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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Those were originally directed at Laura Schlessinger. http://www.snopes.com/politics/religion/drlaura.asp IMO, the problem with wielding The Bible as if it was a weapon to condemn homosexuality (and other "immoral" acts) is the whole "lest ye be judged" thingy. It may or may not be a sin, but it is not man's place to stand in judgment of another in such matters. Live and let live. When it's all said and done God will make His final judgment, whatever that may be.
  2. That's a pretty funny picture. The reason men sit with their ankles crossed and their knees apart is so that the sporran will weigh down the kilt and keep them modest, as it's referred. There is no way that an empty day-sporran, much less a much heavier dress sporran such as the one they're wearing, would rest on top of the kilt and not push it down. Look at the others and you'll see what I mean. His hands were on his knees holding the kilt taught, he knew exactly what he was doing, giving "the finger" to the Queen in his own little way. It's a Scottish thing, and I love it! Ne oblivscaris!
  3. I know I'm off his point regarding the semantics of freedom fighters versus terrorists, but I agree eryn (Did I really just say that? ). Call him whatever you want, if he's pointing a weapon at you, he's gotta' be taken down.
  4. Haven't seen it in about 10-15 years, but man, I loved that movie.
  5. Sad, but true - And we're all guilty of it from time to time!
  6. Considering the quote was in reference to the Sedition Act, forgive me for mentioning it. And because you don't seem to mind the errosion Constitutional rights, forgive me for ever bringing it up in the past. What is that they say? "Those who don't know history..." But you don't owe Jefferson an apology - I doubt he cares too much that you attributed his words to a different person.
  7. You and I both know it's no coincidence that the quote refers to witches and Gavin made the false assumption that those words were Babs, hence the "she's been reading too many Potter books" reference. Regardless of personal opinions of Babs, Jefferson maintained that the Sedition Act enfringed upon the Constitutional rights of US citizens, and there are many that hold that the PATRIOT Act does the same. For those who hold that belief, Jefferson's words have the same relevance today as they did in the late 18th century, regardless of who regurgitates them..
  8. I'm right behind you , Master Chief! Don't tell me what it is (I have as yet to pick up my copy), but I hear the end has a pretty wild twist. Have you seen it? Also, I've heard the xbox Live part seems a little buggy, any experiences, pro or con, with that?
  9. At least it's good to know it's not going to waste
  10. You beat me to it! When my brother was in the Corps I got a firsthand lesson on the importance of November 10. Happy Birthday fellas, you make us proud!
  11. Indeed. No surprise really, but I always thought "lil' Russ" was exceptionally eloquent in his segments.
  12. Deceptive thread title. I got my hopes up that Madonna was actually trapped in Iraq, preferably Fallujah.
  13. No kidding. Ashcroft made Chief Justice Marshall look like a friggen southern secessionist.
  14. It was more the "invite criticism by opening my big fat mouth" part. But thanks for playing, Vanna has some wonderful parting gifts for you...
  15. What does the njsue thread have to do with it? Took a quick look back through this thread - What shots did I "throw" at you? But you are right, I didn't think that was one of your best efforts. You can do better.
  16. Now that's entirely too easy, I'm not gonna' touch it.
  17. Brilliant thoughts. I get it, good one. You must be one of those clever fellas. But Christmas Memories was just the name of the bloody record. Are you at all familiar with the concept of marketing? If I were to tell you the album's title was probably the work of a good ol' Christian marketing guy, would that make you feel better?
  18. Since when did somebody recording an album of Christmas tunes that listeners derive some pleasure from become a scam?
  19. Try this. Click on the link on the top right of the new window where it says Highlights and you'll be good to go!
  20. Next time you attempt humor, you might want to consider making it funny.
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