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Everything posted by Campy

  1. I'm no TH-Basher, but I couldn't help but notice some of the subtle things WM did today. His patience in letting his blocks set up was a pleasure to watch, and his ability to make the first guy miss can't be overstated. Also, the way he hits a pile only to disappear and then pop out on the other side for another 3 yds is somewhat reminiscent of Thurman... I'm not proclaiming that he's ready for Canton just yet, but I'll admit that he scored some respect from this somewhat skeptical fan.
  2. You analytical-types and all of your common sense. Haven't you figured out that Promo and his ilk have no room for such things?
  3. Ummm... I'm a Bills fan, and Bledsoe's the Bills' QB - Forgive me for wanting him to play well. I take it you're a Ravens fan now?
  4. Drew Bledoe played a great game today. He was accurate and smart with his throws. He demonstrated an ability to step up in the pocket, and on a couple of plays, showed he can still roll out and make a play. Bledsoe played his arse off today.
  5. Thanks for saving me a helluva' lot of typing. I find it awfully difficult to find fault with the Bills today. A few bad calls, a few bad breaks (DB's 12 yd run for a first brought back on a penalty), and they persisted and made plays when they needed to make them and won the game. If they were to go 16-0 some people would still piss and moan, wouldn't they?
  6. It was nice to watch DB be effective, given the time. Kudos to the OL for sure. Hard to find much fault with the Bills' effort today.
  7. I'll second your nomination.
  8. Truly. If it's not snow, it's a hurricane, brush fire, tornado, earthquake, or mudslide. No place is free of Mother Nature's wrath when she gets herself wound up...
  9. Maybe not, but French-kissing with morning breath has gotta' be a close second B)
  10. Oh my... Now that wasn't very smart
  11. Yeah, well I married one! But I'm also pleased to report that the conversion has been successful, she's now a full-fledged Bills fan- On her way into the shower this morning she was singing the Shout Song!!!!!
  12. Think the Fish will be missing Sir Ricky Tokes-alot? Having sat through more than my fair share of inclimate weather games, I reserve the right to say, "YES! Bring on some stevestojanny weather!" It can only help us B)
  13. Sounds like perfect Bills/Fish weather to me!
  14. I remember seeing the link, but not being too handy in the kitchen, I never looked at it (I'm more of a grill-guy). But after taking a look, there seems to be some really good recipes in there. Perhaps I'll have to submit some those secret family grilling recipes. Just everyone promise not to tell my brother when I do! EDIT: I don't see a link to it from any other page, but I may be overlooking it... But perhaps other people thought it "went away" with the old board too?
  15. Ahh yes... I love Miami Week! Bills Backers of Virginia is having a Tailgate in Va Bch open to all Bills fans. If you're in Tidewater, check out the "BBVA Events" link on the web site in my sig line for directions. Starts at 9, ends at noon so we can get to the bar, and is BYOB (or BYOSoda). I've heard on good authority that the menu will consist of: -Danny's Famous Chili -Gary's Sausage-n-Kraut -Sabre Mark's Killer Wings -and other good stuff. If you're in the Va Bch/Norfolk/Peninsula area, stop by for a beer and some food. Feel free to PM me if you're interested in going. SQUISH THE FISH! Hey Miami, :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  16. From one Christopher to another , The only thing I might change is moving No 5 to No 1. This might help you to know your audience a bit better and allow you to tailor your Intro more to them. Other than that (and as a Mozilla fan, the suggestion above) it looks great! I'm sure once the word gets out, you'll have alot more than 3 people attending future sessions! Out of curiosity, how are you marketing your class?
  17. I'm assuming you're not joking? For those of us who have engaged in any sort of athletic endeavor, it's pretty obvious what it means to be productive during practice: Work hard, get into it, and hustle.
  18. <Groucho Marx voice> Well that's not what I hoid
  19. Why the late start? Bflo-17 Miami-9 (3 FGs)
  20. R.Rich?
  21. Then you missed my posts. His inconsistency last year was evident to anyone who watched more than a couple of games. Or so I thought...
  22. MM has been quoted as saying that (I'm paraphrasing) "production" includes meetings, workouts, and practices. You've seen stats for those?
  23. I follow. But 2,000 fans showed up to welcome DB, and most of us, me for sure, were pleased that we brought in an experienced pro. Remember, we were looking at Rodney Peete too. And I find it hard to find fault with TD that Empire, Bflo News, ESPN, internet message boards et al trumpeted the move to get Posey. He's a solid if unspectacular young LB, and was an upgrade to the position. The accusations as TD being some kind of meglomaniacal GM are unfounded, and those who espouse them are mindless lemmings following the flock, IMO.
  24. He was doing that (producing more than Reed) in Bflo, so I'm not sure I follow...
  25. Well said Gavin. Afterall, we're talking about Bobby Shaw for crissakes
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