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Everything posted by Campy

  1. From your first cigarette 'til your last dying day. Or so I've heard.
  2. I would have sworn that was against the Bengals, I stand corrected.
  3. Good stuff, thanks for posting.
  4. Yep, what the anxious one said...
  5. I appreciate the point the OP is making... It is a winnable game and while I hope the Raiders take down the Pats*, I'm thinking the Bills need to win what appears to be a rather winnable game at Cincy to stay ahead of our 2nd place rivals. As for the importance of games, they are all important, but I generally view intra-division games as most important, followed by intra-conference, and lastly inter-conference games. I guess it stems from the tie-breaker hierarchy? I dunno'...
  6. Thanks ol' friend, I'm doing well! I've been lurking about; posting very occasionally. Between the play of our Bills and the optimism I have for our Sabres and the Amerks, I've been walking around with a Cheshire cat grin so big my friends and coworkers think I've been hanging with Tommy Chong, so all is good! I read where you got burned on tix for the opener - that's so not cool. But I guess that is what happens when nice guys put themselves out there - sooner or later somebody takes advantage. I'm sorry it happened. Otherwise, I trust things are going well for you? (I've missed our 7AM coffee-and-beer-fueled tailgate set-ups at Hammer's Lot, those were some good times!) I haven't scene Rockpile posting though - next time you speak with him please tell Tom hello for me? Cool - it'll be nice to meet you after all these years! When you walk in the main door just turn right and walk to the back room. And just a word of advice: it fills up pretty quickly (a phenomenon of winning games), I'd suggest getting there not much later than 11:30-11:45'ish. Show up early and grab some grub and/or a couple of Labatts (yep, they bring in Blue and Blue Light for us!) I'll be wearing a 78 B.Smith jersey, make sure you introduce yourself!
  7. "I'm not saying other fans don't love their team as much as Bills' fans; I'm saying that no fans love their team more than Bills fans."
  8. Lighten up dude. I didn't catch the penalty while watching the game but the OP did include a link to an article by Chris Brown that would suggest you're wrong:
  9. It wasn't called back for no reason. Watch Fez's replay, it looks like there's a hold on the near side, right around the 20 and back to the 15.
  10. In addition to that, I'd say the pass to Nelson in which he got knocked out of bounds and got up helmet-less, looked to the fans, and yelled "Let's Go!" That was the first time during the game I thought the Bills were going to get it going.
  11. It's actually commonplace so far this season. I like the way the offense is playing, but you're giving our Bills too much credit. The Pats* gave up, on average, 98 yds on the ground (Bflo had 79), and 380 in the air (Bflo had 369) in their wins against San Diego and Miami.
  12. NFL Films' Talkin' Proud! Vindication. Jubilation. Joyous fans attack the goalposts with the vigor of college students on homecoming day.
  13. I sit near the front (that's me with the khaki hat and Bruce jersey next to Jeff in the Dareus jersey) so my back was turned to the camera - I didn't know it was being recorded. Judging from where the camera is, I'm thinking Devon recorded it? Anyway, there were about 70 of us there at Gator's (S Holland Rd, Va Bch) and just like our brethren Backers clubs it was pure fandemonium sweetness. What a game! Thanks for posting this Jack AJ Gator's, S Holland between Burger King and Dunkin Donuts.
  14. Nobody is happier with the final score of today's game than I am. But let's recognize a valid point when one slaps us in the forehead: somehow someway we've got find a pass rush.
  15. It's interesting. It's also way too early.
  16. Maybe. But then again I didn't watch too much USFL football. I do recall him being older than that and ALWAYS going after the guy who picked him off...
  17. We're all happy with the results of the day. That said, not getting pressure on the QB with your front-4 is a recipe for disaster. It's something that needs to change. But let's focus on that tomorrow. Today it's all about BILLS WIN. BILLS WIN. BILLS WIN!!!!!
  18. Subject-verb agreement is a good thing. And yes, they DO have the best young WR corps IMHO.
  19. Holy overreaction. Lighten up, Francis.
  20. So many of you fed the troll, when will you ever learn? She wanted attention and you suckers fell hook, line, and sinker. She's brilliant, you're lemmings. Big deal, someone poo-poo'd the Bills and *gasp* Bills fans. And you all so predictably got your panties in a bunch. You've been played... I wonder how much their advertisers pay for each page view..?
  21. If they can't stay in Bflo, I'd be all for them going to TO. After all, we have more in common with people from southern Ontario than people from southern California...
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