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Everything posted by Campy

  1. "In accordance with club policy, terms of the agreement were not released."
  2. Please add this option: "Current colors with a massive redesign to the Division III/CFL-inspired road jersey." But you know, now that I type that, it does explain the Bills' away record.
  3. Or so it was rumored. The truth is, nobody here really knows. Any numbers you see are nothing more that guesses, which are most likely based on the writings of bitter editorialists like Jerry Sullivan.
  4. I read a lot about KH not having the ability to take Bflo to the playoffs. Well, neither did Trent Dilfer when he was in Baltimore. I read alot about how bad the OL is. Don't get me wrong, there is room for A LOT of improvement. But it kills me how people want to blame JPs performance on the OL. Despite taking the same number of attempts as KH (two fewer, actually), JP -- the mobile QB with "escapability" and a super-quick release -- took 50% more sacks than the rather immobile KH. Same offensive scheme. Same guys running it. Hmm... Yes, the OL can make a QB look better. But a QB can also make an OL look better too. And more than just in pass protection. Opponents had no fear of JP Losman beating them, which led to them stacking the line to stop the run. Again, the QB's performance didn't exactly help the line much. Just an observation. thought, and opine...
  5. I agree with the overall point of your post, but allow me to pick nits. I read how JP was "benched" quite often. Either my memory has slipped, or everyone else's has. Wasn't JP hurt, which led to KH getting the nod?
  6. Right on. I will say that IF the report was accurate, since it's now late afternoon approaching early evening here in the east, the odds are probably increasing that Bates has decided to sit on his duff and collect his checks from the Pack. Or not. Who knows?
  7. He was a little peeved that they passed over him and went with McCarthy as the HC in GB. After meeting with McCarthy, both sides decided it was time for a change at DC -- Polite way of saying that neither was too pleased with the other and a satisfactory settlement had been reached.
  8. I actually posted that from my PSP. The lack of a keyboard makes longer posts impossible, but what I should have posted was that the points he stated can not be over-emphasized IMO. Jauron seems to have a very good rep with other coaches, if not with fans, and if his coaching/management style is what I'm thinking it must be to have had Marv offer him the job, it would make Bflo an attractive place to work for a coordinator/position coach.
  9. Me too. I've said it before, I'm sure the author's a cool dude. Probably fun to have a beer and shoot the bull with, too. But his articles leave a little something to be desired IMO.
  10. As much as I question JP's ability to achieve the level expected of a 1st round QB, I think that it'd be a mistake for Bflo to jettison him at this stage. Let him practice, get better, and only after you have a better idea of his ability do you decide what to do with him long-term. Just my opinion...
  11. Agreed. Whether or not he is busting our chops or actually has a contact, it's fun. I don't know why some people get all pissy about it...
  12. That's exactly what I was going to say! Good insight Shamrock, thanks for sharing it with us.
  13. KzooMike put some serious time and energy into learning about his play calling tendencies. You can read his threads here: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=40682 http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=40703
  14. I keep seeing references to Ralph's frugality, but frankly, I don't know how they can be justified. 30 years ago, yeah, he was a cheap SOB. But everything the Bills have done since the late 80's sure didn't seem to be short-cutted or cheap. In fact, it seems that most everything has been done pretty close to 1st class -- from the Training Camps that became the league model to the gameday experience, he spends money. Also, Green Bay and St Louis TV stations' websites have reported that Bates turned down over $1 million per year from the Rams. If Clayton's report is accurate and Bates is contemplating the Bills' DC job, Ralph must have coughed up a good chunk of change, certainly no less than what the Rams offered.
  15. Just because espn reports it, I don't always believe it. They've screwed the pooch too many times via reporting unsubstantiated rumors as fact. If that's an accurate report, we should know something by tomorrow.
  16. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=40703 Happier?
  17. I don't have a crystal ball, but IF Bates is offered the job, and IF he turns it down only because Sherman's personality and/or style and/or philosphy didn't mesh with those of Levy's and/or Jauron's, he's not the type of guy I'd want in Bflo anyway....
  18. Coming from the guy who pointed out that JP's best game throwing the ball from the pocket was in a game that yielded 3 field goals and zero touchdowns, I'll consider it a compliment!
  19. Maybe. I kind of thought Ralph and Marv just kinda' thought Jauron was a better fit, personality-wise. Nothing nearly as dramatic as what you propose. It wasn't espn (I just did a search of their site). There are a lot of web sites out there, but neither NewsNow or Google News returned anything inferring that Sherman made any such demands. I'm not saying that you didn't see what you said you saw, but I am more than a little skeptical that it actually went down that way.
  20. He has deep roots in the 'burgh. His wife and other family was living there while coached in Bflo, he had a son (and maybe a daughter) in western PA, and a son in eastern OH. I think his move had less to do with being somebody's lackey and more to do with wanting to be near his family, But I certainly don't disagree with you that it's fairly obvious that he was the man behind the curtain.
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