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Everything posted by Campy

  1. What is it YOU do for a living these days? To the others: Saying Bledoe is the sole problem with the offense is akin to sticking your head in the sand because you're afraid of the sun. It works, but only to a certain point, and certainly does not address the bigger issue. There is more wrong with this offense than just Drew Bledsoe. The offense must be able to run the ball to win. Most people with a remedial understanding of the game understand that "smash-mouth football" is predicated on the ability to run the ball. When they've managed to run the ball, they've been competitive and/or won the game. When they haven't run well, they've lost the game. The constant harping on Bledsoe is assinine - He's not being asked to run a pass-happy attack. He QB's a run-first offense that is unable to consistently move the ball on the ground.
  2. His team is playing well now, and of course he's always fun to watch. Just curious, when was the last big game Vick won? Here's a hint - he played for the Hampton Crabbers at the time.
  3. Whoa... They are a protected minority group because Congress passed legislation identifying them as such, and made it illegal to discriminate against them, same as they've done with blacks, Hispanics, Catholics, Jews, Seniors, Muslims, the handicapped etc.
  4. I understand. For what it's worth, until very recently I was very much against gay marriage. Perhaps it's my upbringing as the son of an Episcopal priest, but I felt that gay marriage cheapened the sanctity of the institution of marriage. But after looking at the issue from a less personal angle, or perhaps less emotionally involved, I realized that homosexuals were a protected class by law, and not allowing them to be married is a form of discrimination. Personally, I can't for the life of me understand how one would be passionately drawn toward a member of the same sex, but that's not my cross to bear. As I've said many times on the PPP board, I will always argue and debate that the rights of the citizen is protected, even if I dislike what he does with those rights (provided it's legal, of course).
  5. Federal law always has jurisdiction over state and local law. That IS in the Constitution. Federal law requires that gays can not be discriminated against. Yet there are states who are doing exactly that, by not allowing gays to enjoy the same rights as straight couples. It's really no different that if the people in question were black or Hispanic. Congress has made it illegal to discriminate against them. Are you implying that states have the right to prohibit blacks or Hispanics from marrying? Of course you aren't - but by not allowing gay marriages, it amounts to the same thing: Discrimination.
  6. I wouldn't expect to see pdophiles made a protected class anymore than a rapist, murderer or bank robber. Those people are guilty of criminal behavior, homosexuals merely fall in love with a person of the same gender.
  7. Another straw man. Pedophilia is a crime. Homosexuality is not.
  8. No. They are listed as a minority group in hate-crime legislation because they already had equal rights. It's not about a group that WANTS equal rights. It's about a group that is federally protected from discrimination. Congress has passed laws recognizing the rights of homosexuals. Perhaps you've seen dislaimers by realtors, banks, schools, and job applications to the effect of "It is illegal to discriminate based upon race, ethnicity, religion, creed, age, gender, marital status, and sexual orientation"? You don't have to like it, but homosexuals are a protected class. Last time I checked, "adulterers" and "pedophiles" aren't.
  9. If I'm not mistaken, this thread is about gay marriage, so my post does not require a different thread. If your version of God or religious beliefs prevent you from acknowledging the realities of hate-crime legislation, that has nothing to do with gay marriage. It's a seperate issue, and as such, should be debated in a different thread. There's really nothing more that needs to be said.
  10. Homosexual's inclusion as a minority group in hate-crime legislation is a fact. If you want to argue that, start another thread.
  11. Got it. I was just looking for claritication B)
  12. You must have missed an awful lot of posts. Gay marriage should be allowed because homosexuals are a recognized minority group (hence their inclusion in hate-crime legislation), and therefore should be afforded all of the rights and privildges of heterosexual people. Period, end of debate. You don't have to agree, that's OK. There were plenty of people who agreed with a judge's ruling that God put blacks, whites, and Asians on seperate continents, and had man not intervened, the races would never have co-mingled. Since man interfered with God's master plan, he decided to right the wrong by making inter-racial marriages illegal in Virginia - in 1967! All of the arguments I've seen against gay marriage are eerily familiar to that court decision. It's really not a case of whether or not inter-racial relationships OR homosexuality is "hurting anyone" or that society has become more tolerant of inter-racial relationships OR homosexuality. It is a case of discrimination against a specific group of fellow citizens, and that simply should not be acceptable to any American.
  13. Are suggesting that the actions of the military should not be reconciled with international law?
  14. "Uniting, not dividing" is a purely Republican trait, silly. It's impossible to seperate political policies from support of the individuals carrying out their orders, didn't you know that? That's why Republicans never had anything derogatory to say about Clinton's foreign policies while we were in Bosnia...
  15. I know a couple hundred people that might not agree with you. Hammer's is a great place to tailgate. He doesn't like assclowns, but judging by your post, you know that already.
  16. I've read where the Marines were told before entering there were wounded prisoners in the mosque. If that is accurate, it certainly changes the dynamics of the situation. A prisoner and a combatant are two different things, and that seems to be what they're investigating. I also read they are investigating why five wounded prisoners were left without medical care and/or supervision.
  17. It was cool to watch, but while Al & Madden were gushing about it being the longest (time-wise) play, my thought was that I guess they don't remember Fran the Man or Roger-Dodger.
  18. So the guy who thinks that homosexuality is a disease likes to confront people with "the dark facts." That's too funny.
  19. That's pretty much how I saw it, but I'd add their inability to turn outside running plays back inside hurt us too.
  20. Couldn't disagree more. He put him in when the game was out of hand, and didn't have any expectations, no pressure on him. He put him in then to introduce him to the speed of live NFL game action. I thought it was a good move.
  21. Our D gave up 74 rushing yards to Dillon in the first quarter. THE FIRST QUARTER!! He finished with over 150 yards, and Faulk added another 61. Inability to stop the run killed us. Our D generated no consistent pressure on Brady, but not to be outdone, the O displayed an amazing inability to move the ball (run or pass). That's a recipe for getting your ass handed to you, which is exactly what happened last night.
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