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Everything posted by Campy

  1. I'm like you in that I really don't follow MLB, if they were playing hockey, I'd be watching an NHL game instead of baseball. That said, I heard on the radio that they used a lot of pitchers up during this series, and that playing every night, and in extra innings at that, that the Yanks pitching situation was shaky at best if it went beyond 6 games. I guess that's what we're seeing now. Again- If I'm way off base, no flames, I'm just trying to pass on what I heard.
  2. I'm no Yankees fan, but I'm not sure that a loss tonite really qualifies them for the "postseason futility" label, do you?
  3. While the salaries and pouting pansy players have turned me off to MLB ('cept playoffs and the World Series), the beauty of the game is that there's no clock. While the BoSox are obviously in the driver's seat, it ain't over til the third out in the bottom of the ninth...
  4. Good call Frez!
  5. I have cable, and have a wireless router set up to two PCs (a desktop and a laptop), and I have the xbox "wired" to the router for online play. Here's my set up: The router dummies the IP to the wireless PCs which offers a degree of protection from the outside world. Also, both PCs have current anti-virus software and firewall software installed. Lastly, wireless routers have WEP, or wireless encryption protocol, that uses a passphrase/password to keep unauthorized people from connecting to it - ie, wireless PCs can "see" that my network is there, but they cannot connect without the proper passphrase/password. Using the above setup, I have had absolutely no problems whatsoever with security.
  6. Well, he didn't say "Spelling Police"
  7. The words themselves aren't "bad," the context in which the words are used make them derogatory.
  8. I can appreciate MemphisJim's original point. And while I won't speak for Rich, I think by the olive branch he originally extended, he appreciates MemphisJim's opinion as well. The only thing I could add to those that are offended, please understand the context. Being of Scotch-Irish descent, it's not uncommon for me to bust a fellow Irishman or Scot's balls about being a drunk Mick or a "horny sheep-herder." It's done in the spirit of a laugh. A laugh at the stereotype as much as shock value. But all in good-natured fun. If one were to start slinging around the same words in a hateful, mean-spirited nature at me, I'd get a little pissed, but people like ICE (Scottish) and VABills (Irish) do it in a friendly way, and I can appreciate the humor in that. And that, to me anyway, is the difference between laughing at racial sterotypes, and truly harmful (and oftentimes vulgar) racial slurs. As a sidenote, what does it feel like to be offended? What is that? Personally, I think when some people say "I'm offended," what they really mean is "I find that vulgar or inappropriate." But offended? The only time I'd probably be offended if someone made rude and/or insensitive comments directed at my wife, my sister, or my deceased parents. And even then, I'd probably just roll my eyes and make a mental note on the character of the speaker. But offended? Naw, I don't think I can give someone that ignorant that much control over me- or my emotions...
  9. I don't have any issues with ICE, but that's some funny stevestojan!!
  10. When he was our Klan's Grand Imperial Dragon he never removed his hood. Now I know why.
  11. You know what's funny - There was (maybe still is) a Mexican Restaurant in Richmond (Carey St) actually named "Nacho Mamma's."
  12. No, I come here for that.
  13. Yeah, that justifies it.
  14. Yanks are up 3 games to none, and JoeSixPack pulls a T-Bone by declaring he's tired of rooting for losers and pledges his allegiance to NY, and now they've dropped 3 in a row? Kharma or coincidence?
  15. Welcome aboard the...er...board! Good stuff, thanks for sharing it. And please, before you high-five me after the Bills beat Baltimore, wash you hands when you're done in "there."
  16. I guess the Bucs got tired of his holdout. I wonder what it'll take/cost SD to sign him? Link thingy.
  17. From this article on the TBD main page.
  18. Nice job marck. I think you hit the nail on the head. As I've said in another thread, our D will do fine against their O. It's our O against their D that will make or break this game. One minor point, or opinion really, is that I think the ST's will be a wash when it's all said and done.
  19. I guess I'm the only one who believes our D will have a much easier task in shutting down their O than our O's task of moving the ball against their D? That's why I think the game will hinge more on the performance of our O than our D. Sans Heap and Jamal Lewis, their O isn't gonna' scare many people. Their D on the other hand...
  20. Your dogs want you to get an implant?
  21. I don't disagree with your observations, but I do disagree with you in that the key matchup will be our D vs their O. I think the game will be won or lost by the performance of our O. The only way I see us winning is getting up early and forcing them to pass. But if our O can't move ball, they'll have penty of time and possessions to run and they won't have to put the game in Boller's hands. Just my opinion...
  22. I love my Sony Vaio Laptop. Circuit City has Vaio Laptops and Desktops at pretty good prices. I haven't had a single problem with it, unlike my IBM Thinkpad...
  23. My first "PC" was a Commodore Vic-20, but the second was a blistering-fast 8MHz WITH A MODEM!!! I cut my teeth on ProComm Plus logging onto BBS's, but I don't remember the dialing demon.
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