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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Let them go to camp and compete. If JP wins the job, cool, he's our guy. But since camp hasn't started yet, all we can do is base our opinions on last season's performance. If you'd like to evaluate the performance of JP vs Holcomb (which you seem to want to do based upon the above post), pull up the stats of both QBs. Take a look at the wins and losses. Take a look at yards per attempt. Take a look at 3rd down efficiency. Take a look at offensive point production. Take a look at offensive yardage production. Take a look at completion percentage. Take a look at QB rating. Take a look at how many sacks each QB took. Clearly, JP Losman was the second best QB on the Bills last year. Does he have more upside than Holcomb? Sure, but I'm of the belief the best players at each position should play. To what level JP can play, I don't know. I seem to be of the opinion that I think less of his potential than some (eg, you), but moreso than others. Big deal. I don't think he'll ever play to the level I'd like to see a 1st round pick play. That doesn't mean I'm rooting for him fail (quite the contrary), nor does it mean that I think he's a bust.
  2. Yup, that's me. The guy who posted that it'd be a mistake to give up on JP after some people decided to fall all over Cutler with our 1st round pick this April or suggest we should dump him in favor of the Rams' Fitzpatrick.
  3. You're implying that I said JP is a bust. I never have. I've only said that based upon what I saw last season, JP is the 2nd best QB on the team. Call me crazy, but I'm of the belief that the best players start. If your philosophy is different, that's cool by me.
  4. Must be the sight of him throwing the ball to a wide open CB in the endzone at Miami is etched in my mind's eye. But woo hoo - his QB rating was 102.1! I guess we'll just have to wait and see and if he can beat Holcomb out of the starting job come this summer. All of this debate in January is moot.
  5. Who wouldn't? If you had a crystal ball and could show everybody that's what would happen, then I'd be all for JP. But you don't, and since Nostradamus is dead, I'll take a stab: We could go 12-4, 8-8, 10-6 with 2 playoff appearances with Holcomb or go 4-12, 8-8, 6-10, with Losman. Making up numbers can be fun, but it doesn't really do much to advance JP's case.
  6. No arguing that JP's physical attributes are superior to those of Holcomb's. Here's my biggest concern with JP: To my eyes, he's much much better on the move. He seems to do a better job of finding open receivers - even when he's running for his life - than he does when he's had time in the pocket. If a QB can read while he's on the move, wouldn't it be even easier when he's in the pocket? For real NFL QBs, the answer is yes. For extremely gifted athletes who happen to be QBs, they all seem to be unable to throw consistently well from the pocket. Yeah, they can make a play happen with their feet, and that's great. But there comes a time when an NFL QB MUST set up in the pocket and deliver. IMO, that's something JP hasn't done since his rather pedestrian performance in week 1. I've said it before, and I'll probably say it again: I hope I'm wrong. I really do. But I'm afraid I'm not, and that would stink for all of us.
  7. That's not what I said. Hell, I didn't even infer that. Re-read my post. Well thought out, cleverly written. May or may not be accurate. There have been many "dink and dunk" passers that have done very well. There's even one in the AFC East that has a fair amount of jewelry... Yup. JP's really shown "potential." Regretably, he peaked in week 1. And "holcrap?" C'mon man, you're a bright kid. You can do better than that.
  8. Anything's possible, including that. IF that is the case, and IF Bates listens to him, and IF that's the sole reason he doesn't come to Bflo, then we're better off without him.
  9. The "team's performance," yes, individual talent, not at all.
  10. (Maybe more than) A little over the top there - my apologies to Simon. But he's still wrong!
  11. A relatively small body of work due to his injury. Any goalie can get hot for a while, and it wouldn't surprise me if that was what they thought of Miller. His play since returning just might have proven them wrong.
  12. How about progression instead of regression? That'd be nice for a change. If you disagree, that's fine -- IMO that's why most of us come here, to get varying opinions and perceptions -- but don't think, not even for a minute, that you're the only person who watches football. But alas, King Simon has spoken. Might as well close the thread now.
  13. I didn't know about Houston, but I read several published reports that he turned down over $1 million per year to DC the Rams.
  14. I posted on the SabresReport forum last night during the game that few things bring more glee than watching Belfour have a meltdown against Bflo. It was a thing of beauty!
  15. Darn, and he was performing sooooo well under Wyche. Let's take it a step further. I agree with the many people here that claim that JP is at his worst when he's thinking. He over-thinks, and then presses. Maybe blowing Wyche out of Bflo will allow JP to think a bit less and thus, actually help his play. Especially considering that QB coaching is the strong suit of our OC, a guy who, by all accounts, has had more success getting his QBs to perform at a higher level than Wyche ever has. Or am I under-rating the greatness of Craig Erickson? I don't dislike Wyche, but IF he's gone, it's not really that big of a deal, is it?
  16. My wife is originally from Houston with virtually all of her family still in the area. Last time we were there was this past Thanksgiving. Houston may not be as bad as you portray it, but it's pretty darn close. It's a big city with very little to offer in the "charm" or "quaint" categories. In fact, my wife prefers Bflo over Houston and has even said that if I wanted move back she'd be all for it - weather and economy be damned. Aside from authentic Mexican and Tex-Mex cuisine, Houston just doesn't have much to offer.
  17. Bingo. IF it's true. Nobody has confirmed that Bates was even contacted by the Bills, much less an offer made or an offer rejected. But you know how it is BADOL, and we shouldn't allow a lack of fact stop anyone from jumping to conclusions and getting their panties in a wad.
  18. Just because you think that doesn't mean it's true. He may or may not. But I bet he'd blow smoke to cover his own arse.
  19. I agree 100%. That is sacrilegious!
  20. For real? I guess I don't remember any of that.
  21. I wouldn't be doing handsprings or anything, but IMO TC is a solid DC. I agree with you, we could do worse, but I'm not sure he's the best guy out there.
  22. Possibly, but I have the image of the two down linemen we faced in XXV seered into my brain.
  23. No need to get angry about it, is there? The Bills never disclose the salaries of their staff.
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