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Posts posted by Campy

  1. The greed of the NFL as well as other sports never ceases to amaze me. The way they can legally extort companies to give them money for nothing tangible, just so that it will allow it's players to get money for wearing/using said companies products. Amazing.


    It's not greed, it's capitalism.


    Why should Adidas receive free exposure/advertising from having their logo on equipment used in NFL-owned competitions?


    After all, players could wear Adidas but they could not wear the Adidas logo. Now that Adidas paid, they can also receive the benefit of exposure/advertising.

  2. Someone pleaseeeeee explain to me what Marrones "schtick" is? And why some of us think the players (veterans) hate it?


    Is there any concrete examples of this or is this all the media driven nonsense (his apparent "dispute" with Hughes, who he's been getting great results out of by the way? His "argument" with the FO after training camp? Not playing mike Williams - who we have not needed because our WRs are doing great - thus causing his agent to request a trade? Also, notice how mike acts on the sidelines, true team player despite his apparent "rift" with his head coach. His demotion of Robert Woods in training camp that worked perfectly and Woods publicly said he needed and benefited from and now he's playing like he should? Or is it his handling of the guard situation where he has not played Urbik for reasons none of us actually know, other than the fact they were trying to ride it out with the rookie and now switched and inserted Urbik?)


    I'm dying to see what everyone is talking about as far as Marrone and his "schtick"?




    THANK YOU - sorry to repeat post, must have posted at the same time - this is what I'm saying!



    It's simply a case of repetition begets fact regardless of whether there's any truth to it.


    Frankly, claims that he some sort of schtick is comparable to TV news' analysis of celebrity criminal trials: uninformed, tiresome, and likely incorrect.

  3. Obviously, Orton is a much better passer at this point. I would hope when EJ is in his tenth year, he will be better. The fact that Orton has become a better QB with more experience is why you continue to develop EJ. Look at Orton's first 15 games: http://www.nfl.com/p...ogs?season=2005 51.6%, 5.1 ypa, 9 tds, 13 ints, 59.7 qb rating and a game where he threw 0 tds and 5 ints.


    I still believe anything less than a winning record and this is a mistake. But so far, especially with the first legit win, it looks good. Hopefully, EJ is learning in the meetings and from Orton. I think we finally have a team good enough where we can sit a 1st rounder on the bench and not be forced to play him.




    Well said, Biscuit.

  4. You can go by the QB's arm, and EJ doesn't have the arm......Orton has the arm.....can throw....like a pro should. I don't like the fact that the Bills picked EJ on intangibles......and failed picking on the ability to pass the ball. I hope the Bills don't waste 5 years on EJ like they did on Losman.......




    I think you might be the only person on the planet who believes that. The kid is far from perfect but he has an absolute cannon for an arm.

  5. It's funny how complimenting EJ triggers a crap storm about how he wouldn't have done this or he wouldn't have done that.


    He came out of FSU as a project and ended up being immediately thrown to the wolves. I think sitting, watching, and developing behind a vet will help him immensely.


    And because I'm a Bills fan, I hope he shows up at camp, smokes Orton, and forces the coaches to name him the starter - that would be a best-case scenario for the team.

  6. I have been pleasantly surprised with Orton's play thus far and while I don't think he's "the answer," I think his biggest value to the team is that EJ gets to watch and learn an NFL veteran study and prepare for the first time.

  7. I cannot express how pleased I am with the manner in which the Pegulas conducted themselves throughout this process.


    Contrast Kim and Terry with the poop-show that was Bon Jovi's group and the absolute farce that is Donald Trump. The team, the city, and the region are the real winners.


    Thank you Terry and Kim. Not just for buying the team and keeping them in WNY, but for being pure class.

  8. Schwartz literally asked to be carried off the field, which kind of takes away from it IMO. Ecstatic we won and very glad to have Schwartz as our DC but it is kind of a douchey move. At least, that's what I'm hearing from everyone who isn't a Bills fan.


    From what I heard it was said as a joke in camp and the players made up their mind to actually do it.

  9. A great line, great offensive line coaching, and great success running the ball under Chan is ruined by Marrone and company . I'm sure glad our head coach is a former ol coach, and coordinator....not!


    The playes on the OL aren't the same, that might have something to do with it.


    That, and CJ is a generally ineffective NFL running back. I'd rather see Boobie getting his carries; he just sees the field better than CJ.

  10. We should be happy that the team won and that Orton had a good game, particularly given that it was his first game, in a hostile environment, against a top defense. However, I don't understand the need to take a shot at EJ. Most of us agreed that he wasn't progressing as he should have been and that the change to Orton needed to be made. Whatever you might think of EJ's skills on the football field, he tried hard for this team and handled his benching with class. I truly hope that he benefits from it and one day emerges as a good NFL QB. I don't get this need by some posters to continue kicking this kid around.

    Exactly. Celebrate Orton's play. No reason to kick sand at EJ.


    What ^^^these^^^ guys said...

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