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Everything posted by Campy

  1. I've been impressed with the way the Finns have taken it to USA, but I just don't see them holding off the US firepower. There's a reason why the US and Canada are always ranked 1 and 2 and the Swedes, Swiss, and Finns are a distant 3, 4 and 5.
  2. I dunno' if he'll do that given that there's a 6'5" 241 lb pass-catching TE waiting in the wings (Kevin Everett).
  3. I'd like to type some stirring post about the end of an era and all, but I'm kind of surprised he was still alive, much less still on the air.
  4. Montana has said that he refused for the simple reason that he wanted to spend time with his kids and watch the game with his family. No big deal really. But the NFL, regardless of how angry they get with a player, should never remove that player's stats and accomplishments from their books. That'd be ridiulous, IMO. Also, the NFL can not kick him out of the HoF, it's the Professional Football Hall of Fame, not the NFL Hall of Fame. They're seperate entities.
  5. Injury may have had something to do with that IMO.
  6. I've heard that it's from this week, but who knows, and frankly, who cares? Apply that critical thinking to things that matter and give your brain a break on diversions like football and drunken coeds. Either way, it still doesn't make the girls any cuter. The short one on the left is kinda' cute, but still, if it's not Detroit, it's someplace, and in that place a successful and rich pro athlete can't even score a hottie. There's something wrong with wherever that place is.
  7. Not everyone knows that. Or am I the only person in the country who thinks Seattle is going to win?
  8. Is it just me, or were any of you very underwhelmed by the quality of tail he was chasing? I mean c'mon, is that the best Motown has to offer?
  9. Replace "Bills" with "Kelly" and I'd say that was the biggest reason, but that's just my opinion.
  10. Native Americans were playing hockey before there was a Canada.
  11. Depressing? Shoot, I'm glad we haven't been on Monday nights. I wish we weren't on Sunday nights. IMO, Sundays at 1 (or 4 if I gotta) is a great time to get together with friends and watch the game. The night games? Bleh - you can keep 'em!
  12. Because it is your opinion, it doesn't make it fact.
  13. I think most peoople in this thread are reading too much into it. I didn't hear the interview or the comments but it sounds to me like Marv thinks he's a very good QB. That really doesn't mean that Marv is insisting on drafting him, does it?
  14. There's always an exception. But it's interesting that it seemed that Buddy Ryan never got along with anybody, isn't it? Not that I never wanted to take a poke at Kildrive!
  15. He is "mulling things over," isn't he? My bad.
  16. I appreciate what you're saying, I really do. But nobody knows what really went/is going down except for the parties involved, and they ain't talkin'. Maybe Jauron interviewed him and thought, "What a prick!" They need to get along and be on the same page if this thing's gonna' work - regardless of a DC's reputation.
  17. Me too. I also wonder about things like that everytime I read a post commiserating that we didn't get Bates, Caldwell, et al. We as fans really know so little about these guys -- their style of management, their teaching technique, etc -- that I think we look at the performance of a coach's team/unit/position (if he's a position coach) and jump to a conclusion about whether he sucks or is Lombardi incarnate. The dude's personality and his strengths versus the weaker areas of other members of the staff and vice-versa, gets overlooked. And truthfully, righly so. How would we as fans have a clue what they're like in dealing with players, peers, or team management? I don't think that it can emphasized too much that they have to get along and mesh as people before they can gel as a coaching staff. One thing I firmly believe is that 99.99% of NFL coaches (head coach, coordinators, and/or position coaches) are light years better than the best coach any of us ever had playing any sport. If a guy's a good fit, personality-wise, he'll do just fine. At first blush they may not all appear to be stellar coaches because you can't make chicken soup from chicken poop, if you don't have the players you're likely not going to have much success. I have full faith that anyone the Bills bring in knows football. and then it'll be up to the players to do their job: listen, learn, and perform.
  18. I still think we're close, but methinks I'm in the minority.
  19. It's not a very good idea to try and defend JP Losman by attacking Holcomb's stats. People could pull out things like a completion percentage below 50%, a 50.4 QB rating on 3rd downs, etc. For cryin' out loud brother, how many more times do I have to say "Let the best man in camp win the job" in this thread? How many more times do I have to say "All we have to go by is last year's performance?" I believe I've said each about 5 times prior to this post in this thread alone. Let's hope the way you see it is the way it will be.
  20. Thank you. As I promised, I just PayPal'd you the $20 for saying nice things about me.
  21. Sure, players get better with the more game time experience they get. But here's the deal, the practice field the place you develop basic competency, not the game field (Marv once said that). I know, all of the people who think JP walks on water will get all up in arms again, but frankly, save for a handful of games JP's play was incompetent. As long as it takes until he's the best QB on the team. As for an exact time, that'd be up to him, not me. Based upon last season, the Bills were more successful in virtually all offensive categories when he played. You can't get to the playoffs much less win a Super Bowl when you give up a critical part of the offense only to get inept play out of the second best QB on the roster IMO. I never said his "peak" wasn't good enough. IMO, a QB who can manage a game and get an occasional first down is all you need out of the position in this day and age. Or are you advocating just giving up? Again, I want JP to be a stud QB. But if he can't beat out Holcomb in camp, he doesn't deserve to get the start. If he does, I'll be his biggest cheerleader - ask anyone who watches the game at our Backers club - I root and cheer for whoever's out there wearing our laundry. If our starter falters like JP did over the first quarter of the season last year, I'll want them to put in the other guy. I want Bflo to win. Win the Super Bowl, win home field advantage, win their next game. I'm not keen on peeing away opportunites or peeing away teammate's careers so the second best player at his position on the team can "figure it out." Is that so wrong?
  22. I made an erroneous statement by saying he peaked in week 1. Statistically speaking, his best game was in Miami. Better?
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