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Everything posted by Campy

  1. To a lemming, you just quoted Gospel. Sorry, I'm more of an X's and O's type of guy, it's that old boring "11 guys, strategy, and execution" thingy. Not everybody understands that, and I accept that.
  2. That's a whole lotta' eloquence -I especially appreciate the mythological and historical references- to say a whole lotta' nuthin'.
  3. Actually, I imagine he's pretty proud of his team, I know I was after the Sabres and Bills' championship appearances. I mean, really, big effin' deal, the baseball team he rooted for lost in the World Series. There are plenty of fans of another certain team that were the victims of another BoSox 4-game winning streak that have no room to talk. Unable to win 1 game to put Boston away? Pitiful. Besides being a genuinely good man, one of the things I admire most about BF is that he always has the courage to voice his convictions. That's something many of us here might be well served to learn.
  4. Bledsoe's played two poor games this year. All in all, he's not the only reason the Bills are 1-5. Key drops, missed assignments, and dumb penalties have hurt this team on both sides of the ball. But you and the other lemmings have found yourself a whipping boy. Congratulations.
  5. DUMP HER!
  6. Not being a fan of MLB, I'll admit the WS is a bit anti-climactic compared to the ALCS and the NLCS. The 'Stros, Cards, Yanks and BoSox are to be commended for making it an exciting playoffs.
  7. First the Salty Dogs, next, the Bills... We're billsfanone
  8. I dunno' Mark, this doesn't appear very ambiguous, nor does it appear to be very spineless.
  9. You're not supposed to drink it?
  10. The caps, tire covers, jerseys, t-shirts, etc are licensed by NFL Properties, which grants (for a fee) manufacturers permission to use member clubs' logos and insignia -Look for the sticker with the holographic NFL shield on your copy of Madden, or your Bills hat for example. The revenue generated from NFL Properties ends up in the revenue-sharing stream, and is divided equally by all 32 clubs. So the short answer is no, all of our puchases of all that Bills stuff doesn't doesn't directly impact/benefit the Bills. But cheer up. You know that new authentic Bills jersey you just bought? It paid for TO's spinner rims!
  11. Hard to reason with the unreasonable, isn't it Dan?
  12. Neil O'freekin Donnell? Yeah, he'd turn things around
  13. The team seems fine, it's the fans that get their panties in a wad, IMHO. This post is a great example of what I mean...
  14. He'll never catch him after he stops trying, that much is true. But he must make the attempt. In the words of Wayne Gretzky, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
  15. Any of you ladies want some cheese with that whine? Don't any of you realize it's all part of TD's master plan to keep the focus off of Bledsoe?
  16. I think you're not too far off the mark on that one.
  17. Hence my "shuddup rook" thread earlier this AM. As far as MM naming two starters, my immediate thought is TH is worth more as a "starter" in a potential trade in the offseason. I don't give a rats ass who they label "starter," I just see WM being able to do more to help the team right now, and that's really all I care about; Who can help us win? I hope WM gets 20 carries Sunday.
  18. That's an... ...interesting... take on the situation...
  19. I'm hoping that his coaches and teammates made it known his performance on that play was unaccetpable. To me , he seems like a good kid who wants to do what's right I think (hope) if the expectations are made very clear, he'll finish the play on turnovers from here on out. If he doesn't, I believe MM will blast him in film session.
  20. A Hall of Fame coach once said, "He who listens to the fans soon finds himself sitting with them." I agree with him.
  21. Ball's NFL Stats
  22. He's seems to be somewhat inconsitent this year, but I also think alot of that is magnified given the O's futility. That said (I could go around in circles here), I do think his dropping balls certainly adds to the O's futility.
  23. It was a pretty good read when it was first posted TWO DAYS AGO!!! Where have you been? Seriously, it's a sad state of affairs. I mentioned elsewhere the ones really getting the screwjob seem to be the folks who rely on the extra money to pay their bills, Ramius' uncle being one of them. And that sucks.
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