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Posts posted by Campy

  1. The only thing you represent is someone that did not take the proper time to learn music theory, a musical instrument or any musical modification software. This anthem is shameful, and as someone that's spent a lot of time improving and working in music, I find it insulting that you could make this and try and promote it on this website and be snarky with feedback.


    Art is subjective and you are absolutely free to be creative and create art at your will. You should enjoy doing it as well. Those liberties do not extend to posting your music in a thread and responding to negative posts with attitude.


    Contradict yourself much? :wacko:


    I know more music theory than most here and have played 6 instruments - although I am down to 2 these days. Why that's relevant, or why you went after him that way is beyond me.


    Old blues dudes like Robert Johnson didn't know crap about music theory, he only knew what sounded good to his ear. And pretty much all rock and pop music is a riff on what he did. Knowing theory can be helpful - moreso in composing than sampling - but it's certainly not a prerequisite for making music.


    That said, I like LDM's enthusiasm and passion. I like that he raps about not caring about snow or rain, and I like he says the O and D will be "Grade A." I'm not a huge fan of the genre, but hearing his anthems have almost become an annual tradition and I appreciate that he puts them together and shares them with us. Who knows, maybe one day he'll hit upon a modern version of "We're Going To Win That Cup" or "Super Bowl Shuffle" and make mad bank. And even if he doesn't, if putting together these anthems is how he gets his Bills love on, why are you busting his balls?


    Live and let live bro. After all, art is subjective, remember? .

  2. If Trump owned the Bills we would go from being considered just another small market team like the Bengals, Chiefs and Jags to being considered a unique, small market team with a big market type of clown for an owner. He loves anything New York State Trump and I could see the Donald try to make making Buffalo relevant again an even bigger punchline in the public consciousness. It could be the best worst thing to ever happen to the Bills, especially despite Trump's claims that Jim Kelly gets to chaperone the football side of things is his new BFF.




    If Trump buys the Bills and keeps them in Bflo, that would be better than losing them, but I'm not sure where his new found love of all things WNY and Bflo has been all these years. Call me a cynic, but I wouldn't trust him with my favorite team, if it even gets that far... I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to hear he decided to not run for president run for governor buy the Bills.

  3. People can B word about Donald all they want. I bet he will make a great owner. He sure as hell will get us a brand new state of the art stadium. Which means jobs. With the stadium comes top of the line hotels ( to host a Super Bowl, NCAA tournament and wrestle mania) look up how much money New Orleans just made off wrestle mania. Trump is good at developing properties. People want Bon jovi over trump seriously? Trump is a business man and I guarantee he won't put up with the losing that Ralph did for decades.


    Bon Jovi is only the face of that group (assuming it exists). Rest assured, he has access to - and the real money would come from - business people.

  4. Why would MLSE have any interest in buying a team and keeping them in Buffalo? I don't think that Is even debatable or a consideration.


    Technically, MLSE can't buy the tean, only individuals can own a team per NFL bylaws.


    That said, I'm not really debating Bon Jovi and his buddies at MLSE would keep them in Bflo. I'm only saying that if they did buy the team and kept them in Bflo, I'd prefer them over Trump. I dislike Bon Jovi but dislike Trump even more. And why would they invest in the team and keep it in Buffalo? Capitalism and prestige.


    Look, I am well-aware the odds of that happening are long, but I'd rather not see my favorite NFL team's owner engage in Twitter debates with athletes and celebrities. :wacko:

  5. Bon Jovi is buying the team with the guy from Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment. He would be buying them with the intention of Toronto. That's why no one wants him.


    That's what most people - including myself - believe would be most likely, but it's not certain. And I would rather see Bon Jovi and his buddies with MLSE own the team assuming the team stays in Buffalo than have Trump buy them and keep them in Buffalo.

  6. <snip>


    No it isn't. First order is to do what it takes to make the Bills a winner. If that means keeping them in Buffalo so be it. A new owner isn't going to be Ralph and accept lowest ticket prices in the NFL, he is going to expect the community to pay to help keep them here. So what I dont' want to hear is when Bills season ticket holders and ticket buyers bitching and whining when prices go up. And to keep the team here that is the minimum that will happen.


    You are speaking from a prospective owner's perspective. I was speaking from a fan's - or more accurately, my - perspective.


    Frankly, I'm surprised you would even bother to comment since it appears you believe the team will be gone soon...

  7. I have said it before, I dont care who owns the BIlls as long as they stay in Buffalo





    First priority is keeping the team in Bflo of course, but after that, I'd prefer Jacobs, Pegula, Golisano, Rich, and/or Bon Jovi over Trump.


    Trump is a cartoon not to be taken seriously, but he would be better than losing them. Although not by much.

  8. But the article said he was not intoxicated but appeared as if he had been drinking earlier in the day. Wait a minute...to me that smells like BS. I sometimes drink 4-6 beers at lunch time and by 4pm im out cutting the grass or playing golf. That is the police covering their big fat asses IMO.


    I don't think the police really cared if he was drinking - it's not relevant to the charge.


    It might be relevant to the 49ers though, didn't Smith just go through rehab?

  9. I read it was biz. Could get close to as good a guy for a fraction of the dollars..


    That's not Sambora's version.


    Sambora withdrew from the band's Because We Can tour in April due to what he described as a "personal matter." Much was written about the decision, including allusions that the New Jersey native and leader Jon Bon Jovi couldn't come to terms about money, but Sambora dismissed those claims.


    "I thought maybe we should have taken more time between the last tour and this tour," he said.



  10. The day Ralph passed, I went for a drink after work to toast him. A buddy mine was at the bar. Being a Chargers fan, as soon as I sat down on the barstool next to him he referenced the passing of the last living member of the Foolish Club. He offered his condolenses and added "Too bad he's not getting into heaven."


    "Oh? Why do you say that?"


    "He walked right up to the pearly gates but missed wide right."


    He quickly apologized when he saw the expression on my face; he knew it was too soon. Looking back now, it was actually a pretty good zinger if you're not the overly sensitive type.

  11. And Donald Trump can't own the Bills because he owns casino's...makes sense!


    I hope Trump isn't involved with the Bills - I'd rather not have that circus clownshow associated with my favorite football team - but Trump does not own casinos.


    The casinos bear his name but he is not a shareholder, an officer of the company, or on the board of directors.



    I was simply stating it was a bad analogy. A billion dollar investment is completely different from a rental lease agreement on cheap staples paper that is easily maneuverable.


    It doesn't matter if it's drawn up on gold leafed paper or toilet paper. Nor does it matter if it's for $1.00 or $1MM. Assuming the basic standards are met (parties are clearly identified, goods or services exchanged for satisfactory consideration, effective/start and end dates, etc), a contract is a contract is a contract.


    We agree that the team likely/hopefully won't move, we evidently only disagree on the enforcement of the lease agreement. I think there is value in the lease and its penalty and disagree with 83's (or whatever is username is) assertion the lease can be easily broken.


    (PS: Tell your friend to make sure his leases specify the total value of the lease payable in 12 payments of X dollars. Then if it's broken, he can go to court to get a judgment for some or all of the unpaid balance and then initiate a garnishment.)

  13. The problem with Jacksonville is it is a college town. They are rtight in the middle of University of Georgia & Florida & they are in the heart of SEC country. College football rules in the south, not the NFL.


    That's a good point. And I'd add that another problem with Jax is that it's a Navy town. So many of the people that are there have no real ties to Jax. In other words, if you were assigned to Jax for 3 years for work, would you drop the Bills and follow the Jags?


  14. as a landlord, I can tell you that's not true. Site, you could take anyone to court for breach of their lease, but that doesn't mean they have to pay it. It's your responsibility as the landlord to hint then down and recoup your funds. Say for example, the tenants are under SS disability, good luck getting a fine from them for breaking their lease. This goes the other way too, say for example you try and evict them because they are 3 months late in their rent. If they are publicly assisted, your not evicting anyone. Sure, to most normal people who pay their bills it seems logical, but to scumbags that try and cheat the system and everything involved with it, your going to have a miserable couple months. I know there's much more intelligent lawyer speak to explain this but I'm no lawyer but I am a landlord and I know what rights I don't have.


    I was operating under the assumption the majority owner of the Bills wouldn't be on public assistance (corporate welfare aside). :nana:


    It seems like you're looking at this from a landlord's perspective, not a tenent's. While's it's only happened a couple of times, when a tenent has tried get out of his lease (I'll let them go if they have a valid reason for wanting to break the lease), I have had no troubles being awarded a judgment for the entire lease amount. I stopped the enforcement after I had enough to make up the difference between when they stiffed me and when I had another tenant, but I could have collected on the entire balance of the lease, ie, monthly rent x 12 months.


    If a tenant of RWS tried to break the lease, I don't buy for a moment he would get off scot-free.

  15. Been telling you guys this. Mary Wilson does not want the team this was made clear years ago. Ralphs will said to sell it ASAP based on league rules, that has been known (and apparently ignored) as well. Now for the final part fans ignore, an owner CAN Move the bills and pretty much ignore the 400 mill fine. No Court will ever force a person or business to be a tenant. AND WNY must prove to a court they suffered 400 million in damages and they will never be able to. Now a new owner may keep the team here, but fans need to quit wishing and start dealing in facts.


    Try renting an apartment and informing the landlord you are moving out after 4 months and see if you don't end up having a court-awarded judgment slapped on you. In other words, you are 100% wrong on this.

  16. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/04/03/report-bills-could-have-new-owner-by-october/



    I think someone already has it done. Mark my words there was a plan. You don't become that rich without a plan on how your passing your assets on. I think there were silent minority owners for the last few years. These owners kept quite out of respect to RCW, Small shares were sold off. Ralph sells 2% per year for the last 5 years. This keeps it in Buffalo.


    But that would contradict the Bills recent satements/press releases in the wake of Ralph's passing in which they said Ralph was the only owner the club ever had, wouldn't it?

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