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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Yeah, that stuff bothered me when I was 12 too.
  2. You're only as cursed as you allow yourself to be
  3. No argument there. But there's also something to be said for people acting like they've been in public before, too.
  4. I made a couple of changes, but sadly we agree 100% on the end result
  5. Last Bills game I went to I took friends from here who had never been to an NFL game. Not kids, these people were in their 50's, and they didn't care who was playing whom because they were tailgating at an NFL game! And they wore their jerseys for their favorite team, an NFC team we hadn't played in years (Rams) - because I said it'd be fine. I knew that once Bills fans saw my Jeep covered with Bills flags and magnets, and me with my jersey and hat and Bills tablecloth... Not all Bills fans are a-holes, obviously. But the crew that showed up yelling f-bombs in to their faces with so much passion that spittle flew in to my friend's faces more than made up for the normal people. Yell, cheer, chant, holler and hoot. It's all good. But those drunks ruined the NFL experience for my friends and for the first time ever, made me embarrassed to be a WNY native and Bills fan. Just not worth that crap - life's too short. Oh, and Hi KD, hope all is well...
  6. Wow, you hit all the red meat issues, that's for sure. I know unions are popular targets for the pro-corporation types and fascists, but do $35/month dues really qualify as sucking money out of the working class? Besides, they'd be be paying more than the amount of their dues for healthcare if not for collective bargaining... Sorry, didn't mean to piss all over your talking points. You may continue...
  7. I know it's a 1-yr deal, but how do you know it's for the minimum? When he was waived, both the Bills and Phins filed claims for his rights. He was obviously awarded to Bflo, but it's not like Miami hasn't been keeping an eye on him.
  8. It might mean that. Or it might mean that all those years in the Miami sun have wilted his backbone and rendered him a wuss.
  9. I don't disagree with a single thing you said. And while NFL Net can be pretty bush-league at times, I think the main difference between you and me is one of expectations - You have some.
  10. You nailed it. Back in '89 or so there was an SI cover titled "Big Bad Bills." It showed Biscuit, Talley, Bruce, and somebody else twisting a Raider up like a pretzel. As a fan, one of the most strangely gratifying parts of the late-80's/early 90's was that the Bills, our Bills, were media darlings. Until things turn around on the field, they should be ignored by the national media. Plus it's easier to sneak up on 'em that way!
  11. Did your father tease you about it?
  12. Teresa and I are sending prayers and good kharma your way.
  13. That'd be first, probably followed by contentment with current contract.
  14. A couple of blood clots near your heart can't be a good thing. Best of luck to him.
  15. A friend who worked for the PR firm handling the failed Rhinos bid told me that Southsiders aren't nearly as likely to cross the water for events as those from NN, Hampton and York Cty are to come Southside. For whatever the reason, the Peninsula is a million miles away to the average Southsider, myself included. I think the best location would be Harbor Park; It's a top-notch facility, has plenty of parking, and is super-easy to get to for the majority of the civilian and military population (Bch, Norf, Ports, Ches).
  16. Or maybe it's because they have reason to believe he forced himself upon her and that rape is wrong?
  17. Didn't Cooley actually spend most of last season on IR? And frankly, I'm not sure Moss/Cooley are better than Evans/Owens...
  18. While, like TO's signing, I can't say I'd like the move, I'd cheer for him if he were in Bflo. And after TO's signing, I'd say damn near anything's possible...
  19. Indeed. Welsh are people from Wales.
  20. Faulk was '03, Vick was '04, Ray Lewis was '05.
  21. Considering he got shafted by way of an illegal forward pass, not only am I not still mad at him, I never was. If we couldn't keep April, I'm glad we landed DeHaven.
  22. Holy crap beer sphere, get better soon!
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