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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Campbell did get an assist. He was the guy that passed it to Gaustad. Lorentz was mistaken. I replayed it on the DVR and it's clear as day. He was credited with it - 1 assist and a +1.
  2. So that's what the significance of this game was. Thanks.
  3. Would one of you guys mind telling me why I should care? I'm not trying to agitate, but I don't follow basketball, I prefer sports. Juuuuuust kidding. Kind of... But did SU's win over UConn give them the national title or was this for the Big East championship thingy?
  4. That tickled me. Sadly, it's also spot-on.
  5. I really do think we have a major misunderstanding of today's youth. We fail to understand that most of their "issues" can be resolved with either a smack upside the head or a boot on the arse.
  6. Since when has the US cared about anti-American broohahas (I always wondered how you spelled that!)?
  7. When I read the article this morning that was EXACTLY what I thought. See there, you learnt me somethin'!
  8. All other reasons aside, I'd rather see the management of infrastructure - including ports - be controlled by domestic companies. I'm not a big fan of foreign ownership of our air (TV and radio) either. GG makes an interesting point regarding Emirate Air, but I guess the difference to me is that a plane's cargo (human and otherwise) has been inspected/screened before being transported away from the airport, and you just don't see too many jetliners travelling on the interstates. Containers are loaded onto tractor trailers and away they go. I appreciate the point that there are foreign airlines in our airspace and at our airports, but I still don't think that they offer the same potential threat as an uninspected container travelling through our cities. IMO, some things shouldn't be exported (for lack of a better term).
  9. Now that you mention him, I've never seen Ghost of BiB and Mark VI in the same room at the same time. Hmm...
  10. Out with lingering effects of a pretty serious concussion.
  11. Doesn't apply to Center Ice on digital cable and streaming the audio broadcast. In fact, I have to pause the video (via DVR) for 8-15 seconds to allow the internet audio to catch up. I did that last night at the start of the game, but Mrs Campy doesn't like the audio coming from so far away from the video - it's one of her peeves I guess - so I endured the chumps that are NESN's Bruins coverage for all but the first 5 or 10 minutes of the game. The things we do for marital bliss. *sighs*
  12. Rolo (Dwayne Roloson) was just traded to the Oilers for a first and a conditional pick. Is that who you mean dave?
  13. Nothing personal Rico, but the Stones sold out in 1964 and outside of 3 or 4 songs, they suck. Here's proof.
  14. Truth be told guys, the Sens scare the stevestojan out of me this year. I think the Sabres can take the Flyers, Canes', Devs, and the rest of the [sic] Adams division in a 7-game series, but the Sens are the real deal this year IMO.
  15. Not too good for a team you claim will win the Cup. In which part of "consistently beat playoff caliber teams" was I unclear? Yup, it's all him, he's the savior. [/sarcasm] They have no real depth (that's fact) and their midgets will be out of gas come playoffs (that's opinion). Brodeur is still good, but he's also two years older. With wide open play and their clutch-and-grab defense now illegal, the Devs won't have the goal support to be able to play with the elite teams in the East (Ottawa, Carolina, Rangers, and Buffalo) come the playoffs. I'm not sure what's more shocking: That a Bills fan would have the balls to use that line, or how remarkably much you sound like a Cowboys fan whose only argument when it comes to justifying his team's ineptitude is "Yeah but we won a Super Bowl a few years ago." In any event, you do make a good point. The Devils are better than the Sabres this year because New Jersey won the Cup 3 years ago.
  16. Like I said, they'll be lucky to make the playoffs, and IF they do, the only talent they have not named Brodeur (by that I mean Gionta and Gomez) are small and will be out of gas. But I'll give you credit. It takes balls to claim that they'll do something in the playoffs that they have been unable to do in the regular season -- which is consistently beat playoff caliber teams. I mean c'mon, they can't even beat the Isles.
  17. None. USB drives are passive (and erasable) storage devices analogous to floppies. Thanks for the heads up on this.
  18. For starters how 'bout Buffalo, Philly, Rangers, Carolina, or Ottawa? And before you get too far ahead of yourself, wouldn't it be wise to wait and see if they even make the playoffs? It's a very real possibility that they don't. I haven't looked at the standings in a couple of days but they're what, in by 4 points with a game in hand? I don't think they're scarying anyone too much.
  19. It's not wholly uncommon for men to wear pants that are similar to women's capri pants when at the beach or on boat, especially after the sun sets. The locals refer to them as clam diggers and they're actually quite comfortable. As far as socks and sandals, I wear sandals a lot, but never with socks. But if someone else wants to wear socks with sandals I don't care much. I'd rather see socks than some of the funky feet and crust-laden toes and toenails I see on tourons, creatures that are part tourist, part moron. They appear to be indigineous to New Jersey and migrate to Virginia Beach every summer.
  20. I'd assume that he's a guy who's never played any type of ice hockey.
  21. Why were you so surprised? These are, for the most part anyway, players who are only a year or two removed from high school to begin with. Losing to a team of males only a couple of years younger than you is nothing for them to be upset about. I know the testosterone levels that message board tough guys can exhibit, but the US women's team has had more success over the past 8 years than the men's teams have had.
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