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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Now that's terrible. Funny as hell, but terrible!
  2. Stunts aren't "moves," they're pass rush calls. But an inside swim move would be a pleasant change - your point is well taken.
  3. OK, just don't ask me to pull it
  4. Take a Covey course, you'll find TD's answers are right on. Always display faith and confidence in your charges, but at the same time always look for ways to improve. His answers are those of an effective leader.
  5. Yes.
  6. I'm with you.
  7. No, it isn't. But professional authors, actors, musicians and athletes are entertainers all the same. We pay to watch, be entertained, and (some of us manage to) have fun.
  8. No offense, but it sounds like you have a case of skewed priorities. All the Bills really owe us is entertainment, and these close games are nothing if not entertaining. After that 2nd TD and the lead, who wasn't excited and jumping around? Even if they lose, it's OK to have fun and enjoy yourself. Lord knows I do. Besides, what in your life really changes when they win? Does your boss give you a raise after each win? The kids clean their room when the Bills win? Seriously. It just doesn't matter in the big scheme of things.
  9. Great reminder that as bad as things are (Bills 0-4, Sabres games nowhere in sight), there are others who bear heavier burdens. An overall crappy weekend Rich. Nowhere to go from here but up!
  10. That's the best line I've read in weeks!
  11. CoachChuckDickerson Field it would appear
  12. It was PI. He can protest all he wants in my book, provided he doesn't draw the flag.
  13. Yup. Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out.
  14. Another heads-up play by Fletch was very early in the game, if I remember correctly, NYJ ran a reverse. Posey took too shallow of an angle, but Fletch was there to run the WR OB. When they hit the sideline stripe, Fletch immediatley put his arms up, as if to say "I'm not touching him, I know the play's over, and if there's contact, it's momentum and not intentional." I think he believe's he's a marked man when it comes to the zebras, and that was one of the best plays he made all day, all though it went unrecognized by most. FWIW: I think most Bills fans believe the zebras watch him closely these days too, which makes that play an even smarter one.
  15. 1. I'd stay stick with TH to open the game, but Willis is heading in the right direction, so I'd use him for a change-of-pace, since he and TH have two different running styles. Doing so could, IMO, slow the DL & LBs and force a more conservative D game plan from our opponents. Straight ahead power and a slashing cut-back runner being rotated could help open some running lanes. 2. Arbitrarily throwing to Evans? I know you don't mean that DB should throw his way if he's doubled, or just plain not getting separation. But has he been? I dunno', that's what sucks about watching the game on TV, you can only see what they show you, and you never see the big picture (ie, seeing man vs zone, whether the safeties are cheating to one side or up at the line, etc). But I'm hoping they find a way to get the ball in his hands more often, which I believe is what you meant 3. I'd open up the playbook for playcalling. The 3rd and long run that Willis had for a first was a ballsy call, and one that, had it not worked, would have forced some here to go on suicide watch. I'm glad it worked out, but I'd spread the field a bit and then start slamming a healthy dose of TH and WM. And every time they cheat and crowd the line, I'd go upstairs. 'Course, all that's easier said than done.
  16. Just curious, how do you "wrap" without using an arm? The only time you see players leading with their shoulder they're doing that "I'm a DB and he's a big RB/TE so I'm gonna dive at his shins to trip him up" thing, which I can't stand. But in order to wrap someone up, you gotta' have an arm leading the way to get around the ball carrier's legs, hips, or torso. I think Lawyer's demonstrated for a good number of years that he knows how to tackle.
  17. Sanders wasn't anywhere close to taking it 100 yds. He caught the ball on his own goal line. Also, I saw Reed's sack/fumble, where was the other D TD? You mean the punt return?
  18. See, that's just it. Ralph made TD the first person NOT named Ralph Wilson to be Pres of the Bills. He's old, he knows it, and he has publicly stated he doesn't want to be involved in the operation of the club. I suppose TD could walk, but I'd bet that Ralph won't meddle.
  19. TD is the team's President. He's going nowhere. MM just coached his fourth game of an 80-game (5 yr) contract. He's here for awhile too. You don't have to like it, you just have to accept it.
  20. I'm glad to hear they made more room, it was a little too crowded (and smokey) for my tastes that first year after Smoties closed.
  21. What bar is that?
  22. Agreed (again). MW wasn't the problem. Jonas needed help against Abraham, it looked like he was overmatched.
  23. Yeah, that one hurt for sure. I'd agree with you, that was the most blatently crappy call of the day. There were a few non-calls where it looked like holding by NYJ, but the call on Tucker was especially bad. All in all, I thought Tucker acquited himself rather well. I for one was greatly concerned with Teague out, but I'll be the first to say that Ross looked pretty good in there today.
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