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Everything posted by Campy

  1. I know you're being facetious, but I don't think anybody is down on statistical analysis, but here's the thing: Stats alone don't tell the whole story. It's kind of one of those deals like when a two-win team's defense puts up great numbers against the pass. Are they really that good against the pass, or is it because opponents run the ball because they always seem to have the lead and want to kill clock?
  2. Well said, I couldn't agree more.
  3. A couple of things: As some pointed out, Kelly was a 3rd year pro during his "rookie" year in Buffalo, and, Comparing the stats is an exercise in futility because of all of the variables, ie, professional experience, quality of opponents, quality of teammates, et al. If you could put Jimbo on the field with today's players, or EJ on the field with the players back then, that would yield more accurate results. But since that's not going to happen, what's the point. Is EJ the next Jimbo? Maybe. Or maybe not. Let's circle back in EJ's 3rd pro season and take another look, shall we?
  4. It was in a BuffNews article on TBD, You can read it there if you haven't already.
  5. I took Wood's comments to mean he was throwing the D unit under the bus - and I didn't much care for it.
  6. And if that's the case, young and hungry guys who want a job in the NFL will take theirs.
  7. He might be. Or he might not be. Aren't 13 games in a little too premature to know for sure? 5-11. That was Bellichik's record his first year in New England. Is Marrone the next Belichick? We'd never find out if some of you had your way.
  8. The majority of those knockdowns came from a 4-man rush, according to one of the articles shared on TBD. And I'm well aware of, and "realize" the importance of a QB in beating a blitz. Look, I'm not trying to defend EJ's play, it wasn't good. But for fans to damn him so soon into his career is idiotic. Perhaps more than you realize.
  9. Check and mate.
  10. I thought you were going to go in a different direction when I started reading that. One of the biggest turnoffs for me is the chest-thumping, look-at-me, selfish antics. A WR caught a pass for 11 yards and a first down. Congratualtions, you did your job, let the ref do his by indicating first down while you get back to the huddle - act like you've done it before and you expect to do it again. That, and the comical rules - I evidintly don't even know what actually constitutes a legal catch or roughing the passer is anymore - has made the product almost unwatchable. I don't follow the NFL, I follow the Bills. Other teams' games are background noise, and it's been that way for several years.
  11. I think Bill should re-name his postgame threads "Put Your Kneejerk Over-Reactions Here." EJ's playing his what, 9th game as a pro? And didn't we all know he was raw? Also, the O-line gave up QB 13 knockdowns and 7 sacks. What QB would be effective against that? Drew Brees? Recall the Seahawks game from a week ago. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of work to do in a lot of places, but I think some of y'all's frustration is based on having unrealistic expectations. It was one game in what most rational fans and observers felt would be a transition year. Just. Relax.
  12. I called a buddy of mine who lives in Milwaukee to bust his chops about it, He said the game is sold out and will be on local TV. But I agree, it's somehow nice to know they'll have empty seats there At my local watering hole I'm often told by old and new friends alike how they respect Bills fans. And I understand why they say it, it's the same way I feel about fans of the Lions, Browns, Cards, et al - they can't call any of us bandwagon fans.
  13. I studied journalism for a while in school and learned that true journalists are objective, and because sports reporters insert their opinions when covering a story, they are not journalists. That said, I do agree with you. When I read that "article," I had to remind myself that I hadn't stumbled across some fan's drunken blog post.
  14. Given that American football is an offshoot of rugby, why not?
  15. That's a fair statement, but I wouldn't call late-season home field advantage "filler media babble" either. Peyton Manning has notoriously spotty performance in cold weather games, but it likely has less to do with his opponents going all diesel in the cold than it does how the cold effects him and his play. It matters.
  16. He never said the Bills never allowed a team to come back to beat them. He obviously meant that he felt the Falcons, already eliminated from the playoffs, from a Georgian "dome home" and playing outdoors in WNY in December wouldn't have come back. If you are going to attack his position, go for it. Just leave Aunt Sally the Straw Man (look it up) out of it.
  17. A tribute? Did he die or get cut?
  18. One of my gripes is that they didn't make playing in TO a road game for both teams like it was/is in Mexico City/London. That would have been the best of both worlds for the team and the fans.
  19. Bad ST, sure. Rookie QB, it could hurt us in a couple of games too. But I think more harmful than either is the amount of undisciplined play we've seen this year - the number of penalties this team takes is stupifying.
  20. I recall Andre getting a severe case of alligator arms in Super Bowl XXV after getting absolutely laid out as the Bills were driving from right to left. He may not have quit, but he sure seemed to disappear...
  21. Yep. And alternatively, it was a gutsy - if not brilliant - call to make if it does work.
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