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Everything posted by Campy

  1. I haven't tried it yet, and truthfully, I'm not sure why I would. What will it do for me that SP1 and the numerous patches & updates won't/can't do?
  2. I thought it was only a two year, but if it was 3, that will buy TD an extra year to plug both holes. Either way, it's a huge challenge. We have a VERY good LB crew, but as is the case with most, they excel only when the big boys up front keep the OLs' hats off of the LB's. I don't envy TD having to find 2 starting DTs in 2 years.
  3. Wow Pitta- that's a tough call. Pat Williams is probably too old to sign to a multi-year big money contract. Those big guys seem to go downhill quickly - I'm thinking all that weight on those knees and ankles can't be healthy. I'd like to see Jonas here for a few more, but his injuries are a major concern. And while Schobel may not scare OC's, he does generate some pressure, and IMO is underrated against the run. He also as decent lateral quickness, and I'd like to keep him. As far as DT, it's a huge challenge. If I'm not mistaken, Pat and Sam both are FA's after this season. Filling the vacancy created by those wide bodies' departure won't be easy.
  4. Going boating tomorrow. Haven't been on a bike since I saw a friend's helmet spinning on the ground. He had lost control and clipped a telephone pole's grounding wire. What really sucked was that inside that spinning helmet was his decapitated head.
  5. I ain't... errrrrrrr..... He ain't no dummy
  6. Starters will go a half. Brown will go at least the 3rd, and probably into the 4th. IMO, Zolman will get the last 2 possessions.
  7. Certainly not the judge. Do you have any idea how hard it is to tell what a butt looks like through that robe? Me neither, but it can't be easy!
  8. Who let the dogs out woof-woof--woof-woof
  9. Feel better now?
  10. Some assclown managed to rupture his abdomen after TKO's big INT during the opener last year. Said assclown also happened to be the first one at Hammer's ('cept Rockpile, who camped overnite!). Oddly enough, I'm not exactly sure who the aforementioned assclown was...
  11. "Funny" wise-ass replies aside, I can only tell you what worked for a buddy of mine who had smoked pork at a Super Bowl party. He used shoulder, soaked the chips for roughly 3 or so hours (I think), and smoked them for close to 24 hours. I tried calling him and left a message, if I hear back I'll either PM you or send him over EDIT--> I just heard from Lanny, it sounds like the advice from LA and Colorado below are what he'd suggest. He soaks chips for an hour at a time and uses as needed, and smokes for around 18 hours, but has gone longer or shorter depending on amount. He uses a 55-gallon barrel-sized smoker because he "does quantity" but said you should figure an hour and 15 minutes per pound. He stressed use a thermometer and that it should be 230-250. He also said to resist the urge to peek, it'll slow you down. Depending on how much you're smoking, you may be in for a long nite!
  12. Ain't that the truth. Nice photag work Cindy! But I could do without the butt shots *sighs*
  13. I'm glad to hear it worked out for you. IMO, it speaks very well of them that they made an effort to make it right. If I'm you, I take advantage of that coupon and give them another chance
  14. Time to move bro. Life's too short and too hard to be forced to listened to everybody else's problems...
  15. Easy for you to say, he doesn't average 250 yards against your team!!! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  16. Man, you're getting up there, aren't ya'? Happy Birthday dib, and here's to many more!
  17. *raises beer, looks to the NNW, and says:* Happy Birthday Darin!
  18. Artist: John Ickes Album: Slainte' Mha Song: Rattlin' Roarin' Willie It's a Celtic/Highland thing...
  19. I don't give a stevestojan about what happens down there as long as that assclown doesn't announce his un-retirement to play for the Dolphins this season...
  20. USA lost, no gold for the first time since NBA players went to the Games.
  21. State of the nation's mentality these days I'm afraid. Return to the fold and follow along or you're somehow an Un-American traitor. Sad, really.
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