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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Aren't April Fool's day jokes supposed to be funny?
  2. From what I've read about him, he has a lot of assets but they are leveraged and he is, relatively speaking, cash poor when compared against his total net worth.
  3. The part I bolded makes absolutely no sense to me.
  4. Is it not obvious to you that he's using an analogy to illustrate his point that people can grow into a job? Does that not make sense, Crayonz?
  5. Didn't catch that, nor did I see were McClain's tweet had been brought up earlier - my bad.
  6. According to a friend who lives in a Houston suburb, there's a writer for the Houston Chronicle named John McClain and he gets a lot respect because he's really plugged into the Texans - he evidently has a source who feeds him accurate information nearly 100% of the time. This is what McClain said about the potential trade: John McClain ‏@McClain_on_NFL No way Texans trade with Buffalo to ninth. http://twitter.com/M...601763096551424
  7. Most? Maybe. But I expect him to buy me a beer.
  8. It was riddled with tired, inaccurate cliches (Ralph is cheap! Ralp named the stadium after himself!) and ignorance (NFL does not allow corporate ownership and claiming the Argos are the biggest - biggest - obstacle to getting a team to TO?). Aside from that and it's disrespecful tone, there was nothing wrong with it. It had all the hallmarks of the American equivalent, the NY Post. I was down with it until you went all xenophobic and stuff. I hate hate.
  9. Late to the party but the kilt-wearing highlander has been sent on vacation.
  10. That part I bolded? Maybe it matters. Or maybe the people posting in this thread aren't the people who have bashed Ralph. Aside from the juvenile tone of the article, the thing that bothered me most - and as I posted in the RIP thread - is that it has a lot of inaccuracies.
  11. Thanks man. It's nice to still be here! Thank you, and agreed.
  12. Those are great stories, thanks for sharing them. I can recall a lot of memories with my family that revolved around the Bills teams starting in the early 70s, but I don't recall ever having an epiphany that made me realize the Bills would be my team. They just always were. Among my favorite memories are watching OJ run up and down the turf at Rich, Fergy hitting Bobby Chandler along the sidelines, the Bermuda Triangle, sitting in a mostly empty stadium watching a terrible Bills team play an equally bad Bengals team in the freezing rain and sleet, Kelly's first game, breaking the Miami streak, and the 51-3 AFC Championship thrashing of the Raiders. Who am I kidding? There are too many favorite moments to choose just one. I just couldn't imagine growing up in WNY and not being a Bills fan.
  13. If that's the case, then you're taking it wrong. I have a cancer that, while incurable, has responded well to treatment. I've been dealing with it since 2005 and while there have been a few times where things got kind of hairy, I'm still here and don't look the least bit sick. My point is living with cancer isn't an automatic death sentence.
  14. Hopefully the prayers, happy thoughts, and good vibes being sent his way will help keep his and his family's spirits up and hopefully the chemo and radiation will knock the cancer back.
  15. Nice tribute by Mark Murphy.
  16. Yep, and when the Bills covered huge swaths of the upper deck seats with tarps.
  17. I read it last night and found it to be inaccurate in some spots and tasteless in others. There is truth that some thought of Ralph as being a cheapskate. And there is truth he wasn't universally loved in Buffalo or by Bills fans. Perhaps if Cathel Kelly waited a few days it wouldn't have seemed so... harsh.
  18. There's much to like about your post. The part above especially hit home with me.
  19. Funny. I saw that image several times yesterday on my phone's facebook app. On the small screen of my phone I only saw a sketched helmet and did not see that the bison shed a tear. Poignant.
  20. Yep. RIP Ralph.
  21. Your post would carry much more gravitas if you knew what adjuvant therapy actually is. (Hint: it's neither radiation or chemo)
  22. I have heard more than one oncologist say that, assuming it's caught in time, it's easier to eliminate an aggressively growing cancer than a slow growing cancer. Who knows what the future will hold, but some of you are reacting like you just read his obituary or something...
  23. No kidding. I've been accused of being a Kool-Aid drinker more times than I can count, but man, the OP's getting after it with this one!
  24. After the recordng of Nix's assessment of him got leaked, there was no way he could stay.
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