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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Yup, the "Redress of Greivances" to ol' King George.
  2. Geekanese, allow me to interpret: EQ is Ever Quest, a wildly popular game, and the sequal is EQ2.. MMORPG is a massive multiplayer online role playing game. You develop your character by playing with other people in a dynamic world and gaining experience, which allows you to add to your character's abilities like strength, wisdom, intelligence, etc. All of these attributes allow your character to fight better, avoid traps, and things of that sort.
  3. Nice article. Everything I've read on the web and in The Hockey News about Gomez is pretty much confirmed in that article - He's one of the good guys.
  4. Not trying to be a Virginia-homer (I was born & raised in Bflo afterall), but don't discount Virginia. While the first shots of the Revolutionary War may have been fired in Massachusetts, the argument could be made that colonial Virginians were much more Revolutionary. The New Englanders seemed to be more upset about the monopoly on tea given to the East India Trading Company than anything else. Granted, after the dissolution of their legislature they got a little ornery, but historically speaking, perhaps a result of their Puritanical history, they were downright passive when compared to colonial Virginians.
  5. Great post. I'd love to add to it, but you pretty much nailed it.
  6. What we do know is that 17% of the voters were young voters, and that number held steady from the previous election. Given that more Americans voted in this election than ever before, the young voters acquitted themselves rather well by maintaining that percentage. They were no worse than the general population.
  7. Nope. Goes back to direct representation, and each individual county is not represented in the House. Besides, counties are irrelevant. The president governs people, not land. And again, unless the immigrants are US citizens, they can't vote anyway, so they are a moot point in a non-partisan discussion of the electoral college. This discussion is non-partisan, isn't it?
  8. Nope. I reserved my copy from him several weeks beforehand. Last week I stopped by to see if any new titles looked interesting and I asked him if the reserves/pre-orders had slowed down at all, and his answer was their initial shipment had already been completely reserved, and that he expected it to be a tough title to get your hands on for awhile after release. Besides, I'm an xbox geek, and they know I spend entirely too much money in there to try and "sell" me. I guess I'm kinda a regular there -They're more prone to talk me out of games that they don't think I'll like than push BS on me.
  9. McNair. Always hurt and always listed as "Questionable" on the injury reports.
  10. When my brother was an active duty Jarhead he carried live rounds while securing the nukes at Charleston, His buddy, a friend of the family, was not allowed to carry live rounds when he was guarding the Marine Corps barracks in Beirut in '83. Go figure.
  11. They did, but it's more the result of compromise. Congress is the only branch of government which can levy taxes. Since one of the rallying cries of the Revolutionary Was was "Taxation with Representation," they designed the lower house of Congress (House of Representatives) to be representatives directly elected by the citizenry. The heavier poplulated states like NY, MA, and VA thought they should have a larger voice than the small states like RI and DE. As a result, they resolved to assign a number of representatives to the lower house from each state based on that state's population, hence, the census was born. The upper house (Senate)was originally elected by members of the lower, and tended to be more aristocratic, and each state was allowed to have two of them. An ammendment was passed, and today we directly elect those legislators too. The founding fathers did not want a democracy because they rightfully believed that the common illiterate man of the day was incapable of choosing what was best for the country. So they instead formed a republic, where the citizenry votes, not technically for the president, but to show the electoral college who they should vote for. Each representative of Congress selects an elector who casts a ballot for the man the people wanted to be president. To this day, that's how it works. It wasn't born out of some lofty desire to protect the integrity of the vote, it was born out of a compromise, as was the majority of articles in the Constitution.
  12. No, IMO it wouldn't be fair. The president represents all American citizens equally, therefore, the states with the largest population receive a larger say in who the next president will be. Illegal immigrants aren't counted in the census, and therefore, aren't factored into assigning the number of electoral votes. The burdens they may or may not represent shouldn't have a bearing on how American citizens choose their president.
  13. TD said JP would be on the field, but I don't suspect TD is out there naming starters. I think he was referring to full contact practice.
  14. About 1/3 of the way through, he takes a screen pass about 70 yards, hitting and spinning his way through the first 25-30 yards. Unbelievable. Truly a man amongst boys. He has the potential to be something very special.
  15. Obviously Alaska is every bit the US as Kentucky, New York, or any other state. But what makes them "worth less" is that they have fewer electoral college votes because of the relativel small population. Without looking it up, I believe they have 3, as opposed to CA, who has 55. So from that standpoint, California is much more important than Alaska.
  16. Afraid mine's boring. I'm not quite ready to deviate from the Constitution on something as critical to the welfare of this country as voting.
  17. Sorry to hear about your absentee ballot never showing up, that sucks. I know the paperless machines down there received a fair amount of scrutiny. But I don't know if voting by the web is the answer, for the same reasons the Diebold machines were scrutinized. I do think that the elections should be somewhat standardized. It doesn't have to be operated at the federal level (that'd be unConstitutional), but they should establish a uniform ballot and voting methodology to be used across all the states and territories.
  18. Why was your vote taken away, and what part of the electoral system would you change, and how would you change it?
  19. Truth be told, that's why I like reading his posts. As I told him at the Tailgate, I might disagree with most of them, but at least he doesn't regurgitate the same ol'-same ol'. And to bring you back on topic, I prefer boxers. 11 yds of 12 oz wool kinda' chafes in the humid summer months, if you know what I mean.
  20. Dude, you can buy special shampoo for that. You don't have to eat them.
  21. Hey, there's nuthin' wrong with a man in a skir- er, kilt.
  22. Back in the spring I was called a "fascist pinko." And no, I didn't even bother trying to explain it to him.
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