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Everything posted by Campy

  1. I don't claim to know much about that stuff beyond Hamilton's "Invest in America"-type campaign. I know GG is the money-guy, hopefully he'll find this and chime in too. I'm of the understanding that an awful lot of the federal debt is being carried by international (Japanese) banks. If that's the case, what would happen if the government's credit rating went in the crapper and they decided to call the notes? What would happen to the US (and us) if that were to happen?
  2. You better get nervous, because I agree with that too. Not at all. I get just as frustrated watching our offense screw the pooch as anybody else. We all know it's only a matter of time until JP replaces DB, that's a given. But I honestly believe that DB gives us the best chance to win the next game. Better than Shane, better than JP. Like I said, we may disagree on that, but DB will be starting that game, and the Bills need him to contribute - but he can't do it all on his own.
  3. Huh? You and I may disagree on whether DB is the QB who gives us a best chance to win this week. But in your own words, you believe that "he's not the ONLY problem," which is exactly the point I've been making in just about every DB-sucks thread all season.
  4. Too funny. Remember the thread from Oct 31 you just resurrected about 5 minutes ago that said something to the effect of "Whip-de-doo, Drew beat a sub .500 team"? Did you read my only post in that thread? I stated that I'm alot less excited about 'Drew' beating a sub-.500 team than I am about the fact the D and the Special Teams played well, and the O ran the ball effectively against a team that had to give up a red zone TD. And did you read my above post were I said DB wasn't playing well, but that he wasn't the only problem? How can you insult me about that when you turn around and say, "Of course Drew isn't the ONLY problem. " It seems you and I are in agreement. As far as whether you (or anyone else) is "impressed" with my knowledge of football, I really (and I mean really) could care less.
  5. ...For the rest of us. Got your pole up yet? That's a classic episode!
  6. Dare I ask what exactly your reasoning is to justify the following statement?
  7. Could be a sprain, but I'm guessing. I know firsthand that sprains are a real B word, and they can take several weeks to heal (depending on severity).
  8. I stand by that post as well as the earlier one where I defended myself. I also said that DB isn't playing well, but that he's far from the only "problem" the Bills' offense had in New England. If I say things that make me sound like my knowledge of football is so much greater than yours, that should probably tell you something. Thanks for playing, now run along and fire up your copy of Madden.
  9. Has anyone ever told you that your life is begining to take on a certain Flintstone-esqe flair?
  10. Some of us might say "Happy Holidays" because it's all-inclusive. If someone doesn't celebrate the religious aspects of any specific holiday, they still recognize New Years Day. So, to all of you I say, "Happy Holidays!" Instead of worrying about what people say in a salutation, perhaps the more pious among you might want to focus your energies on those whole celebrate Christmas yet leave out the Christ part. IMO, that'd be a better way to "save" Christmas than worrying about what people call it.
  11. Play the running mini-game. After spending 30 minutes there, you should see your running in games improve greatly.
  12. No argument there KOK. My post was more in response to reading so much into his words. I hope he proves to be a stud-QB, but I can't help but think that some of us are getting a liitle ahead of ourselves here.
  13. I'll mention to the Pres. of our Backers Club on Sunday. She's pretty friendly with Denny Lynch and could probably get him to do a mass email to all club presidents.
  14. As I said, to each his own. And no, I'm in no way implying that SDJ doesn't have the right to criticize. I'm not sure where you're getting that from. I just find the impassioned line about freedom followed by telling someone to shut up because he doesn't like what's said to be ironic. It's o'kay if you don't, it's really no big deal.
  15. The sweeping "give their blood for freedom" line immediatley followed by what amounts to telling someone to shut the fugg up for freely expressing their opinion doesn't seem the least bit ironic to you? To each his own.
  16. How many thousands of years ago was the Inquisition? How about the Salem Witch Trials? And I'm sorry to break it to you, anyone who has studied 20th century European history cannot deny the fact that the Germans were predominantly Christian also. In fact, they felt they had a mandate from God to eliminate all of the "unpure races." Or perhaps you just forgot about that whole Holy Roman Empire thingy. But either way, Germans were Christians. Now if you meant they weren't "good" Christians, I'd argue that the terrorists killing in the name of their god aren't "good" Muslims. Like those I listed above, the terrorists use their god to brainwash themselves and the masses that their actions are justifiable and appropriate. It's nothing new throughout history, but as a history major, I'm sure you already knew that.
  17. I dunno - Lack of big plays in big games maybe? EDIT: I like him as a person based on my limited experience with him. I think he's a wonderfully talented player and quite possibly the most exciting single player in the NFL. But he does have that rep around here, all you have to do is read the paper or listen to sportstalk radio to hear it. If you can think of an instance where he came through with a big play to win a big game, I'll gladly defend him whenever I hear somebody saying it. The problem is that after his high school career, I'm not aware of him doing it.
  18. Actually I ran into him at a Wachovia in Hampton. Really nice guy. We had a 4-6 minute chat while in line (suprisingly, only one other person recognized him), mostly about his cousin (Aaron Brooks) and his charity event scheduled for the following week. He's a really cool guy, and I'm a fan of his. But unless you're playing Buffalo in New England, everytime your D holds the opponent to 7 points, you should win. Vick didn't win that game, his D did. And that takes us back to my original post in this thread. He has a rep for not being able to make the big play in a big game.
  19. I never said he sucks, did I? You don't have to agree, but in this area (his hometown), he has a reputation for not pulling out the W's in big games. BTW: I live in VA Tech country so I saw more than a couple of their games, and most here believed the Tech D was among the best in the country, and their special teams was the best in the country.
  20. He also said it's "time to take thing this seriously, and you go in and just hope you don't screw up." My question would be why he wasn't taking this seriously to begin with? Since we're reading so much into his words this evening, I'd say that's hardly the attitude of an NFL star.
  21. Wow. The Falcons D held the Packers to 7 points. Super. While I probably wasn't clear in my point, the guy has a well-deserved reputation for falling flat when his team needs him to make the big play in big games. He really hasn't made big plays in big games when his team needed him since he was in high school.
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