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Everything posted by Campy

  1. My first comments weren't the least bit emotional. But when it escalates to some dirtbag saying crap along the lines of "It's not like I gave her cancer," and "good things don't happen to bad people," then yeah, I get a pissed off. I don't know you, or how old you are, or how old your father was when he passed, but I'm blown away that you, of all people, would defend that scumbag's remarks.
  2. She's in my prayers Tom. Ironically, 2 months before our wedding Teresa underwent a similar procedure, but since the biopsy proved inconclusive, the mass was removed and sent off to a lab. I still thank God it was negative for cancer.
  3. No. But I do think you must be an incredibly miserable person. I hope things turn around for you.
  4. I'll be sure to remember that on my next trip to WNY to "see" my family. My father was killed in a car wreck 7 weeks before my mother finally lost her battle with cancer. But hey, it's not like YOU killed them, and there's a good joke in there somewhere, right?
  5. So while we wouldn't "wish" it on her, making light of it is OK? I think not, and forgive my crassness, but :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: if you do. Cancer's no joke.
  6. Your post just assumes doctors are afraid to treat litigators. I was referring to the ones above yours. Sorry for not being clearer.
  7. Are the preceding posts examples of what W means by "compassionate" conservatism? Nice show gentlemen.
  8. Hey, enforcing the Sedition Act is hard. It's hard work.
  9. "The Devil You Know" theory. I think short-term, the violence will escalate. IMO, one thing he did in recent years, albeit not very well, was to reign in some of the (relatively speaking) more fanatical factions of the PLO. Without him there, there's no telling what will happen. I think it was KRC who earlier alluded to a power vaccuum. Someone's going to fill it. Who that person might be, and what level of fanaticism he has, just might make things much worse long-term.
  10. Methinks I'm about ready for that beer. How 'bout you
  11. It could be argued that appeasement was not so much a maneuver to escape war as generally thought, but gave them valuable time ro ready themselves as they were ill-prepared for war. But either way, your point in referencing Chamberlain is not lost.
  12. Swatter, magazine, rubber band, or quick hands?
  13. http://www.sunherald.com/mld/sunherald/new...ws/10091927.htm
  14. Appears Bush is wrong. Arrafat has not died.
  15. CNN just reported that is a rumor. While he is in a coma, he's not dead.
  16. So you assert that all Dems condone killing babies, gay marriage, getting everything for free, and don't work for a living? Wow, if W wants to heal the rift, he better start with you.
  17. They, as a whole, dislike arrogant Americans. Going to McD's in France may cause some to roll their eyes, but they certainly aren't going to say anything. If one goes over there acting like some sort of cocky prick, then there's potential for trouble - same as a cocky prick at any bar or pub in the States has the potential for meeting up with trouble. Europeans may dislike the actions of our government at various degrees from time to time, but they are capable of seperating the actions of the government from the individuals. A lesson that many Americans could learn. Case in point: The way some of the cavemen here treated "Olivier in France" was downright embarassing. Bottom line: If you're another nation's guest, at least have the decency to behave accordingly.
  18. Aside from being not entirely accurate (we were dragged kicking and screaming out of our isolationist policies in the early 20th century), I just don't think that's it. I mean, we'll condone Israel's oppression of Palestinians and the denial of a Palestinian state? The Palestinians don't like our support of Israel. If we aided them, we would double the number of allies in the region. It would also be a strong gesture appreciated by the moderate Muslims who we need to help us fight global terrorism. Could we not have a hand in helping the Palestinians establish a parliamentary or republican government? I don't see where that would have adverse repurcussions...
  19. Used to be the only federal branch to levy taxes was legislative, not executive. When did that change?
  20. No, please do. I guess I didn't choose my words very well. I just didn't want people to think I'm some sort of neo-Nazi with a hard-on for Israel/Judiasm or something. OK, now I've really gotta' go. Thanks to those that've replied thus far, be back in a couple of hours...
  21. I hope one of you well-informed types can help me out here. It seems that Israel is oftentimes the aggressor, or overly aggresive in their foreign policies. Since something like half of their budget comes in the form of US aid, why don't we lean on them a bit? Instead, we give them our blessing and turn our eyes while they at times do nothing but further destabalize the region. FWIW: Although I understand that faith plays a huge part in that region's politics, I'm not knocking Judiasm, so please don't go there. Religions IMO don't need national boundaries. But again, the nation of Israel's actions (Mossad) seem to be all forgiven, yet we've condemmed, or even bombed, others for like actions. Why is that? What is this fascination with Israel? I won't be able to check in for a couple of hours, but any opinions and info on our love affair with Israel would be appreciated. Thanks, -C.
  22. Heart failure at 31? Wow. That's entirely too young. I guess when it's your time, you go.
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