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Everything posted by Campy

  1. So NOW you tell me!
  2. This has probably been addressed, so forgive me if I'm being redundant, but whatever happened to presidential debates? I don't mean the made-for-TV sound-bite BS we've seen over the last twenty-some odd years, I mean true debates. I remember watching candidates being forced to go "off message" and have to think on their feet. I also remember the last true debate was Reagan-Mondale, which Reagan won handily. The modern presidential debate is IMO nothing more than infomercials, and unless one person puts his foot in his mouth, there is no real winner or loser. They're so scripted and contrived with all of their silly rules -can't use notes, must sit/stand, cannot address each other, limiting topics, etc., they've become a farce. I remember the League of Women Voters sponsoring them back in the 70's, but they haven't since Reagan-Mondale, which again, I consider the last true presidential debate. They had a panel of moderators, no set topics, and made for good lessons in debate AND democracy. Did the LWV disband? Did they get sick of the politicos' BS? Whatever happened to LWV & true presidential debates?
  3. Just about every American sports fan thinks they know more than the GM, coach, and/or players. Football is the most popular sport, so it goes with out saying that for every person who watches a game, each will have his (or her) own opinion of what went wrong, what went right, and where there's room for improvement. I think that's what a lot of it stems from. Also, every time someone hears that I'm originally from Bflo, they usually say something along the lines of: "Must be a Bills fan. Everyone I meet from there is nuts about them." So I think the fact that Bills fans as a whole tend to be pretty hardcore helps to stir the proverbial pot... BTW: Welcome aboard!
  4. Forgot one: Pennington won't be able to de-cleat any of our LBs at the goal line this year
  5. Typo. My bad.
  6. A wise man once said, "'Tis a fine line 'tween complainin' and whinin'"
  7. So Happy Hour tomorrow is on your tab? Congrats, that's a good night at the ballpark!
  8. Lighten up on him, "Don" might not even be a Dodgers fan. But I know he'll stick it to the Cards at every opportunity! Call Jorge Orta, he'll explain it... B) ...Takes me back to when I was a baseball fan, thanks for the memory "Don."
  9. So what did Eric get you? For real, any friend of Eric's has gotta' be a cool guy. Happy Birthday!
  10. Right now, I'm gonna' try to read the posts before they disappear! He wasn't kiddin' about the "moron free" zone, was he?
  11. Something tells me Simon's OK with that
  12. Actually Dan, you refer to what I think is perhaps the biggest worry on D. We were close to getting Brady, but I'd like to see a more consistent pass rush from our front 4. It seems the only time we're generating good pressure is on a blitz. Live by the blitz, die by the blitz. PS- Please remember to tell Mr & Mrs Hardy I said "hi!"
  13. After 3 games, you've got to be kidding. 'Course, they said the same thing about Holmgren. In Green Bay.
  14. Can the OL perform better? Of course they can, but Travis did average 4.1 yds/carry last game. I think the OL has shown marked improvement each week. The injury to Teague can't be overstated. To my eyes, he's the most improved player on the line, and his leadership as the "QB" of the line will be sorely missed I'm afraid.
  15. Watch your mouth!
  16. That's the thing about watching it on the tube. One of these days I'm going to invent some kind of interactive doohickey where you can select which camera you want to see plays and replays from. Now that would be bad as stevestojan! As far as Reed becoming a monster, the opportunity for that does exist, but he needs to be a more consistent receiver - free of the mental lapses Simon refers to above. I think that DB will look to him more often in the 3WR sets if he demonstrates some consistency from the slot. The question is can he?
  17. No, you're right on, I guess the image of him looking at his hands as the ball spins on the ground at his feet is a vivid one for me. IMO, now that Evans seems to be hitting his stride, Reed's opportunities will be fewer and farther in between, but he's going to have to make every grab when his number's called.
  18. I (like most of us) really hope Josh comes around, but it seems that he's given opportunity after opportunity to make plays, and more often than not, he just doesn't. I'm pulling for him, but I'm afraid he just doesn't have the intangible "it." If he does, he's running out of time to display it. Catching every ball thrown his way would be a good start.
  19. Amen Simon! And yes, I do believe you did see Shobel on the return. I said the exact thing to a buddy while watching the game regarding Wire. The kid can hustle. He can hit, but he can't play safety. I'm all for trying him out as a nickel (maybe even dime) LB. But while his name hasn't been called as often on ST, I liked what I've seen of him there. IMO, the guy running interference does the hard work to free up a K Thomas or T McGee so they can be the contain guy and make the tackle on a return. Wire's performed admirably there. I think TD's done fairly well, which of course is something to get me flamed 'round these parts. But I like the mix of players, both from an on-the-field perspective, and from a locker room leadership perspective. If Mularkey starts screwing around with these guys, he'd destroy every positive we've seen to date. MM had them playing hard and playing tough after 2 tough losses. The level of frustration has got to be through the roof, but at the same time, I think that they know how close to being very good they are. If MM can fine-tune the intensity so that they're just as jacked during the play as they've been, while settling down enough to just "think" and eliminate some of the bonehead plays, we'll go on a nice little run. BTW - Anyone saying MM is the problem is simply ignorant - instant loss of credibility. I like what he's done, and as long as he doesn't listen too closely to "outside experts," he'll have alot of success in Bflo for a long time...
  20. When they start awarding Lombardis based on those stupid-ass "power rankings," I'll start giving a stevestojan where we rank in them...
  21. Exactly what I thought reading that paragraph. And exactly why I stopped reading the article right there. The author might want to watch the game before he offers commentary on it.
  22. They blitzed a few times, but appeared to me anyway, to be wary of it given DBs long balls to Evans and Moulds.
  23. The Redskins have sold out their games for years, regardless of record. There's a waiting list for season ticket holders that extends years out. So other than the need to sell tickets, you make some pretty interesting points.
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