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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Kerry's down +/- 130,000 in Ohio with 83% reporting.
  2. D'OH! I kinda forgot about Hawaii and Alaska... Sorry Darin
  3. Forgot about the GOPs attacks on the Clinton Administration already? Both sides do it to each other, take off your partisan blinders...
  4. I think the best Kerry could do would be 269 if he takes all the rest and Bush takes only Ohio. Since you need 270 to be elected, and Bush would be at 266, how would they settle this thing? Anyone know? FWIW, I'm using these ABC projections.
  5. Hell no. Darin hates everybody and everything ('cept the Bills)!
  6. Please tell me there's no way the Bills will win a Super Bowl in my lifetime.
  7. I was going to say that she's a half step ahead of the even dumber voters, but you kinda' took care of that for me. WTF are people in NY (especially WNY) doing re-electing any of those assclowns?
  8. Contrary to popular belief, we do not live in a democracy, we live in a (representative) republic. The electoral college is based upon each state's number of representatives in both the Senate and the House. Since America had just fought that whole "taxation without representation" Revolutionary War thingy, they decided it would be a good idea to only permit the lower house (House of Representatives), which are directly elected representives of their constituency, to have the power to generate revenues, ie, tax us. The number of each state's reps in the House are based on the most recent census (that's what makes completing the census so important). As I'm sure you're aware, the Senate gets 2 reps from each state. As the founding fathers did not believe the illiterate riff-raff were capable of choosing what was best for the country, the Senators and Representives were allowed to cast their electoral college vote as they best saw fit, although they generally followed suit with their constituents. There have been some tweaks to the system over the years, but essentially it's in place to protect America from Americans.
  9. Doesn't being forced to endure Newt Gingrich's lectures constitute cruel and unusual punishment?
  10. Barring any monkey business with the results, I hope the loser will concede too. But we've already heard of voting "irregularities" in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, and even Virginia (Richmond), and lawsuits have already been filed. Hopefully much ado about nothing, but that nothing can quickly turn into something if it's as close as 2000.
  11. I find it sadder that the people who don't vote are the ones who B word the most regardless of which candidate wins. You know who you are, and to you, I say :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  12. Poetic justice. I know where you're coming from in your previous posts, I take exception to someone looking at 170-112 and figuring that the election's all but over. Hell, it's just begun!
  13. OK, give Kerry those too, he's still 70 (give or take) away from the required 270. This thing is close.
  14. Huh? As of right now it's 170-112. Kerry will win California, and that will give him 167. 170-167 and calling the election "over" may be a bit premature, no? Nobody knows who's going to win this thing yet.
  15. Delete "patience." Insert "intelligence."
  16. This one's easy. Kinda' like the real world, we don't care what those who CHOSE not to vote have to say
  17. Some of the ladies deserve more credit than you're giving them. Also, I learned much more about the chess match that is football long after I took my last snap. I agree with that.
  18. Sounds like you guys had a great time- Just remember to have them bundle up for the late-season game! Welcome back. Hopefully I'll see you on Sunday at Gators. I love to hear those "first-time" stories. We sometimes take all of that for granted, and it's nice to be reminded just how special Gameday at Rich/The Ralph can be. B)
  19. One of the reasons I hate 4PM and Sunday Night games. Plus the waiting sucks...
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