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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Lighten up, Francis. Last I checked, not rooting for Team USA's basketball team is not the equivalent of rooting against one's country.
  2. They may not be, but Argentina's looked like the better team through most of the game. 5:00 left in the 4th, and IMO it looks like Argentina deserves the win.
  3. $$$ Not working - I started attending school this fall. Took me 18 years to get back, but better late than never!
  4. And in the bigger scheme of things, how many of you REALLY give a stevestojan about that pseudo-man's medal and his quasi-sport?
  5. Great pics Glenn. Surprised to see that the Sabres' Sabretooth was there, but some cross-promotion does make sense, especially for the Sabres. Looks like ya'll had a fun time!
  6. "Let Us Show You The Secret To Pleasanton Real Estate..." So much for their secret!
  7. Too funny Rich! I'm now starting to make sense of a 2-year old conversation I had with a customer in Salisbury!
  8. I think most fans are cautiously optimistic. I know many of us were feeling very disappointed after last season, or more specifically, after the first two weeks, and I think we're all trying to keep our expectations in check this time around.
  9. Hmm... Must be one of Kerry's flip-flops
  10. Did you not tackle each other in football practice? Did you not do "Bull in the Ring" or"Gauntlet" in practice? Did you not scrimmage or run odd-man breaks in basketball practice? Were you ever told to "get in front of it" and "knock it down" in baseball practice? Did your coach ever have you do sliding drills to work on hand-tag and hook-slides? There's an inherent risk of injury. And there's a possibility of players going too far to impress the coaches in practices and preseason games. It happens. Perhaps not in tennis or golf, but this is a different beast than either of those two. I think 2 games into preseason may be a bit too soon to start questioning the team's discipline. You obviously don't. Ask again after week 2 of the regular season, and I'll likely have a different answer. But not now, not yet.
  11. Why not see what Zolman can do? He knows the offense, and honestly, we're talking about the emergency QB here. I mean, how many games did Gale Gilbert ever actually play in?
  12. Never played much sports, did you?
  13. Now that's some funny stevestojan
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