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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Sometimes, when I'm playing golf, I put my golf bag in the front seat of the cart and have one of my golfing buddies drive to the next tee box while I stand on the back holding on, pretending to be like a fireman and stuff. But don't tell anyone, it would be kinda' embarassing if people found out.
  2. Nice story. I'm glad he has the opportunity to see a game live.
  3. Typo. He lived in Seattle, he now lives in Virginia Beach.
  4. If not Bermuda, it might be from my brief visit to Amsterdam awhile back
  5. I expect to see Mark Campbell and Willis chipping Abraham all day long.
  6. Nice to see you again Bob! Our OL has stepped up some over the past couple of weeks, especially with Willis helping in pass protection. Our D has improved with Lawyer Milloy coming off of his injury. It should be a good test for both teams, and looks like it will be another interesting game. I'll take the Bills by a field goal plus some. I'll say by 5.
  7. The local EB guys told me that if you haven't made arrangements (pre-order/reserve), it will most likely be difficult to get your hands on Halo2. As good as the Half-Life franchise is, I'd strongly suggest Halo2.
  8. As you can guess, I agree. One of the few times I've cried from hearing another person's tale of suffering. Truly tragic. As for Ben, he's actually doing well, all things considered. This fall he started at a local community college. His goal is to become an engineer so he can go back to the Sudan and help rebuild/modernize his homeland after order is restored. He's a truly brave kid. I admire and respect him.
  9. Sorry, I directed that toward MM's "answer," not at you. Either way, I'm not sure I agree that the UN has a handle on the situation in the Sudan. Our church was able to get a couple of young men (now 16 and 19 years old) out of there a few years ago, and they're now really just begining to assimilate in the States. But the horrors they've described are shocking. Ben (his Anglo name) and his father were held down and forced to watch his mother and 11 year old sister be raped by 8-12 men. His father was then shot in the head. Ben was shot in the chest, but survived long enough to be rescued by an aid worker. There are millions of evacuees in camps, thousands of men and boys are still being slaughtered, and their women are still being gang raped. It's a mess.
  10. That's a noble ideal, but wouldn't that be tantamount to saying that liberating Africans (Sudanese) is less worthy than the Mid East?
  11. Based on claims for unemployment insurance, isn't it?
  12. The French boarded some commercial vessels as part of Napoleon's Continental System, but the English actually began impressing our sailors for their Navy because we violated their Orders In Council. There were some exchanges, but I don't think we ever actually declared war on France (as the United States - French and Indian War doesn't count).
  13. Like stevestojan and s h i t, KzooMike was complaining about the use of the word "i g n o r a n c e." He thought it was a snotty put down. He requested SDS to make a filter that said something along the lines of "this poster is a moron." SDS obliged him by adding a filter, but not exactly the one KzooMike was looking for...
  14. You forgot that Alexander Hamilton intentionally had the US enter into debt so the aristocracy of the day would invest in, and consequently ensure the success of, the new government. Worked really well, unitll Jefferson came along and started screwing up - Going to war with England with a total of 7 Navy ships... Nice goin' TJ.
  15. He said the Northeast voted Kerry. Virginia did not vote Kerry.
  16. I'll never forget the first night of our honeymoon. People from Houston and Buffalo had been in town for a week, and by the time the reception was over, Teresa and I were feeling exhausted. We were really looking forward to just getting away and catching our breath. Our first night in Bermuda, we went to the Frog and Onion Pub at the Royal Naval Dockyard (great place, highly recommend), and started putting away some pints of Tenents. After my 3rd or 4th, this English guy starts "chatting me up." Nice enough guy, buys us a round, and pulls out a pouch and starts rolling his own cigaratte. About to light it, he apologized, and held it up in front of me and said "You wanna' smoke a fag, mate?" I almost fell off of my bar stool!
  17. I'm glad job numbers are up, that's a good sign for all of us. But why is it that when job numbers are down, it's "not the president's job to create jobs, it's business' job," yet when numbers are up, the president gets the credit? I have difficulty reconciling that. Please don't take this as a shot at the current administration, it's an observation based on GOP & Dem rhetoric over my lifetime. It seems that, depending on who holds the office, that both sides are equally guilty of this.
  18. They also refer to toilets as water closets. Are you then inferring that they don't know how to take a dump? If so, that might explain why the English are always so uptight...
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