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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Wasn't his very first game action (in relief of an injured Bledsoe) against the Pats*? I seem to remember it being a primetime game. I remember him dropping the ball a couple of times - including one where he bounced it right out of bounds. That was one of the worst debuts at QB I've ever seen an eventual starter make.
  2. I get my Bills news from the intertubes. I'll sometimes watch NFL Network to see highlight packages on Sunday evenings, but I rarely watch it because I could care less what their opinion is of the Bills. I want news - and I'll formulate my own opinions - and TBD serves that purpose to a 'T.'
  3. Or how about we abolish political parties altogether? IMHO, that's the only way we'd see improvement. Too bad it'll never happen...
  4. 3 of the 5 most recent Cup winners were from the East.
  5. Back when I was a kid I rode a lot. I was either in Batavia or Brockport, but I had a cop tell me operating a bike while listening to my Walkman was illegal. And ofiba's right, it could be lethal, too.
  6. Him not recognizing the difference between "better for the team" and "better for Bruce" is nothing new.
  7. I think Bruce will, but I think Reggie is far too long overdue for the honor.
  8. Winding down for our spring break next week, I let the kids watch some TV today in class. They voted and chose ESPN, and they (ESPN) were saying that an agreement had been reached and the coaches will be getting paid. I found this link confirming that they're heading to Japan.
  9. When I was a baseball fan, I hated the Yankees. But you gotta' give them the nod on this one.
  10. I'm sure it would bore most of you - and admittedly, it is a pretty dry read - but I've been reading Politics & War: European Conflict from Philip II to Hitler by David Kaiser.
  11. And I remember their O-line being absolutely huge - and dominant.
  12. I don't think it's the thread people have a problem with. Revisiting past moves and the like is something I think people enjoy discussing/debating - especially during the offseason. I'd imagine the Bills history buffs and/or draftniks could have some fun with it. Where I think you lost people was on the line asking if drafting Thurman cost us 2 Super Bowls. That seems like an incredibly huge leap, even if you are just trying to get people involved in the conversation.
  13. By reading the posts I guess I'm doing nothing more than piling on, but instead of spending $200 on retrieving data, maybe funds should be raised to set up some kind of back-up thingy. Doing so would be less about saving PMs, posts, and post counts, and more about retaining your sanity when a crash happens down the road. Or you could just send the $200 to me. I'd be o'kay with that.
  14. Wow, we're a busted-up bunch of SOB's, aren't we? Chef Jim: I've had a nail bent backward slightly and that hurt like a mother. I can't even begin to imagine having it totally ripped off. I'm curious, do fingernails, or more specifically, did your fingernail, grow back or are you still nail-less?
  15. Some of the concussions (of which only a few were diagnosed - I avoided doctors for the others) and shoulder dislocations (five diagnosed, a few more I set myself) weren't fun. Shoot, I still can't throw overhand. But the worst injury I suffered at one time was torn medial and lateral menisci and a dislocated patella. FWIW, menisci are the cartilage shock absorbers in the knee, the patella is the kneecap. I had arthroscopic surgery on my right knee back in the mid 80's at GMH in Batavia to repair it but it still acts up every now and then. Although a limp isn't usually noticeable, temp and pressure changes create discomfort that seems to be getting worse with age. The doc also said my cartilage is degenerating in that knee and eventually I'll need to go in for knee replacement surgery, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
  16. Congrats to the Purple Eagles and their fans and alumni.
  17. I'm with ya' JStrange. I never understood the fascination over a mafia crooner with a mediocre voice. As Barnum said, there's a sucker born every minute... _____________________________________ EDITED AT 4:53 ON 3/18: I just re-read my orginial post above and want to apologize, millsie. It reads much harsher than it was intended, especially the Barnum line. Sorry 'bout that - but I'm going to blame that atrocious avatar of yours for throwing me off!
  18. Not well at all. It's almost noon on St Pat's and I'm still sober.
  19. Ireland forever, Scotland just a wee bit longer! From this pipe lovin' Burns readin' haggis eatin' caber tossin' Scot/Ulster-Scot, slainte'.
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