Just my opinion...
  17. The TBD experts have been telling us how incompetent Mularkey is for the last 18 months. We have nothing to worry about because their offense won't be able to score with him calling the plays, right?
  18. Other than Pro-Bowler Shaun Rogers and his 5.5 sacks, who did they have? Kenoy Kennedy with his 2 INTs? Dre' Bly with his 6 INTS. That's pretty much it. And despite the dirth of defensive talent, they finished a respectable 13th versus the pass and several spots ahead of Bflo's defense against the run. Given the talent level of the individuals on our underachieving defensive unit perhaps you'll be at least a little bit open to the possibility that he did a pretty decent job, given the 8 pedestrian players that started for him. The bottom line is that coaches can only do so much. No matter how good of a coach you are, you're stuck with the limitations of the players you have to coach.
  19. As shocked as I was when he was hired, I thought the same thing while watching his press conference. I relayed the info from the presser to a buddy who thought he was being too wishy-washy. I responded that it wasn't wishy-washy, but that he wasn't trying to blow smoke up our collective arses. I may live to regret this, but I'm really starting to like this guy's style, his mindset: No BS, what you see is what you get, and don't expect him to go out of his way to tell you what you want to hear. I'm more than a little cool with that.
  20. Maybe he was hired to compensate for the meekness of our new head coach?
  21. The manner in which Bledsoe was dumped never sat well with me. I never really thought about the other guys, but yeah, in hindsight there seemed to be a trend. In fairness to TD though, he had to make a lot of tough decisions because of the cap when he first arrived, and I think he did that very well. As long as there are fans there will be argument and debate about personnel decisions, play calling, and the rest of it. But as skeptical as I am about Marv as a GM, I really like the idea of bringing everyone together and moving forward together. Hopefully they're able to achieve that - it's why I think they went with Jauron. As an aside, I saw today that Riemersma's agent announced he was retiring. He hasn't been able to get over his Achilles tear from over a year ago. I was a big fan of his during his time in Bflo. Riemersma article link
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