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Everything posted by Campy

  1. I read alot of posts that proclaim DB sucks, TD has killed the team, etc. They are generally followed up with pithy remarks about what he SHOULD do is blah blah blah... And that's all fine and dandy, we all have our opinions. But here's the deal: It is what it is. The reality is that come this Sunday, DB's the best QB on the roster, and TD (the team's President) ain't going nowhere. So instead of wasting time with all of that crap, why not look at the game, look at the plays, and talk actual football? It's to the point now where you know exactly who the poster is going to rip by looking at their name, not their post. It's boring.
  2. Thelma Drake and David Ashe are in a pretty close battle to replace Schrock's vacated seat in VA's 2nd district.
  3. Not without alot of help!!!! My father thought it would be best if I studied Latin, so I did for 4 years. It helped on ACTs and SATs, and I now have a general knowlegde of ancient Rome and Roman/Greek mythology, but beyond that Latin is none to practical.
  4. Does anyone know the bald guy with the helmet painted on his head in the pics? I went to Charlotte for the Bills-Panthers game (4 or 5 years ago), and set up for tailgaiting pretty early. A couple of other Bills fans saw me, and parked nearby. Soon, that entire side of the lot was nothing but Bills fans. One of the guys looked just like the guy in the photos, but he was wearing white tights with a blue Bills T-shirt. He also had on long red gloves with tassles and a Superman-style cape with a big B on it. I think he said his name was Bruno, but I can't be sure. The guy with the bowling ball was at that game too, I did a shot of something or another from it. It was a blast! Whose bowling ball is that making the rounds at all of the Bills games, and does anyone know if that was "Bruno" (he called himself Superfan)? Lastly, congrats to the newlyweds, looked like alot of fun!
  5. That'd be great! I wouldn't have to worry about hurting my shoulder throwing batteries at him! I kid, I kid...
  6. Sadly Ken, I'm not so sure it does. I think the powers that be simply write-off the 1 or 2% who vote Green, Libertarian, Independent, etc. One thing I respect though, especially after having the opportunity to meet you in September, is the audacity you've displayed by throwing your hat into the ring. Forgive my crassness, but that takes some serious balls.
  7. I just wanted to show off. And yes, showing off does feel cool! B)
  8. Actually... A sentence can be started with the word "and." I've since forgotton the term for it, but it's done to create a pause and emphasize the preceeding sentence.
  9. Ahhh.. Group Hugs are grea-- HEY, T-Bone, get your hand off my rear!
  10. He's averaging 2 catches a game, has 257 yards receiving and 1 TD. Given the weather at the Cards game made passing very difficult, and the fact that Evans is a 2nd WR in a power-running style offense, I'd say yes, you missed something.
  11. I'd rather face NYJ on Sunday having them come off a win than a loss.
  12. By "anymore," I assume you really meant yesterday. Perhaps the gale force winds had something to do with it?
  13. I somehow missed it too. I agree with Paco, their losing only has an effect on you when you allow it to. The Ravens game excluded, all of their games have been exciting and entertaining. That's all they "owe" me. Winning is a helluva lot more fun because it's a bonus, not an expectation. Maybe us "old farts" remember the 70's and 80's well enough to appreciate a competitive game, win or lose.
  14. I believe MM challenged the downing of the ball by a player (Cards #35) who had gone out of bounds.
  15. What's your take on the MegaMillions winning numbers?
  16. Ooooh... Thanks for that insightful analysis.
  17. You're asking the million-dollar question in this thread Tolstoy! You and DCSabres make valid observations IMO, but I think this team is better than their record is right now. A dumb and untimely penalty here, a bad call there, and sprinkle in a few letdowns and breakdowns, and a very good team is 2-5. I'm not booking tix for the SuperBowl, but I think they'll turn it around as we go. With all 3 phases of the game contributing to the win, I think this game was a major confident boost to the entire team. And when a team with as many pure athletes as the Bills have gain some confidence, suddenly the "playing small" can go away, and they're on their way to being the team we all hoped they would be. They may not win next week (although I think they will), they may not win the following week, but I believe that this game was a turning point for the players and validation for the coaches' schemes. I think this was the game we'll refer to next year as the one that epitomizes Mularkey's brand of football. I'm excited to see how good this team can get.
  18. Your point on weather conditions is noted, but I wouldn't exactly say Andre Reed, James Lofton, and Don Beebe were slouches.
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