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Everything posted by Campy

  1. I'm grateful that my sister (she works at the Smithsonian) and her husband (he works at the Pentagon) were OK and that a fellow Bills fan/poster who worked at WTC decided not to go into work that day. But I'm with you, man. I'll never forget, but that doesn't mean I'll ever make the choice to voluntarily re-live it...
  2. Congrats Coach
  3. ... and Belichck could have been a man had he been born with balls.
  4. Relax, he's just being facetious.
  5. Oh, make no mistake, what he does on the field is what truly matters, but that was like reading one of my student's text messages. Of course, they're high schoolers. I wonder what his excuse is?
  6. Terrible... Does he post those from a cell phone?
  7. If you don't want peoples' opinion on your, ahem, "idea," why did you post it?
  8. Oh. That's what you meant. I was thinking you meant flat on his back and injured on the turf in Orchard Park.
  9. And below the 'Skins too At least the original poster let us know it had no credibility by typing "espn."
  10. Post of the week right there.
  11. I know that announcers chatting about inane things has been mentioned in a couple of posts, and it drives me nuts too. But I don't find him particularly enlightening. I'm not too proud to admit that his career as a Cowboy probably doesn't help much (see: Super Bowls XXVII and IIXXX), but I'm not sure I've noticed the insights to which you refer. That said, I don't watch him enough to speak unequivocally and definitively on his progress as an announcer. But that's just me, and as you know, there's no accounting for taste.
  12. Imagine how good he'd be if he had a color commentary guy.
  13. No argument about the a-holes, but in defense of the original poster - the thread was started Tuesday and today's Thursday. Keeping a close eye on this thing, I've noticed the NOAA projections did have its cone of possibility covering part of WNY a couple of days ago.
  14. I hear you. We moved this summer to a bungalow off of Shore Drive. We aren't "on" the ocean or bay, but on an inlet. The water is 35-40' from the edge of the deck (tiny back yard, huge front yard). It's an awesome little place that has survived since 1939, but I'll be watching very closely. Go HOOS! j/k Have fun but be sure to keep an eye on http://alert.richmond.edu/. And good luck Spiders.
  15. Locally we're being told to have preparations completed Friday afternoon as the weather will start to turn in the evening hours. Tidewater/Va Bch is expecting 40-60 mph sustained winds, 10-20% power outage, and tides up 3-4', which compared to some we've all seen is somewhat minor. Unless you're the guy who loses all of his food because the power was out for a few days. Or the guy whose car is crushed under a fallen tree. That would suck bigtime. @eball:
  16. Ouch. Might wanna' get on the blower and reschedule that one...
  17. Good story. Off the field he seemed like a pretty decent guy to me too. I met him when he was down here for one of Bruce Smith's golf tournies. My job that morning was to act as a traffic cop for players coming down from their rooms and ensure that they (and their clubs) found their way to the right car for the short trip to the links. It was a bit cool that morning (for this area) and Marino approached me as he walked out the door cupping his hands over his mouth to blow warm air into them. "Man, it's cold out here, isn't it." I just looked at him with a chesire cat grin and said, "Cold? No, not at all, but then again, I'm from Buffalo." He cracked a smile which quickly turned into a laugh and said "Awwww man!" We chatted for a couple of minutes while waiting for the next car to come and pick him up. He shook my hand and got in the car and I decided that I'd only hate him on autumn Sundays. Knowing he was well-grounded and pleasant to speak with almost made me feel sorry for him while watching his final game - that 62-7 playoff laugher against the Jags.
  18. Wow, that's a word that I haven't heard/used/thought of since I moved away some 16 years ago. And as much as we used to use it - in much the same way Mickey did - I'm not sure I ever really understood it. I assumed it meant the F-bomb and could be followed with "fa" to designate a target for aforementioned F-bomb, as in "F-bomb you." Can anyone confirm this? As for the thread at hand - I haven't followed the whole Peters saga as closely as many here, but it's my understanding that he still has 3 years left on the deal he signed with Bflo a couple of years ago. Evans has one year left and wants to re-do a deal, but he is there working. Peters should learn from Evans' example. If Peters has a very legit reason for not being in Bflo (ie, a serious family or personal issue) I'll be the first to welcome him back with open arms. Otherwise, screw him by retaining his rights to ensure he can't play for anyone else and let him accrue daily fines until he files his retirement papers. And if/when that time comes, file suit for fines plus statutory interest.
  19. Aha! I just knew you've been missing us! Everybody have fun and be safe. GO BILLS!
  20. "If the glove don't fit, you must acquit." A proud moment for all of us old enough to have seen the Juice...
  21. Signed. Good luck with this effort. In my eyes, there is no better way for you to honor your son than to help someone else's. Well done.
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