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Everything posted by Campy

  1. My Magic Eight Ball sprung a leak before I could get the final score out of it. Damn thing. But it did tell me "Bills by five."
  2. Given the Patsie trolls who invade our fine board for two weeks each year, I'd say not much as changed
  3. If the drywall is wavy or dimpled, get rid of it, that generally means it was saturated enough to where mold might be a problem. If it's still smooth, hit Home Depot and pick up some sealer for it. It will prevent the water stain from coming back through the paint. Spray that on, and after that dries (20 mins or so), go ahead and paint over it. ...Or you could always wait til the sheetrock guys come to work on your basement and have them do it!
  4. I spend too much time and money in there too! And GI blows away GMR, EB's version of what you guys have in GI. I like OXBM too, primarily for the demo discs. I read that a chain in the midwest (Meijers, I think) broke the street date on Halo2 a couple of days ago. I was surprised they'd even ship that early. Is that normal for a new title, or is MS/Bungie getting them out early to meet the demand?
  5. If DB returns, I wouldn't want/expect him to start, but I'd like having him on the roster all the same.
  6. Don't forget to get yourself an alarm clock with battery back-up! If they ever solicit talent's opinion, please let the brass know that there would be thousands of us listening via web streaming. It may not help increase agency buys, but it might help the local reps, and having been in radio before, I know it's all about generating more revenue.
  7. I'm with you, TBD cheerleader!
  8. I did, because he's immature, but I never said he didn't have leadership abilities. Fortunately for Tulane's football program, maturity and leadership are two seperate things. Aren't they?
  9. I like Fluffer-nutter sandwiches...
  10. In regards to Iran's nuke program: And then: That's one helluva' quid pro quo.
  11. IMO it's not an experience issue, it's a maturity issue.
  12. I know that's a rhetorical question, but frankly, if most of your posts came from just about anybody else, I would've written them off as partisan blustering. I know you well enough to know that's not your style.
  13. You know, there may be "a bit" more to this than I previously thought... I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong. I was wrong.
  14. Help me out here. I thought caliphates were the 4 "Guided Ones" who succeeded Mohammed? I likened the caliphate to Christianity's 12 Disciples - Are they trying to implement themselves as the "13th Disciple" so-to-speak? Or am I off base in my understanding of caliphates?
  15. I'm one of those guys that buys into desperation causing more terrorism than the religious aspects. IMO, the religious aspects only serve to "justify" it and galvanize them, makes it true believers vs infidels. If in 50 years there's no more oil, that's going to make for an awful lot of desperate people.
  16. We were playing in a best ball fundraiser at Ford's Colony in Williamsburg. My partner Ed was/is pretty good, so we were playing pretty quickly. We couldn't play through, and after the 3rd hole of waiting (people ahead of us didn't understand the concept of best ball) we started pounding beer. By the 17th, We were ripped, and I got my ride on the firetruck. The marshall wasn't terribly impressed, but given the amount of crap he saw people doing (carts on greens, not raking hazzards, driving at a par 3 while the team ahead was on the green, you know the drill), he didn't say much to me. Just shook his head and rolled his eyes. Ed's wife (Teresa's boss) had to drive up from Va Bch and get us home. On the way home, I think we were somewhere around Newport News when she expressed the desire "to choke your drunk asses."
  17. I really hope you're right. The alternative isn't pretty.
  18. Pretty good stuff. I really liked 11, "Please tell us who killed JFK. It's been driving us crazy."
  19. On my best days, I'm just a hacker, but I didn't even play at all this summer.
  20. I was thinking of this post, and it's pretty damn scary. Tactically strong, but more than a little unsettling all the same. One of the things that hasn't happened yet (that we know), is a terrorist getting onto the continent via Central or South America, and making their way north and crossing the border from Mexico. Barring recent changes, I know that's a poorly controlled border (I know a guy who does border patrol down there). I know that if we were the geographic equivalent of Belgium it'd be a helluva' lot easier to secure our borders more effectively, but as GG (?) alluded to above, we must do a better job of securing our coasts and borders. I just don't believe that the war on terrorism is truly winnable, ie, the elimination of all terrorist threats to Americans on American soil is unachievable.
  21. What'd he do, steal your girlfriend in High School or something? We understood the first time, you're not a fan of his. We get it.
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