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Posts posted by Campy

  1. As alluring as Monday Quarterback Club meetings at The Polk-A-Dot sounds, no way in bloody hell will the new stadium be be built in Batavia.


    As they are playing up the Ontario angle, moving it farther away from the border makes zero sense. Personally, I'd like to see it downtown provided parking and tailgating options were well thought out. The tailgate scene at urban stadiums I've been to is pretty bad.

  2. I think Nix was better, as far as, free flowing thoughts coming out seamlessly. Granted, he was tough to listen to for us northerners. What you're probably referring to is his drawl or his dialect, which is different from what I'm talking about.


    I've lived in South Eastern Virginia right near the North Carolina line for almost half my life. It's not his accent I am referring to.

  3. I've noticed in many interviews Whaley tends to stutter when trying to get his words out. I've talked about this in the shout box and one other TBD'er thought the same thing. Does anyone know if he had a speech impetiment when he was younger and is still dealing with it now? Seems at times he misuses words too. Can't think of any specific examples at this time, but I've definetly noticed before.


    This is not to bash Whaley. I love what he's done with the team and I think he's very intelligent. It's just at times he doesnt sound quite as intelligent due to a possible speech impetiment. Just curious to see if anyone else out there had noticed or could shed some light as to if he has had an impetiment or if its just jitters in front of the camera or what have you.


    Everybody stammers occasionally - especially when speaking off the cuff (like to reporters) - but I haven't noticed anything out of the norm.


    In fact, I think he's more articulate than his predecessor. To me, Whaley sounds like he has his isht together.

  4. I am curious. Since you claim to use 15 years of data. Can you calculate the accuracy of your analytic s each draft. Similar to the projection of your front page and projection. So if you have 15 years worth of data, can we see a side by side comparison of pre-draft projection of skill, and actual career.


    I want to believe in analytics, and these numbers. I just want to see the accuracy of the algorithms you have created, not just cross comparison of athletes, but overall career accuracy of each player you have collected data on. Does this exist?


    I am not with with others in terms of saying Aaron Williams is our starter and played well this year, so he must be a better player than you project. Only time will tell if that is the truth. The Bills have been playing backups as starters for years. Also, no surprise that McKelvin is tested higher than Gilmore. With any ball skills what so ever he would be better than Gilmore all day. He is the better athlete. Locate the damn ball Leodis!!!


    He didn't create or write it, he just shared the link.



    My biggest issue with this is that it's scope is so limited. Broad jump, high jump, 40 time, etc play a role in measuring a player's athleticism but I don't think they are the be-all end-all measurements that the author seems to assume.


    As mentioned upthread, some of the ratings for backup through pro bowler seem far enough off that I think it pretty much renders this particular set of analytics moot.

  5. This sentence is where my argument is pointing. I think we are on our way to this happening. We aren't getting better as a society we're just changing what is tolerable. In my parents day if you supported people being gay you were ostracized, today it's shifting in the other direction. Christians are feeling their rights are being stripped on a daily basis but people like you don't care because the shift is happening towards your point of view. We aren't becoming more tolerant we're changing what's tolerated. Before you use the "poor you" card again, understand that this is something that we're fully aware would happen based on the scriptures. I'm merely pointing out that it's here.


    Please elaborate.

  6. It's definitely worth a listen because Whaley touched on quite a bit more than Stevie and Byrd. including the draft, EJ, Bryce Brown, the goal this season, etc.


    Yep. It's only 13.5 minutes long and well worth a listen because they covered a lot of ground.


    The follow up question was really good imho and revealed the real situation. Parker blackmailed/threatened them with another holdout. That considered plus the value they had him at and not seeing a solution the let him walk. I still think it send the wrong message towards future FA's. Then again it seems like it was a loss-loss situation for us. Guess Byrd really just wanted out.


    I'm not saying he didn't say that - it is possible I missed it - but I only recall him saying he won't discuss negotiations in the media.

  7. Can someone paraphrase what Whaley said about SJ and Byrd?



    Byrd - The team assigns grades and value to all players on the roster. Byrd is a very good player but he thought his value was higher than the team did. In fact, they paid Byrd more last year using the tag than they thought he was worth. Since the valuation and compensation were out of whack and because of the drama it would have brought to their off/pre season programs, they chose not to tag him.


    Johnson - Before the draft, the Bills reached out to all teams to get a feel for their needs and the positions where they're deep (and vice-versa). After picking Sammy, the Niners were well aware the Bills were (too) deep at WR and asked about Stevie. Stevie's a good WR who did a lot of good on the field and in the community, but when they weighed his production against the offer the Niners made, they made the deal because it was right in line with how the valued him and what they would need to get for him. Thanks to Stevie for everything and what player wouldn't want to go home and play for his hometown team? It was win-win.

  8. Its called freedom of speech. You dont have to like gay people or root for them in their endeavors. Personally i find it disgusting. But thats just my opinion. I dont believe NFL network should have showed him kissing his boyfriend. I found it quite offensive personally. But again thats my opinion and i am entitled to it. I dont hate gay people or Michael Sam. I just dont agree with his lifestyle or the media's insistence on making this a big story.


    Is it okay for a straight player to kiss his girlfriend on camera when he's selected?

    What is dis



    What do you find disgusting ? I don't get it.

    It is a big story because of people like you. You would have gay people not express themselves or live openly.


    I think we all can agree on having no good use for pottery


    It didn't bother me but if he's not comfortable with it for whatever reason, shouldn't that be okay?


    In a free country where people are allowed to speak the language they want, to worship (or not) the god they want, and live the lifestyle they feel is best for them, others are allowed to disapprove.


    IMO, it only crosses a line when people are not tolerant and respectful of those of whom they disapprove. And telling him that people like him are the reason it's a big deal is as disingenuous as it is disrespectful.

  9. How do you figure? Johnson had more yards, and tds with less games played. I won't argue that Woods might have more upside, but statistically Johnson was better last year despite playing through injuries.


    Woods had 12 fewer catches, had the same number of TDs, and averaged 3 more yards per reception. He's better than Stevie Johnson, period.


    I'm not a Stevie hater (although I hated his drops and stupid celebration penalties), but it's time to move on and go with players who are better.

  10. So that's where the logical discussion of this move is taking place.


    Reading some of the comments on here is making my head hurt.


    He's an excellent player that we got rid of for basically nothing. This is an unbelievably stupid move and typical of the mouthbreathing crowd to be happy about it.


    We are the laughing stock of the league yet again.


    Stevie Johnson has been a good player. Excellent? Not hardly.


    And perhaps the mouthbreathers are the people who are unable to assess a nuanced situation and instead go with the a knee jerk reaction. Consider:

    • Stevie Johnson has been hurt every year for what, 2, 3, 4 years? I've lost track.
    • Mike Williams and Stevie have virtually identical numbers, plus Williams is younger and cheaper.
    • Woods has the makings of being a solid WR.
    • Goodwin is a burner who can actually catch the ball.
    • Watkins might end up being one of the best WRs in franchise history before it's all over.
    • Hogan and Easley contribute on special teams, Stevie does not.
    • As of this morning, Stevie was ony the 3rd or 4th best WR on the team and became expendable.
    • It's doubtful Stevie's 2014 production could justify his contract.
    • Stevie's getting older and it was smart to get value for him.
    • Given the Ravens got a 6th for Boldin, a 4th/3rd conditional is a great move.

  11. The Bills gave up a 1st and 4th in next years draft to get Sammy Watkins. They thought enough of this kid to give up that much! I believe the Bills think this kid is that much of a game changer that he is the final piece of the offensive puzzle to compete with teams like New England and Denver.


    Mike Mayock even went on record saying: "If you can't stop them...outscore them" (a credit to the draftee, but also an obvious jab at our defense w/o Byrd). Trading Stevie Johnson would absolutely defeat the purpose of this trade and subsequent pick. Watkins was added also due to the fact that Stevie was essentially the only credible WR the team had. He faced double teams far too often.


    I never really thought Stevie was as good as he or a lot of fans thought he was, but he is valuable and to me, trading him offsets everything the Bills just did. I think Stevie stays, but it'll be quite intriguing to see who Marrone lists as the "#1 receiver...



  12. You're not concerned that he had a slump after finding success and also got arrested?


    On GR this morning he said (paraphrasing) that after having some success he got cocky and lazy. He stopped doing the things that got him to where he was. After reflecting on it, he realized a couple of areas where he needed to focus to get back to where he wanted to be and credited that experience for making him the player and man he is today.


    So he messed up, learned from it, and grew. It's not atypical for 20 year old college kid. See: Alonso, Kiko.

  13. Oh come on now Campy, you and I BOTH know that Moulds was a HELL of a player. Remember that playoff game in Miami that Doug Flutie blew? He had what, 200 yards receiving in that game?


    I loved Eric Moulds. Guy was a stone-cold DB killer.


    No argument, I loved E Moulds - I still have his jersey hanging in my closet. I didn't mean it as much as a swipe at Moulds and more of a compliment to Watkins.


    If the "experts" are wrong on half of what they say about him, Watkins could end up being the top WR in franchise history.


    Even Kiper said he was the best WR he's seen in 36 years of scouting players. Not one of the best, the best. That's a statement almost as bold as Whaley's trade and pick.

  14. I would say it is the combination of a thin skinned coach loyal to yes men unqualified coordinators and wary of position coaches that have their own mind that landed us Watkins. Stevie is an excellent receiver who is not a robot and our coach can only handle robots.


    Due to age and contract Stevie can't have much pick value in a trade but those are just factors, not causes to the situation. Don't get me wrong, I think Watkins can be great and I like him. I hope he lasts longer than Greggo Marrone.


    I would like for the Bills to keep Stevie but don't think they will.


    I've read a lot baseless and unfounded posts over the years. This is certainly one of them.

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