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Everything posted by Campy

  1. I don't think that not starting WM as a blunder at all. And nice job working in a shot at Sue.
  2. Jim Nance needs to stick to boxing, and Simms needs to hit a Toastmasters meeting. I really couldn't give a rat's ass what either of those dopes think or say. But do I agree with Phil!
  3. Amazing how an effective running game puts the brakes on the opponents blitzes, isn't it? Drew played a solid if not spectacular game against NYJ. Anytime you rush for 162 yards and your QB has a rating of 88.8, the odds are in your favor. Hats off to Drew and the boys, great effort all the way around.
  4. Before the game I was talking to a fellow Bills fan who believes TH should be the starter. One of the things I said was that WM may not yet have the breakaway speed he had before, but the difference is that his patience in allowing his blocks to set up and his vision and lateral quickness will get him far more opportunities to break off 20 yard runs than TH. It's 3 games, I'm not quite ready to annoint him as the league's next great back, but it's hard to argue with the results thus far. He's a dangerous weapon. Mature on the field beyond his years, WM just might end up being very special before all is said and done.
  5. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...2136EST0433.DTL
  6. It has begun: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/07/internat...07cnd-iraq.html
  7. Tucker played the majority- in fact, I don't think Smith got in for a single play.
  8. I suppose Bush announced the end of major military action in Iraq while standing under the banner as a sign of solidarity with the returning sailors too, right? IMO, W goofed by announcing the end of major combat operations. Posturing under the banner on board a carrier only magnified his folly. So what? Who cares? All of that crap is politics, and when compared to the stevestojan that's about to hit the fan in Fallujah, debating whether a politician has made an ass out of himself or not seems rather trivial, no?
  9. Kinda' like that 4th down play were they went for it instead of taking the automatic 3 points. Dumb. Oh, they scored on that play? Genius! When it works it's a good call, and when it doesn't, it's a bad call. Been that way forever, and I don't expect it to change anytime soon.
  10. Ungodly and hideous, but other than that, they're not too bad. I'm suddenly feeling better about our road jersey after looking at that clusterfukk of a train wreck.
  11. When the media starts awarding playoff berths, I'll start giving a stevestojan about their opinions. Fugg 'em.
  12. I don't think the play called for McGee to fall down, but that's just a guess. They played very well today, and the defensive scheme was awesome.
  13. Me too. I think he has an extra gear, but I don't think we'll see it all at once. I think by the time week 13 rolls around, we'll all be blown away by his improvement over the season.
  14. Whippee. The Bills won. Let's all find something to piss and moan about...
  15. Apologized (tongue in cheek) for giving the army credit for a Marine doc. I have it because, as much as I hate the loss of life, I've been fascinated by the strategies of war. It stems from trips to Gettysburg and Fort Ticonderoga as a kid. We didn't have a whole lot of money to take many trips, and I made the most of the ones we were able to take. In high school I took four years of Latin, and learned a fair amount about the Roman Legion's tactics, and from there it just kind of took off. I'm by no means any kind of expert, but I've always found it to be interesting. Urban combat was the tactic I had read the least about, so I did some searching and found the above MOUT manual. I read a few sections, and forgot about it until this thread.
  16. Hell, we're still looking for one ourselves
  17. I think a popular pro-choice argument is, "Exactly when does the fertilized egg become an unborn human?" I'm not a fan of abortion, but I feel it's not my place to impose my values on others regarding a choice that personal, so I guess that makes me pro-choice. Similarly, I don't have a problem with a terminally ill patient recieving assisted suicide, it's their choice, not mine. Who knows, maybe I'm just pro-death I guess I'm something of a Deist in that I believe God gave us the ability to think and reason for ourselves and make the choices that we feel are best for ourselves, not neccesarily for others.
  18. I'm like herpes, I never go away! Terry's at the game, so T & I are heading out in about 20 min's to set up whatever she left for us there. We'll save you a seat - or two, is Dona going today?
  19. I'd say that's a good observation. Sue's a good-hearted person. Hopefully some time away will serve her well. I also agree with Rich, there are alot of people who care about her 'round these parts. I know I'll miss her and her rah-rah posts - I always got a kick out of them.
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