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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Oops, I just deleted that - I hate when I'm not paying attention. Maybe the beers don't help I always thought that military didn't have taxes deducted when they were out to sea or stationed overseas. By brother was a leatherneck in the early-mid 80's and I'm almost positive he told me that.,..
  2. No way to dress it up, that just plain sucks.
  3. Does anybody know if this board has an auto-responder?
  4. The first link I provided above is the Official NFL Rules for the 2004 Season, so dropping the $14.99 will indeed get you the current rulebook.
  5. I couldn't help but laugh when I read that. I pictured that "hope your soul belongs to Jesus because your ass belongs to me" line. I'll be the first to bust anyone's chops, but no bullstevestojan - thanks for doing what you do.
  6. YOUR Marines? Aren't they the Corps' Marines, Marine?
  7. http://www.nflrulebook.com/ A free online digest of the rules is at http://www.nfl.com/fans/rules
  8. You state what I'd assume to be opinion as it were fact. Were you in those meetings?
  9. Are they pretending to be eBay, PayPal, your bank, or any other reputable firm? If so, report it to them. Otherwise, I'm not sure Your state's web site might have contact info for a Consumers' Affairs Dept. Try there.
  10. You live in a Nursing Home?
  11. No youngster Many of us older...ahem.... more mature fans thought that Buffalo got screwed alot in the late 70's and early 80's. Don SHula was on the NFL's Competition Committee, and it seemed like every time we came close to beating them, a mystery call would come along and doom us. It goes farther back than the strike...
  12. Follow the math: Henry is in- 6 pts Safety - 2 pts TOTAL - 8 pts. No more than 8 points? You mean AT LEAST 8 points, don't you? Add the PAT and MAYBE a FG from the free punt, that's 12 points. If instead of the FGF they got a TD, that'd be 15 plus the PAT...
  13. If my memory is correct (yes, some years ago I actually read the NFL rulebook), and barring any changes over the years, the rule does not state that where the holding BEGINS is relevant, only that if an offensive player commits holding in the endzone, the penalty is enforced from the endzone. This puts the ball out the back of the endzone, and is a safety.
  14. The more I think about this, the more it pisses me off. That's an automatic 8 freakin' points plus the PAT attempt! And maybe even a FG after getting good field position after the free punt from the safety! Thank goodness for instant replay
  15. One could argue that the not-so-subtle nuances of a 3-hour long team sport are different than a 30-second long individual activity.
  16. Frickin' Drew
  17. It sure as hell is something, but "ironic" may not be the word I'd choose!
  18. Point taken. I'd advise Paco to review his local school district's budget over the past 5 years and look closely at the cuts in the music, athletic, and academic programs over the last 3, but I doubt he'd make the effort.
  19. Forgot #3 - Despite our record, Buffalo is better than New England. Our next game is when it all comes together, and facing our D after our offense hangs 20-30 points on you will scare the hell outta' O coordinators for 13 weeks.
  20. Please explain to me the pleasure derived from rooting against your favorite team's QB.
  21. Thanks. I learned about 15 years ago that it just doesn't matter who I think should be on the team or on the field, I have no control over it. So I root for the guys that the brass puts out there. For instance, I thought Flutie's style of play was more exciting, win or lose, so I preferred him over RJ. And while I scratched my head at the decision to start him (RJ) in the Titans playoff game, I cheered just as loudly for him to succeed as I ever did for DOug or Jimbo. I may have my preferences and my favorites (for instance Brandon Spoon, seemed like he was always near the ball), but I will always root for "my" Bills players. And when I do disagree with a move or call, I'll voice it, but don't expect me to start ripping away for the sake of hearing my own voice/reading my own posts... I've found that being a fan is more enjoyable that way. Few can match my passion for the team (who else has cheered their guts out at a Bills game? ), but passion does not always mean second-guessing and being overly critical. At the end of the day, whether the Bills win or lose on any given Sunday, we all go off to the same daily routine on Monday. In short, it really doesn't matter in the big scheme of things. There will always be next week, there will always be next year, and as long as the good Lord sees fit to keep me around, there will always be me there cheering for my boys.
  22. Buffalo will win, period, finis.
  23. Looks like you confirmed the "drunk as a skunk" part of his thread anyway I watch the game with the Bills Backers club at AJ Gator's. Sometimes we almost have too many Bills fans show up, and it's SRO, but the place can get rowdy when the Bills are playing well.
  24. Happy B-day!!!
  25. Fake the blitz pick-up? The RBs are the last line of defense. Who would have a play where the RB fakes the block? Lemme guess, you run that play all the time in Madden, right? So you're making excuses for Travis to enable you to put blame on Drew? Dontcha' think it might be both of them, or maybe even ALL of them? Boggles the mind, doesn't it?
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