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Everything posted by Campy

  1. You could argue that, I wouldn't. While the North was industrialized, the South's economy was agrarian in nature. In addition to tobacco, cotton was a cash crop, and picking it and removing the seeds is even more labor intensive than tobacco. The indentured servants that were used for such tasks had served their time by the late 18th century and were no longer obligated to so. Due to the back breaking nature of the work, they opted not to do it. As the nation began to extend west away from the coastal cities, they began to migrate west into Indian country. Google "Bacon's Rebellion" for an example. The Southern economy relied on slavery, it would have collapsed with out it. It was believed to be a very neccesary evil although it was abhorred by all but the cruelest of people. The majority of Germans in Germany were just as shocked to hear of the atrocities of the Holocaust as anyone else. As German press was embedded, er, controlled, by their government, the genocide against Jews (and others) went largely unknown to the population.
  2. Because he can be held accountable there is a huge credibility gap. What's the worst thing that would happen to frontpage.com? His mom takes away his internet access?
  3. Agreed. But I'm still much more inclined to believe his account, especially when the contrasting story is being reported by the bastion of fine journalism that is 'www.frontpage.com.'
  4. So you think he's doing the Jedi mind trick? "Hey Pres, I saw a riot on the Quad!" "You did not see a riot" "I did not see a riot."
  5. Probably on her way to counseling to work out her post-election trauma. Either that or she doesn't bathe regularly.
  6. I believe he chose his words carefully, not because what may have happened in Redmond, but because as a university president, he's probably a well-educated man. Also, remember that an employee of the school was unaware of the incident until it was posted here. Sounds to me like a whole hubaloo about nothing.
  7. This was an internal communique posted here by an employee of the school, not a press release. Undoubtedly, some of the recipients of the memo were staffers who witnessed the incident. Perhaps I'm just giving him credit for not trying to pull the Jedi mind trick and tell people what they did or did not see.
  8. Based on what? Do the two of you regularly discuss politics?
  9. No kidding. Teresa and I couldn't believe it. If they were $5, I would have picked one up and given it to our neighbor's kids, but that just seemed too much to pay for 3 bags of popcorn I'll never eat.
  10. Couple of months ago T and I were leaving Sam's Club with our stockpile of paper towel, t.p., laundry detergent, et al. There was a Boy Scout group selling stuff, and having been a Boy Scout as a kid, I went over to buy a candy bar or whatever they were selling - supporting a good cause and all that. Turns out they were hawking boxes with 3 microwavable popcorn bags in each box. I explained that neither of us ate popcorn, but put 3 bucks on the table as a donation, and we headed toward the Jeep. One of the kids chases us down and tells us that the popcorn was $18 per box, and if we were too cheap to buy a box they didn't want or need the $3!!!! Needless to say, the two times I've seen them sense, I just walk on by ignoring them with my nose in the air. I figure it's better than giving them a :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: . Fricking brats.
  11. I'd say I'm somewhere between an Eternal Optimist and a Thoughful Fan, but am probably perceived as closer to the former by those on TBD, but those who have watched a game with me see the latter. I too enjoy the "X's and O's" threads (Simon, where are you?). -It'll be interesting to see how others perceive themselves.
  12. That, and WM's patience in allowing his guys to lay a hat on the D -and then properly reading those blocks, has made all of the run blocking look better.
  13. No argument, but I couldn't figure out why we kept blitzing a team that excels in the quick passing game. That played directly into their hands. I hope we can generate some pressure with the front 4 this time, and use the blitz (very) sparingly this time around. No sense in playing to NE's strengths, and that's what Grey did in the first game, IMO.
  14. He has no reason to cover up anything that may have happened, as the credible frontpage.com had already fabrica- er, reported what happened. It appeared to me that he was just explaining what, exactly, happened, and what his thoughts were.
  15. Further evidence that confirms what I've suspected for several years; SI sucks.
  16. That wasn't Arafat.
  17. Yes obi-wan, I believe him...
  18. Just a thought... The points you make in your posts might be better received if you were to ease off on the name calling a bit. By doing so, the content of your post will become the topic of debate, and the it won't always degenerate into a counter-productive argument about who's the bigger "pudding head."
  19. I know that he had ties to the PLO, in fact he had ties to Arafat before there was a PLO. Iyad was placed in charge of the PLO's "Special Operations Group" and "Force 17," but he left because he felt they were being underutilized. He created Black September, and the rest, tragically, is history.
  20. Yup, that's why I posted it. Guys running for their lives to secret little safehouses, and we're on their arse the whole way - Thanks for letting us know where to find you, assclowns. I know we've suffered some casualties since this op began, but I can't imagine how many hundreds of American AND Iraqi lives are saved by finding and eliminating the enemy in this manner.
  21. Bush went out of his way to avoid shaking his hand and a couple of years ago publically called for his removal from leadership of the Palestinian Authority. I'd be surprised if he sent anyone, unless it was more in the interest of reaching out to Arafat's successors than actually paying respects.
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