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Everything posted by Campy

  1. The game will come down to the Bills D vs the Pats O. Their D is ranked 21st against the run, our O will be successful there. But they won't hang too many points on them, which is why I think it's critical our D plays a smart game and shuts down Dillon. If the Bills do that, they'll win by 6-10 points, but the game won't be as close as the score. If the Bills fail to do that, Pats win by 6-10 in a tight one.
  2. IMO, he'll be used as a run blocker in goalline/short yardage situations.
  3. I'm pretty sure the Raider game was either immediatley before or after the Broncos game. Those were good times for Buffalo football.
  4. Straw man. Alcoholism is a disease, homosexuality is not.
  5. That's really all you had to say. While I may disagree with you that April's use of military terms are somehow a disrespectful and inappropriate slight of the military, I do appreciate your take on it.
  6. In case you missed it, he experienced shortness of breath. A couple of tests indicated no irregularities, and he's since been released. Article thingy.
  7. People are gentically predisposed to being homosexual. That is not the case with incest, it's deviancy. If, in some mixed-up Bizarro world of the future, incest is no longer considered deviancy, it sure won't have a thing to do with gay marriage. But by that time, you and I will have long since met our Maker...
  8. My wife stopped by and picked it up for me this afternoon, been playing it for a few hours this evening. I'll choose my words carefully so I don't spoil the fun: I just started the Arbitor. Whoa!
  9. http://www.trans-siberian.com/intro.html They're VERY good.
  10. As my buddy Dan Gross is fond of saying, "Sometimes, you just can't win."
  11. I know what it means, I've never heard or seen it used in anything outside of a Biblical reference. That might lead one to believe the word is archaic.
  12. Outside of Bilblical references, I've never heard homosexuals referred to as sodomites.
  13. Roommates and best friend can get married/civill-unioned. If they do it because one has good health insurance through their job for example, that's better than one of them mooching off of the system, but I don't see that happening. It hasn't happened with male-female couples racing to the courthouse to tie the knot before the judge. Undoing it can be too expensive and time consuming, and the fact that (in most states) both parties have a 50% equity in each others' property would prohibit casual unions in homosexual couples just as they currently do now in hetero couples. As far as the son with the mother, being that they're immediate family, I don't believe there'd be any reason for them to do that, and it's also illegal in most states for one to marry one's mother/son.
  14. Honestly, Bermuda. But you have a good time, and remember, the girls NEVER look like the ones in the brochures!
  15. So if wasn't a "marriage," but some other form of legally recognized committment, that'd be cool by you?
  16. I'll give you two, and you can twist whichever one you think will be easiest to try and justify your opposition to gay marriage. Reason 1- Incest is a crime, homosexuality is not. Reason 2- Children born of incestuous couples have a much higher chance of birth defect than those born of homosexual couples.
  17. I have already responded to that post, but I'll repeat the question I asked in my response: Does Bush oppose gay marriage because of religious beliefs (which I believe would be misguided, but understandable), or does he just condone descrimination against homosexuals (which would be an abomination)?
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