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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Two things: 1. I read (awhile ago) that funding fell through and there were no ready investors 2. Teresa and I moved, and since I'm going to school FT now and not working, we thought it would be wise to get the telephone/internet/digital cable package to save a few bucks. No more NWI for me On the plus side, digital cable does have NHL Center Ice, so I've been "enjoying" that
  2. I won't pretend to know much about 527's or whatever the hell they are, but I do believe they suck. They cloud the issues with mudslinging and have zero accountability. IMO, we, as a nation, would have been better served to here about REAL issues, not Air National Guard or Vietnam service records. I mean, holy stevestojan, that was over 30 years ago. Why couldn't we just acknowledge that young men (and women) sometimes do things differently than they would had they been more mature. Why couldn't we recognize that we've all grown up a bit, and oftentimes, have different priorities and beliefs? I, for one, am much more impressed by a candidate's action plan than I am by 30 year old bull-stevestojan.
  3. Oh, I knew exactly what you meant, and I agree totally.
  4. Anyone have an extra attack sub laying around I could borrow?
  5. No thanks. I'm still full from all of the partisan ranting.
  6. Grew a beard, moved to a cabin in the mountains, and started mailing letter-bombs?
  7. I didn't see where he said that Bush wouldn't have.
  8. Yup. They're scheduled to ship out right after Swit Boat Veterans for Truth
  9. I'll support him. Just like the GOP supported Clinton.
  10. I think what happened there was an effort in diplomacy, you know, kinda' rattle some sabres. I'm not sure most who voted on the "authorization to use force" believed it would be used. Just my opinion.
  11. W said there wouldn't be a draft under his watch. One can only hope he backs that up, and given a GOP Congress, if he was sincere he will.
  12. You would construe counting all of the votes as "holding the entire nation hostage?" Unless you saw news I didn't, the Dems haven't done that. By your backhanded compliment, I can appreciate that you think I'm disappointed. But I'm not. I just wanted to see the guy I helped put in the White House (by virtue of my 2000 vote) get voted out. IMO, it's time for a change. But record numbers of voters turned out for this election, and the electoral college seems to have their direction. I'm actually quite pleased. But trying to denigratge an entire party because of ethics when the other is just as bad? Tell me again, who's being irrational? Partisanship at its finest (or worst) - Pot, meet kettle. And people ask why I'm a registered Independent...
  13. Then she's wrong. Record turnout for this election, and the youngens held their own. Everybody taking part in a "Get out and Vote" program, regardless of political affilliation, is a winner and has a right to be proud. Hopefully this will become a trend and continue.
  14. Would it be fair to say that both parties worked on getting the young vote out, and given how many newly registered voters participated in this election, that they kept up with the older voters, percentage-wise? I dunno'- just curious.
  15. I know you know "a bit" about N Korea. Do you expect it will be kind of scary-interesting or more fascinating-interesting?
  16. KRC- Will you receive some kind of printout of the votes you recieved? I always wondered how the Ind's, non-GOP, and non-Dem candidates get word of their results.
  17. I love your sense of humor! I thought about posting something like that too, but figured that given the nature of the thread, some chucklehead would come and not pick up on the sarcasm.
  18. I never said presidential elections should be determined by popular vote, did I? I merely educated him on the type of government he participates in. I believe in the wisdom of our nation's founding fathers. Read more here.
  19. I think you missed my point by a mile. Chastising others for their opinions when they (or even their priorities) are different than yours, is just plain wrong. FWIW: We don't live in a democracy. It's a representative constitutional republic. In the former, popluar vote determines the winner. In the latter, we elect officials who vote on our behalf.
  20. Oops, a typo I didn't catch, 1100 dead. The Supreme Court was constructed originally to rule on the Constitutionality of legislation, and through neccesity, that role grew to include hearing cases that had the potential of having national impact. That's what they do, but the "activist judges" arguement stems directly from the intentional vagueness of the Constitution, and whether we should interpretate its intentions or the letter of the law, a debate that's been going on for some 225 years or so. I find it interesting that there are those who point to the Second Ammendment and say, "See, "right to bear arms, it's right there! (overlooking the whole standing militia part)," yet try to use an interpretative definition for things like seperation of church and state. I'm not sure where "turning their nose at prayer" fits in. Truthfully, I couldn't care less what a governmental body would say about it. I frequently pray silently, the government's rulings on prayer has no bearing on me, nor would they on others of faith. But it does make for a galvanizing rallying cry for those who cheapen themselves enough to use it as such. When exactly did our nation "turn their back at the pledge of allegiance?" If you mean the "under God" part, so what, take it out. It wasn't in there originally. And again, what difference does it make? Is it going to stop a kid from praying if he truly feels a need to do so? If it makes people who don't have faith/believe in God feel like it's being forced upon them, remove it. Its removal won't effect me, nor will it effect my faith. But again, it sure seems to be an effective rallying cry. Regarding the Homeland Security Dept., it's redundant. I would have preferred that they re-tooled the existing organizations (NSA, CIA, FBI et al), not add another layer of bureaucracy on top of already existing bureaucracies. And the staggering deficit is hardly the sole result of the creation of that department. Lowering revenues while increasing spending to astronomical limits has something to do with it, doesn't it? But hey, who cares? Why worry about pithy little nuisances like the deficit and the environment. None of it will matter because Armegedon will soon be upon us. God told George Bush it was so.
  21. So while your hatred for Dems motivated you to go to a poll and vote, it seems your compatriots were slightly more "motivated" than you: http://www.videovotevigil.org/photos/archives/lakecounty.jpg http://www.whag.com/news/default.asp?mode=shownews&id=2536 http://www.jsonline.com/news/metro/oct04/271173.asp http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/loca..._repubs28m.html Yeah, the GOP are all angels, right? Take off your partisan blinders and give it a rest, will ya'?
  22. Yeah, God forbid someone express displeasure with the federal government. We need to bring back the Alien & Non-Sedition Acts. That would take care of those un-American dissenters voicing their opinions real good.
  23. Considering the deficit is now at a trillion dollars, air quality and environmental protection are mere nuisances, the federal government has grown by a third, and we're engaged in a "war" that has claimed over 11000 American soldiers, it's not wishful thinking.
  24. Baseball, I could care less. The NHL season, or a lack thereof, is a bummer. But I'm not ready to totally write off the Bills yet. A win over NYJ and again over the Pats, and they're back in the mix. A tall order to be sure, but I'm not ready to give up the ship.
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