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Everything posted by Campy

  1. It could work, but I don't see it happening. W is on his 2nd term and has a VP that is done after this. Since Cheney won't be running for President, there's no real motivation to do it. IMO, by using Clinton in that regard he would alienate the Clinton-haters within his own party, and that wouldn't make those in the GOP who've stood by his side too happy, because it'd be thrown in their face when their Congressional seats come up for re-election. Sadly, partisanship ain't going away. Our elected officials oftentimes appear to be more concerned about taking care of their own party than they are with taking care of America...
  2. Hell yeah. Print 'em up and sell them for $1.00. Capitalism is a good thing! What was it that PT Barnum said?
  3. I've printed the last 8 posts and have faxed it to PeTa. You should all expect a visit from Ingrid soon.
  4. I believe in the wisdom that is the US Constitution. I also believe guns suck and that the days of a standing militia are long behind us. Needless to say, I'm not a member of the NRA. But I can't selectively pick and choose the parts of the Constitution I want enforced. I hate guns, but I support the 2nd Ammendment, afterall, it's not saying that I must own a gun. With all of that said, I caught Bowling for Columbine a couple of months ago on the tube. Like a bloody car wreck, it was disgusting, yet I couldn't look away. One scene I found particularly vile was the way he deceived Spartacus Heston to gain an audience with him. And then he outright ambushed him! That was a really wrong way to treat him, if for no other reason than because the man is elderly. I was raised to respect the "old folks," and I tend to get more than a little pissy when I see others lacking that respect for them, especially when all they're doing is exercising their Constitutional rights. Moore should be ashamed of himself for that behavior.
  5. I have been advised by counsel to not answer that question. And you really don't owe me a beer. But if you insist, why don't you and Darin go to the TBD Tailgate next year. With the accrued interest I should be able to drink all day for free!
  6. True. The only reason why I even consider that it might be true is because of the source. Obviously you don't know him, and I can't call him a friend (he's reported to my wife at work for several years), but neither Teresa or I believe he's making it up. That's just not his style. Your post above raises legitimate questions about the veracity of this type of tactic, but it does have me thinking about what purpose the polls serve. Do we really need them?
  7. Miami game? Didya' mean last weeks Cardinals game?
  8. Thanks for the fun over the years. You'll be missed by many of us out-of-towners, but at least we'll know where to find you when we go home to visit. Best of luck on your new gig, I know it'll be wildly successful.
  9. It's in poor taste, but I don't think it merits a 5-day suspension from school.
  10. I agree on both counts. But I can't a recall an election where they've been as far off base as they were yesterday. I do know a guy who voted early yesterday morning for Bush, and was polled. He claimed he received an email advising GOP voters to say they voted for Kerry should they be polled, as it would help the GOP get the vote out in the Central and Mountain time zones, as well as create a sense of complacency from Kerry-leaning voters. I asked, he said it wasn't from the GOP per se, but from one of the PACs. He's not a BS'er, and has no reason to pull my leg on this, so I gotta' believe him. Methinks the impact of that tactic, if any, will never really be known.
  11. Aw piss off. I was just looking for that beer you owe me
  12. Having met you, I'm fairly confident you'd make a kick-ass strategist. As I said yesterday, I admire your throwing your hat into the ring, and congrats on your team's success in your local race.
  13. Kinda' like Survivor or American Idol, the SimonCast never pretended to be more than what it was. For those of us fortunate enough to regularly catch his show on Empire (via DTV or local), it was great to hear all of the latest news and opinions. Nobody said he's the next Walter Cronkite, but like Cronkite, you get used to having him in your livingroom everyday, you get to "know" him. I know you can appreciate that.
  14. I agree, but it still sucks for us out-of-towners
  15. Nope. Nor would I agree that our presence in Iraq, which was the topic of my question to you, will stop them. In fact, I'd argue our presence in Iraq has served as fuel for their propaganda. BTW: Iraq was not a "well documented" harbor for terrorists, although it appears to be one now. Hussein wouldn't allow it, and he despised bin Laden. Since the terrorists on 9/11 were Saudi, why didn't we invade them?
  16. Are we? If the only time we show that we're good people is during a tragedy, does that really even count? What about the rest of the time? Communications and media companies are deregulated, and they become a conglomeration of 6 or so entities more concerned with self-promotion (Thank you for watching ABC, on your way to Disneyland, why not listen to ESPNradio?) and pushing their own agendas than they are with being the "watchdog of justice." Environmental pollution controls are loosened, and the result is that the polluters make more money and continue to trash the environment. To a man, I would really like to believe most people on this planet are decent, good, and honest. Regretably, peoples' actions oftentimes seem to run contrary to that.
  17. I know I'm to the left of you, but the more I pay attention, and the older I get, the more cynical I become, and the more sense you make.
  18. Wasn't it Einstein who said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?
  19. My opinions of Bush and Kerry notwithstanding, it's nice to read she stuck to her guns and "voted" her convictions. Kudos to her, you must be a proud papa.
  20. The Constitution already states that a candidate must be a citizen for 14 years at the time it was approved, or natural-born. Tinkering with that is not a good idea. If it were to happen to get Ahnold on a ticket, that would be gerrymandering at its absolute worst.
  21. Shouldn't be? He can't be. Article II, Section 1 of the US Constitution:
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